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Pediatrics and Neonatology (2014) 55, 77

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Etiology and Outcome of Hydrops Fetalis

The term hydrops fetalis (HF) describes generalized sub- than 34 weeks and serum albumin concentration lower than
cutaneous edema in the fetus or neonate, characterized by 2 g/dL were two poor prognostic factors for survival. Takci
a generalized skin thickness of >5 mm. It is usually et al3 found that the presence of two or more serous cavity
accompanied by ascites and often by pleural and/or peri- effusions and low gestational age were independently
cardial effusion. Generally, there are two categories of HF: associated with the risk of mortality.
isoimmume and nonimmune. HF that develops in the pres-
ence of maternal antibodyefetal antigen-mediated red Jia-Yuh Chen
blood cell hemolysis is referred to as isoimmune hydrop Department of Pediatrics, Chung Shan Medical University
fetalis (IHF). HF that develops in the absence of maternal Hospital, Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical
antibodyefetal antigen-mediated red blood cell hemolysis University, Number 110, Section 1,
is classified as nonimmune hydrops fetalis (NIHF). The Chien-Kuo North Road, Taichung, Taiwan
incidence of IHF has markedly declined after the use of
anti-D gammaglobubin prophylaxis. At present, NIHF ac- E-mail address:
counts for 85e90% of HF cases.1,2 Despite the recent im-
provements in perinatal care, however, 45.2% of HF cases Oct 20, 2013
had IHF in Turkey.3
Various possibilities in the pathophysiology of NIHF
include disorders leading to congestive heart failure, dis-
orders characterized by decreased plasma osmotic pressure
1. Huang HR, Tsay PK, Chiang MC, Lien R, Chou YH. Prognostic
and increased capillary permeability, and disorders with
factors and clinical features in liveborn neonates with hydrops
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water transport between the capillary plasma and extra- 2. Ismail KM, Martin WL, Ghosh S, Whittle MJ, Kilby MD. Etiology
vascular tissues.4 Bellini et al4 performed a systemic review and outcome of hydrops fetalis. J Matern Fetal Med 2001;10:
of 6361 patients with NIHF. They classified the various 175e81.
causes of NIHF into groups of disorders: cardiovascular 3. Takci S, Gharibzadeh M, Yurdakok M, Ozyuncu O, Korkmaz A,
(21.7%), hematologic (10.4%), chromosomal (13.4%), syn- Akcoren Z, et al. Etiology and outcome of hydrops fetalis:
drome (4.4%), lymphatic dysplasia (5.7%), inborn errors of report of 62 cases. Pediatr Neonatol 2014;55:108e13.
metabolism (1.1%), infection (6.7%), thoracic (6.0%), uri- 4. Bellini C, Hennekam RC, Fulcheri E, Rutigliani M, Morcaldi G,
Boccardo F, et al. Etiology of nonimmune hydrops fetalis: a
nary tract malformation (2.3%), extra thoracic tumors
systematic review. Am J Med Genet Part A 2009;149A:844e51.
(0.7%), twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome-placental (5.6%),
5. Santo S, Mansour S, Thilaganathan B, Homfray T,
gastrointestinal (0.5%), miscellaneous (3.7%), and idio- Papageorghiou A, Calvert S, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of non-
pathic (17.8%).4 immune hydrops fetalis: what do we tell the parents? Prenat
Despite the advances in diagnosis and management, Diagn 2011;31:186e95.
NIHF still has a high mortality rate (40e50%).1,3,5,6 Huang 6. Fukushima K, Morokuma S, Fujita Y, Tsukimori K, Satoh S,
et al1 found that HF resulting from lymphatic malformation Ochiai M, et al. Short-term and long-term outcomes of 214 cases
had a favorable outcome; however, preterm birth at less of non-immune hydrops fetalis. Early Hum Dev 2011;87:571e5.

1875-9572/$36 Copyright ª 2013, Taiwan Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.

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