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A. Background
English itself continues to experience growth over time,, an outline of the
English experience three stages. The stages of the history of the English language is
what will be discussed, the following explanation:

1. English Ancient
As already mentioned before that the English language was born as a result of
the alternation of the nations who colonized the United Kingdom / english. Precisely
English predominantly influenced by the Nation Angglo and Saxon in the V century.
Ancient English language known as Old English and examples of Old English
language form like this "maigpum Monegum meodostla ofteah, egsode eorlas". well
that's a glimpse of footage of the English forms of ancient / old english . English
Puraba Very unique and very different from English that exist today. Vocabulary is
influenced by old english is as follows: man, women, child, eyes, nose, house, drink,
eat, sleep, play, walk, love, go, etc. While the end of Old English language is
precisely at the time of Norman Frenc who use French in the XI century.

2. English Era Medium

Middle English Spoken century range from 11 to 14.5 M which at that time
was in the Great Britain and France invaded Nations including Iggris existing
language was greatly influenced Francis language. The forms of language vocabulary
affected following Francis "mutton, beef, veal, alliance, city,
iterature,attorney,age, dance, etc. ". Along the expiration Norman nation French then
ended the English middle / middle English is. After this period came the English used

3. Modern English (starting from 1450 AD)

As explained in the earlier discussion of middle english, after the end of the
colonial era Nations Norman French it gives birth to modern English. The days of
pre-birth of modern English. English suffered a massive overhaul and English today
began the Greek and Latin, for example, English-influenced Greek as follows:
"Drama, dilemma, android, alphabet, etc.". and influenced Latin following "album,
alibi, antenna, bonuses, climax, etc.". and the English language continues to
experience growth / dynamic.

B. Problem Statement

a) Learning English in Indonesia

b) Development of learning English.

c) Inhibiting factors in learning English.

d) Method of learning English.

e) Overcoming problems in learning English




English is an international language. In each country, the English language has

a different position. Its position can be the mother tongue, first language, second
language, or a foreign language. In Indonesia alone, the position of English is a
foreign language. English is not used in everyday life but only as proof of a
person's achievement in a particular field of competence. For example, English is
one of the subjects tested in the national examination, college courses and are
included in admission examinations of employees in companies.

Of course, foreign language learning is different from other language learning.

In general, there are two different patterns in teaching English in Indonesia. The
first pattern aims to make students able to do certain tests, while the second
pattern aims to make students able to communicate in English fluently. Learning
English starts from junior high school to high school with the allocation of time of
4 hours of lessons a week which basically has the aim of making students master
the four language skills; listening speaking, reading. and writing.


English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language. The term

'foreign language' in the field of language teaching different from the 'second
language'. Foreign language is a language that is not used as a means of
communication in certain countries where the language is taught. While a second
language is a language that is not the main language, but became one of the
languages commonly used in the country.

For example, in Singapore English is a second language. The mass media,

communication, and discussion in the country often use English.
While foreign languages are usually taught as a subject in schools with the aim of
communicating basic and master the four language skills (listening, reading,

writing, speaking) in that language within certain limits. In Indonesia, the policy
of teaching English as a foreign language change over time and change of policy
that most influenced the economic and political. For more details, let us learn the
history of English in Indonesia.

Dutch era
During the war with the Dutch, English is taught in MULO (Meer Uitgebreid
Lager Onderwijs) which is equivalent to SMP and AMS (the General Middlebare
School) which is equivalent to high school. At this time, in addition to Dutch
children, only certain indigenous people who are able and permitted to attend
school in MULO and AMS. Most ordinary indigenous children to school only at
the primary level present. These conditions also influence the teaching of English.
In addition to supporting components, there is also a component of the
inhibitors. Barriers that could come from the teachers themselves, of learners,
family environment, or because the facility factor (Nawawi, 1989: 130).

a). Teacher
The teacher as an educator, of course, he also has many drawbacks. Deficiencies
that can cause inhibition of creativity in the teachers themselves. Among them are:

1).Type of teacher leadership

Type of teacher leadership in teaching and learning that is authoritarian and
less democratic will lead to a passive attitude of learners. The attitude of the
students is a source of classroom management problems. (Spiritual and Ahmadi,
1991: 151). Students just sit neatly listen and try to understand the rules given
lessons without teachers are given the opportunity to take the initiative and
develop the creativity and power of reason (Masnur et al, 1987: 109).

2). The teacher monotonous style

Style monotonous teacher will lead to boredom for students, either in the form
when explaining the lesson or action. Speech teachers can affect the motivation of

3). Personality teachers
A teacher who works, expected to be warm, fair, objective and is flexible so
that nurtured the emotional atmosphere of fun in the learning process. It means
that the teacher creates an intimate setting with students to always show
enthusiasm to the task as well as the creativity of all the students indiscriminately.

4). Knowledge of teachers

Limited knowledge of teachers is mainly a problem of management and
management approaches, both theoretical and practical experience nature, of
course, will hamper the embodiment of classroom management as well as
possible. Therefore, the knowledge of teachers about classroom management
indispensable (Wijaya and Rusyan, 1994: 136).

5. Limited teachers the opportunity to understand the behavior of learners and

Limited opportunities for teachers to understand the behavior of learners and
the background can be caused due to lack of teachers to deliberately attempt to
understand the learners and their backgrounds. Because management learning
center should be tailored to the interests, concerns and talents of the students, the
students understand the lesson fast, average and slow require special management
according to ability. All members of the above instructions to teachers in teaching
and learning that takes an initial understanding of the differences of students with
one another (Wijaya and Rusyan, 1994: 136).

b. Learners
Learners in the class can be considered as an individual in a small community
that is class and school. They must know their rights as part of a whole society in
addition they also have to know his duty, and must respect the rights of others
and classmates. Therefore, we need a heightened awareness of learners' rights
and obligations in following the teaching and learning activities.

c. Family
The behavior of learners in the classroom is a reflection of the state of the
family. Authoritarian attitude of the parents will be reflected in the behavior of

learners aggressive and apathetic. Classic problem faced by teachers was a lot of that
comes from the family environment. Bad habits of the family environment as
undisciplined, disobedient to discipline, freedom of excessive or unduly restrictive is
the background that led to learners in the classroom violated.

d. Facilities
The existing facilities is an important factor to maximize the efforts of
teachers program, the complete lack of facilities which will be significant obstacles
for a teacher in the activity. These constraints are:
• The number of learners in the classroom very much
• Large or small a classroom that is not proportional to the amount of Siwa
• Limitations of the tool supporting subjects (Spiritual and Ahmadi, 1992: 152-154).

D. Method of Learning English

The method of learning English Guanakan the method of direct (Direct
Method). Direct means directly. Direct method or direct model is a way
mengajikan foreign language subject matter in which the teacher directly using the
foreign language as the language of instruction, and without the use of language
students in the slightest in teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to
understand by the students, the teacher can interpret by using props,
mendemontstrasikan, describe and others.

This method rests on the understanding that the teaching of foreign languages
is not the same as teaching the exact sciences. If teaching science, students are
required to be able to memorize certain formulas, think, and remember, then in
language teaching, students / pupils are trained langsunng practice saying the
words or phrases specified. Even if the words or phrase initially still unfamiliar
and not understood protégé, but little by little words and sentences will be
pronounced and can also interpret it.
Similarly, if we look a mother teaches her children wet directly with teaching him,
led him to say the word by word, sentence by sentence and his son obeyed
although still terihat funny. For example, his mother taught "Father", the child
calls "Aah" and so on. But over time the child identify words and finally he
understood also means in principle the direct method (direct method) is very

major in teaching foreign languages, because through this method students can
directly train finesse tongue without using the mother tongue (language
environment) , Although at first seem difficult to menuirukannya protégé, but it is
interesting for the students.


There are some issues which, according to the students, holding them to
master English. These problems are:
a) The scarcity of teachers speaking in English in the classroom. It was
felt inhibits by students because according to them, they are so
unaccustomed to hear other people speak English.
b) Lessons are too focused on grammar (and not in conversation), but
students are rarely given direction on how and what the function of the
elements of grammar which they learned it.
Based on the results of questionnaires and the results of tests on
students, it appears that the average student to master the patterns of
English grammar (eg the structure of the simple present tense, etc.)
However, students do not know when these structures should be used
and how to apply in everyday life. It is very remarkable because of
English, as well as Indonesian, would be more useful if it can be used
and applied even though grammatically students are not too hang.
Does not mean that learning this grammar . not important, but essential
to the theories associated with everyday life.
c) The vocabulary taught is not very useful in everyday conversation.
Many students complained that the words given by the English
teachers at school too technical, for example regarding
industrialization, reforestation, and others, while the students still find
it difficult to interpret the words that are widely used in movies,
magazines, and internet sites in English. Even sometimes, the students
are very hapal terms English for politics (such as the Reformation,
globalization, etc.) but can not mention things they used to use
everyday English (eg piggy banks, ditches , etc). Some even say that
among students with vocabulary as learned in school the student may

not be able to start a conversation with a stranger using English. May
have a point, of course, we may not suddenly invite new people we
know to discuss industrialization.
d) The subject matter of English in junior high and high school students
are not sustainable stated that frequent repetition of material (such as
tenses) that has been taught in junior in high school level, but still
function and its application in everyday life is less clear.
So, as an English teacher, what can we do to overcome these
problems? Many of course, because it is recognized or not, gurulah in
control in teaching. What is clear, we should not only blame the
government (which makes curriculum) alone but would be better if we
introspect ourselves and better explore the potential for us to find a
more successful approach in teaching English to students at school.



English is an international language. In each country, the English language has a

different position. Its position can be the mother tongue, first language, second language, or a
foreign language. In Indonesia alone, the position of English is a foreign language. English is
not used in everyday life but only as proof of a person's achievement in a particular field of
competence. English itself continues to experience growth over time,, an outline of the
English experience three stages. The stages of the history of the English language is what will
be discussed.


Winataputra, Udin S. 2001 LEARNING ENGLISH. Open University, Jakarta.

Dodiswand.2012. Problem English In Classroom.

Hamdani. 2011. Method and Learning Strategies. Faithful Reader: Bandung.


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