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1)Kalp 8)kaslar 15) farenks/ gırtlak

2)bağırsaklar 9)akciğer 16) larenks/ ses borusu

3)İskelet 10)arterler 17) mide

4)Böbrekler 11) dalak 18) kemik iliği

5)sidik torbası/idrar 12)damar 19) karaciğer

13)safra kesesi
14) lenf düğümleri

lymph node . Any of the small, oval or round bodies, located along the lymphatic vessels
(lenf damarı), that supply lymphocytes (lenfositler) to the bloodstream (kan dolaşımı)
and remove bacteria and foreign particles (partiküller) from the lymph.
Which part of the body would you use to do these things?....

 Spit  Thump  Sneeze

 Slap  Grin  Tickle
 Kick  Smack  Scratch
 Squeeze  Shove  Rub
 Wink  Pinch  Nudge
 Munch  Sniff  cough

add a word to complete the sentences (the form may be changed where needed:

 İn the final seconds on the match, Tom _________ the ball into the net.
 Jane saw a man in a restaurant _________ on a enormous sandwich.
 Old woman are always __________ past others in queues.
 Black pepper always makes me __________.
 George is such a happy guy, he always has a _______ on his face.
 İ had an infection on my skin and i really wanted to __________ it but
the doctor told me not to.
 While Amy was sitting at the bar, a man came up to her and must have
said something wrong because she ________ him!
 My friend kept _________ me during the exam.
 My little sister always ________ me! İts so annoying and i always have
small bruises on my arms after.
 i have got such a sore throat! İ keep on _________ all the time.
 İ had something in my eye and kept blinking but the man across from me
thought i was _________ at him!
 Sarah has had a cold for almost over a week now, her nose is runny and
she keeps on ____________.
 İ couldnt reach my back so i asked my friend to _____ in my sun lotion
for me.
 Bob got so angry he _________ his hands into a fist.
 Footballers are so dirty. They always _____ on the ground when they
 My little brother was so upset when he came home from school yesterday
so i __________ his feet to make him laugh and feel better.

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