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I believe schools should be a place where kids feel safe, loved, and learning.

Every child

is unique and needs to feel loved, and stimulated before they can learn. I remember teachers of

mine where I learned more in their classes because they listened to me and my feelings, worries,

and stresses, whether it was earning “Mustang Money” and getting to have lunch with Mrs.

Wariner in 3rd grade or whether it be the time in high school when I had all the teenage girl angst

and Mrs. Bateman had an open door policy in her office. If you needed anything, you named it

and she was ready to help.

Students each have something unique to offer a classroom. Students can often help each

other work through problems, emotions, and help one another express themselves. As they do

these things and help their peers do these as well they will learn to accept themselves. They also

learn to accept others and their differences without judgment. As we help students grow

emotionally, mentally, and physically then they can blossom intellectually.

I relate most to progressivism, teaching should be more than just lectures and

information. I taught preschool my senior year of high school and I know I learned a lot about

how far love can take you with kids, and how much learning each child’s “story” will help you

understand who they are and why they act the way they do. Students should be able to lead their

teaching. They should feel able to choose some of the subjects they learn about. They will then

be more interested in what they are learning and feel more excited about it.

I also relate to social reconstructionism, students should know about current social and

world problems and be able to take a stand. Students will help eliminate social injustices and

make a more equal and just world.

Students should be able to help each other, by doing so they are helping themselves learn

things. They should be learning emotional control and know they are loved no matter what is

happening at home. Students should learn love and to accept themselves and others. They should

be able to take a stand whether they know they are taking a stand or not. They should be able to

feel okay being unique and able to develop who they are. Those are the teachers I felt I learned

most with.

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