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Unit Topic: Financial Literacy

Unit Title: Understanding Financials

National or State Academic Content Standards

Financial Literacy
“4.4 Analyze different buying choices and opportunity costs” (“Oregon K-12 Social,” 2018).
“4.5 Demonstrate understanding of needs and wants using a budget” (“Oregon K-12 Social,”

Learning Goal
Students can explain important aspects of financial literacy.

Measurable Objectives
 Students will be able to understand the meaning of all financial vocabulary words.
 Students will be able to allocate how much money they should budget for needs, wants,
and saving.
 Student will be able to share the purpose of a budget.
 Student will effectively use the idea of S.M.A.R.T. budgeting.
 Students will be able to define scarcity, choices, and opportunity cost in any scenario.
 Students will know the difference between goods and services.
 Students will be able to effectively create a fundraising plan.
 Students will understand the various ways to fundraise money.

Oregon K-12 Social Sciences Academic Content Standards. (2018). Retrieved from

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