Digital Offering Prashant PDF

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Prashant Kumar

(Digital Consultant)
+91 7798621625

SEO and Pay Per Click

Search Engine Optimization or SEO works for one and one thing only - to eliminate the
darkness of anonymity and bring your brand in light of wide acknowledge and appreciate. It
works on a varied proportion of creative content and innovative technologies. The process
also needs an in-depth analysis of your industry, optimum keywords, and constant flow of
trendy content that will put you on top in search results. Our cluster of services includes
keyword research in a strategic manner, off-site and on-site optimization, content generation
and syndication followed by performance optimization.

Web Development

Your website is more like your ambassador for all those distant and close buyers that visit
your site. So, by all means, you would want to make it count. We offer a complete package
when it comes to web development services. The range goes from conceptualization to
designing, building, delivery, as well as maintenance for all web portals. We excel in creating
websites as well as optimize those for UX, UI, and SEO. Our package includes services like
website development, e-commerce development, portal & intranet development, custom web
development, responsive web development, website support, website security, etc.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media widens communication channel between seller and buyers on an emotional
and personal level. It has huge potential to grant a leading position to your brand where you
and your consumer become one voice on a common platform. At Adversify, we employ a
diverse palette of services that include social media strategizing, the establishment of a
social platform, content calendar creation, contest designing & deployment, community
moderation, initiatives, campaigns, A/B testing, scaling and rectification. All these things
work on different levels for one single purpose - to reinforce and elevate your relationship
with end users.

Content Development

If you need someone to pen down your words in the most creative manner then you’re at the
right place. We have writers who are well aware of the dynamics and verticals of various
industries, i.e. we can create content that relates directly to your brand identity. So, you need
not to feel nervous if you haven’t figured out that voice yet. The content produced by our
team is backed by thorough research and consistent study of markets. Apart from writers,
the process also includes inputs from research analysts and SEO teams. You can always
reach out to us for SEO optimized content, email marketing content, editing, proofreading,
PR, article & blog copywriting, branding content, web and social media content, product
descriptions, storytelling, and creative writing

Clients Served - QED Baton, Witty Pen, Sankalp Computers, Rayna Tours, Our Health Mate,
Ambassador Hotel Group, etc.

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