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The objective of the participants is to design a MUSEUM SECURITY system.

Museum art pieces would be kept in two rooms. Each room would be depicted by a 3X3 grid. The
participants have to make:

Display module: The display would contain two seven segment display. The first seven segment display
would show the room no. followed by a decimal point and the id of the art piece that has been

For example: Suppose the art piece of room 1 number 4 has been moved then the display shows 1.4 If no
pieces are moved i.e. if all pieces are in position the display should be 0.0 meaning that all pieces are in

● The maximum no. of art pieces in any room would be 9.

● There might be empty places in the arena to begin with.
● The numbering of art piece positions will be done as shown in the figure

Sensor Module: This module is the module responsible for detecting the presence of the art pieces in the
arena. It may consist of only emitters, receivers or sensors. The components of this module can be
placed around the arena or can be mounted over the art piece or under it they cannot be placed
anywhere else on the arena.

Communication Module: The Communication Module is needed to wirelessly communicate between the
sensor module and the display module.


• The Arena consists of two identical squares of dimension 98cm x 98cm placed at a distance of 15cm.
• Each square will be divided into 3 x 3 smaller square grids, each square grid being bounded by white
line of width 2 cm.
• Hence each square grid has a dimension of 30cm x 30cm.
• The figure given below shows the shape and dimensions of arena.
• The numbers in the grid show the id’s of objects placed in those positions

The art piece will be a cube of dimensions 20cm x 20cm x 20cm and black in colour. It will have a cavity
below having dimensions 10cmX10cmX5cm (LXBXDepth). The material used for art piece will be wood.


The device must be capable of performing certain tasks:

Compulsory tasks:

• Locate the positions of the pieces in the arena that have been moved and display them according to
the format.
• If more than one object has been removed then display the positions in a loop with frequency of
0.1Hz. At a particular time no more than 3 objects would be removed under compulsory tasks.
It is not necessary that all the positions on the arena will be occupied to begin with. There might be empty
spaces. Only the positions where the object has been removed from are to be displayed.
Additional tasks:

• More than three pieces will be removed and the display should show the positions in a loop.
• The system has to light up the area of the arena from where the object has been removed using
modifications to the sensor.
Apart from these, the participants are free to add any other innovative feature.


• The entries are restricted to the student currently pursuing education in a recognized institute.
• The participants may be asked to furnish supporting documents at any later stage to prove the
aforementioned condition.
• Students from different colleges can form a single team.
• Each team can contain a maximum of three participants.


• Compulsory Tasks – 40 %
• Additional Tasks – 30%
• User Friendliness – 10 %
• Innovation – 10 %
• Total Cost – 10 %

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