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What is a Chronological Resume?

A chronological resume is the most commonly used resume format among job seekers. Also referred to
as a reverse-chronological format, this style is what most people traditionally think of when they hear the
word “resume.” This resume style gets its name from the way the Professional Experience section lists a
candidate’s past jobs in a reverse-chronological order.

Most veteran HRs favor chronological resumes over other resume formats.

The reason this format is preferred by the majority of job seekers is that it accommodates all industries
and levels of experience. Since the chronological style is so conventional, most veteran HRs also favor it
over other formats. Since its work experience is listed chronologically, this format is really nice for those
who want to demonstrate a vertical career progression.

The only reasons why this format might not work for you is if you have work history gaps or frequently change
jobs. These are two issues that a chronological resume does a poor job of masking and that employers don’t want to
see. Other than that, choosing the chronological format is often a safe bet for job seekers.

The Order of a Reverse-Chronological Resume

1. Contact Information

When it comes to writing a resume, this section is as straightforward as it gets. Here are the essentials:
Name, address, E-mail, and phone number. If you want to go above and beyond, then try adding a link to
your personal website (if it’s professional) or your LinkedIn profile.

2. Resume Introduction

A chronological format allows you to choose between three resume introductions: Career Objective,
Professional Profile, and Qualifications Summary. Each introduction comes with it’s own advantages and
disadvantages based on the type of job seeker you are. For instance, a Qualifications Summary is great for
an applicant with a wealth of skills and abilities, which means it’s helpful to experienced candidates, but not
ideal for recent college grads.
Writing a Resume Introduction
The flow chart above has already broken down the three styles and provided examples of how they differ
from one another. Now let’s delve a little deeper into how you can adapt the intro to effectively promote
your experience and skills.

Find your introduction below:

 Career Objective Tips

 Qualifications Summary Tips
 Professional Profile Tips

Career Objective Tips

Career objectives, also commonly referred to as resume objectives, are great for those who are just entering
the workforce or who only have 1-2 years of experience under their belt. A career objective consists of three
basic parts. They include:

 Years of work/internship experience and the job duties performed

 The major qualities, skills, or abilities that you will apply to the specific position to meet the
company’s goals (Note: you must be able to prove these skills in the professional experience
 Relevant degrees, licenses, and certificates you hold

When you combine the three points above, you establish a solid argument for why you deserve to a
position over the competition.
Your resume looks decent, but some making just a few changes would make it look more professional and increase
your chances of getting interviewed.

1. Change the intro

Firstly, change the title of your “Objective” section to “Professional Profile”, “Career Summary”, or
“Qualifications Summary”. It doesn’t matter which one. Objectives are viewed as outdated.

The content of that introduction section will also need to change. What you’ve written — “To search for a
position that will allow me to improve my current programming” won’t inspire anyone to interview or hire
you. After all, everyone applying to those positions wants that. So how can you stand out?

Tell the company why you would make a good fit for the job opening you’re applying for. It seems like
you’ve got a lot of relevant skills to offer as a software engineer. How many positions are you applying for?
Do these positions emphasize having familiarity with the same programming languages and scripting, or
different ones?

Target your Professional Profile to reflect how you’ll fill the requirements needed to succeed and excel at
the job. Don’t talk about the benefits that you’ll get by being hired.

2. Education comes next

Since you’re currently in school, your education section is more relevant than your professional
experience (which currently only consists of volunteer work.)

Your education section looks great otherwise.

3. Next, volunteer experience

Your bullet points are phrased a bit awkwardly. Ideally you’d list more than one responsibility (you have it
labeled “responsibilities”).

Maybe be more specific about how you assisted Year 7 students. Begin your bullet points with action
verbs. “Tutored struggling Year 7 students in algebra and reading comprehension” would be better and
more specific, for example.

Instead of listing your skills gained, try to develop bullet points that convey how your communication
skills improved, and how you demonstrated leadership skills.

4. Change “communication & teamwork” section to “Projects”

Writing a resume without much work experience is tough, so I understand the impulse to create this section.

First, rename it to “Projects”. Next create subheadings denoting individual projects you worked on (go for
the major ones you’ve accomplished so far.)

Under those subheadings, create bullet points reflecting tasks that prove your communication and teamwork
abilities, and also your skills.

Remove the part about struggling with a team programming task. At least rework it to sound more positive.
Try to frame it in terms of working together to solve complex problems, rather than being given a helping

5. Skills: The harder, the better

Right now, your skills section is filled with “soft” skills like teamwork, communication ability, keenness to
learn, etc.

As a software engineer, your hard skills are most important. (It’s best to prove that you have soft skills in the
bullet points of your Professional Experience / Projects section. They’re more convincing that way.)

Although you listed your skills at the top of your resume in your Professional Profile, I would re-list them. If
your resume is read by an Applicant Tracking System (resume reading software), having more relevant
skills keywords on your resume will give you a higher chance of getting through the robotic guardian.

6. Get rid of “References Available Upon Request”

This section is not necessary and considered unprofessional to include.

Action verbs

 Acquired  Demonstrated  Granted  Recovered

 Acted  Depreciated  Improved  Recruited
 Activated  Described  Improvised  Serviced
 Actuated  Enabled  Inaugurated  Settled
 Adapted  Encouraged  Indoctrinated  Shaped
 Broadened  Endorsed  Liquidated  Shortened
 Challenged  Enforced  Litigated  Tested
 Chaired  Engaged  Mapped  Testified
 Charted  Fit  Marketed  Tightened
 Circulated  Focused  Operated  Upgraded
 Clarified  Forecasted  Performed  Widened
 Delegated  Formalized  Perceived  Witnessed
 Delivered  Governed  Recorded  Won

Organizational Action Verbs

Accumulate Divert Merge Reorganize

Align Divide Officiate Reposition

Allocate Document Organize Research

Arrange File Outline Restructure

Assemble Filter Package Revamp

Associate Formalize Place Route

Budget Form Plan Schedule

Catalog Gather Prepare Separate

Categorize Group Preserve Set

Centralize Index Process Situate

Channel Individualize Qualify Sort

Chart Integrate Rank Splice

Classify Label Rate Standardize

Collect List Rearrange Straighten

Compile Localize Reconcile Streamline

Condense Log Record Structure

Consolidate Map Register Subdivide

Distribute Match Remodel Systematize

Technical Action Verbs

Activate Construct Install Realign

Actuate Convert Interface Regulate

Augment Debug Interpolate Rehabilitate

Automate Deploy Liquidate Synthesize

Build Download Litigate troubleshoot

Calibrate Engineer Mechanize Upgrade

Code Equip Operate Upload

Compute Import Program X-ray

Leadership Verbs
Act Coach Enforce Mobilize

add Comfort Enlighten Name

adhere Command Enlist Navigate

advance Commissioned Facilitate Orchestrate

advise Coordinate Govern Order

Aid Decentralize Head Oversee

Appoint Decide Hire Penalize

Appraise Delegate Host Pilot

Approve Demonstrate Institute Preside

Arbitrate Designate Instruct Run

Assign Direct Intervene Recruit

Authorize Edify Lead Sponsor

Chair Educate Manage Supervise

Champion Employ Mentor Train

Teamwork Action Words

accompany Convince Foster Motivate

abstract Cooperate Guide Participate

acquire Cultivate Help Resolve

Assist Debate Impart Settle

Attend Defend Inspire Share

Collaborate Elect Instill Staff

Collate Enable Interact Suggest

Conciliate Encourage Involve Support

Confront Join Unify

Contribute Meet Unite

Analytical/Critical Thinking Action Verbs

abstract Detail Hone Project

acquire Detect Identify Prospect

analyze Determine Infer Prove

annotate Diagnose Inspect Quantify

Ascertain Discover Investigate Reconstruct

Assess Dissect Judge Refine

Attain Disseminate Locate Retrieve

Audit Distinguish Magnify Review

Breakdown Elicit Measure Scan

Calculate Enumerate Monitor Scrutinize

Correct Estimate Observe Shorten

Correlate Evaluate Obtain Subtract

Count Examine Perfect Tabulate

Criticize Extract Pinpoint Total

Critique Extrapolate Prescribe Track

Deduce Gauge Prioritize triangulate

Derive Graph Procure zero in


Creative Thinking Verbs

Alter Craft Formulate Question

Amend Create Hypothesize Realize

Apply Customize Illustrate Reason

Balance Define Imagine Recreate

Brainstorm Design Innovate Renew

Compare Develop Invent Revolutionize

Compose Devise Methodize Shape

Conceive Diagram Model Sketch

Conceptualize Differentiate Mold Strategize

Conjure Envision Perceive Theorize

Contrast Explore Pioneer Validate

Contrive Fabricate Predict Visualize


Communication Action Words

address Correspond Listen Relay

Announce Counsel Lobby render

Answer Deal with Mediate Renegotiate

Articulate Describe Moderate Report

Ask Disclose Narrate Respond

Attract Discuss Negotiate Rewrite

Author Display Notify Script

Blog Draft Paraphrase Show

Brief Edit Persuade Signify

Circulate Exchange Present Speak

Co-author Explain Proofread Specify

Cold call Express Propose State

Communicate Greet Publicize Submit

Confer Influence Publish Summarize

Consult Inform Quote Transcribe

Contact Inquire Read Translate

Contract Interpret Recite Transmit

Convene Interview Recommend Verbalize

Convey Introduce Refer write

Initiative Action Verbs

accelerate Enact Learn Regain

accomplish Enhance Leverage Reinforce

achieve Ensure Maintain Responsible For

Aim Establish Master Retain

amplify Execute Mastermind Secure

Anticipate Exhibit Maximize Shatter

Assume Expedite Mitigate Sharpen

Avert Finalize Modernize Shield

Battle Fine-tune Negate Spearhead

Capitalize Fix Neutralize Specialize

Carry out Forecast Normalize Start

Challenge Fortify Nullify Stimulate

Check Fulfill Obliterate Succeed

Commit Further Officiate Surpass

Compete Gain Optimize Target

Dedicate Handle Overhaul Terminate

Deliver Heighten Polish Trap

Demolish Hunt Prevent Uncover

Devote Implement Probe Undertake

Earn Impose Propel Unveil

Effect Improve Protect Verify

Eliminate Increase Raise Vitalize

Embark Initiate Reach Volunteer

Emphasize Launch Reduce whittle



Adaptability Verbs
acclimate Defer Incorporate Revise

accommodate Diversify Justify Simplify

adjust Endure Manipulate Simulate

adopt Experiment Modify Transform

Broaden Familiarize Outsource Transition

Change Focus Overcome Uphold

Clarify Generalize Reshape Utilize


Miscellaneous Action Words

advertise Dispense Open Sew

advocate Dramatize Orient Shear

Alleviate Draw Paint Shop

Award Drive Penetrate Siphon

Bargain Duplicate Perform sell

Begin Enlarge Photograph Solder

Blast Enrich Plant Solicit

Block Enter Play Spot

Bolster Entertain Practice Strengthen

Bombard eviscerate Print Study

Boost Exercise Produce Stun

Borrow Expand Promote Substitute

Breach Experience Provide Supply

Buy Extend Purchase Sustain

Canvass Finance Recall Teach

Capture Forge Receive Tend

Care Forward Recognize Tighten

Cater Find Rectify Time

Cause Frame Relate Tour

Charge Function Release Trace

Clear Fund Repair Trade

Close Furnish Repeat Transfer

Combine Generate Represent Transport

Commence Grade Reproduce transpose

Complete Gross Reserve travel

Conclude Halt Restore treat

Conduct Immunize Restrict trim

Confirm Insure Reveal triple

Connect Issue Revitalize Tutor

Conserve keep Safeguard Update

Consider Knock Sanction Use

Contain License Sand Value

Continue Lift Satisfy View

Control Lighten Save Visit

Copy Load Scope Wage

Cut Lubricate Scrape Wax

Decrease Manufacture Screen weigh

Depict Market Sculpt weld

Depreciate Minimize Seal widen

Deteriorate Nail Seize withdraw

Diminish Net Select witness

Discharge Nurse Serve yield

Dispatch Nurture Service zone off

Action verbs are verbs that describe the action used to achieve a result. Using these at the beginning
of bullet points will make it overwhelmingly clear to any HR the objective and task that was
undertaken and how it was achieved.

Researched stock and mutual fund reports while updating client portfolios.

This point could easily be improved by saying:

Update 10 client portfolios on a daily basis with well organized stock and mutual fund research.

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