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Sarah Merrill

LIS 6455 - Spring 2019

Mission and Vision Statements
Bayside High School

For this assignment, I chose to revise the mission and vision statements of the media center at
Bayside High School, using the current statements provided by the librarian.

Current Mission Statement:

“The mission of the Bayside High School Media Center is to ensure that students are efficient
users of information, literature, and ideas.”

Current Vision Statement:

“Bayside High School’s students are self-sufficient and responsible members of the community
who are efficient, creative users of diverse information and technology resources.”

Revised Media Center Mission Statement:

“The mission of the Bayside High School Media Center is to encourage students to be creative
and efficient users of information, literature, and media by providing them with an energizing,
safe learning space and a wealth of diverse yet individualized resources.”

Revised Media Center Vision Statement:

“Bayside High School’s students are engaged, resourceful members of the community who
creatively and effectively utilize diverse information and technology resources.”

I found it quite challenging to revise these statements, because, upon reflection, the current
statements are fairly accurate to the school and district’s educational goals. I added the word
“engaged” to the vision statement in order to emphasize the media center’s goal to give students
a stake in their education and make them excited about learning and discovering new ideas.
Additionally, I added “media” to the mission statement, to update it to focus on media and
technology. Bayside has a relatively small population, and the librarian also noted that their
collection varies depending on student interests and needs, so I made sure to highlight that the
media center focused on tailoring their resources to the needs of students.

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