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Chemosphere 91 (2013) 415–420

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A novel organo-zeolite adduct for environmental applications: Sorption

of phenol
V. Leone a, S. Canzano a, P. Iovino a,b, S. Salvestrini a,b, S. Capasso a,b,⇑
Department of Environmental Science, Second University of Naples,Via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta, Italy
Interuniversity Consortium ‘‘Chemistry for the Environment’’ (INCA), Via delle Industrie, 21/8, 30175 Venezia, Marghera, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

" A stable humic acids-zeolitic tuff adduct has been synthesized by a heating procedure.
" The adduct has good adsorbing properties for phenol.
" The adduct is easy to prepare, has a low cost and is environmentally friendly.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A novel organo-zeolite adduct has been synthesized by sorbing humic acids (HA) onto zeolitic tuff and
Received 20 June 2012 then heating the resulting complex at 330 °C for 1.5 h. Desorption tests showed that this procedure effec-
Received in revised form 27 November 2012 tively immobilized HA on the tuff. The crystal structure of the zeolitic tuff and the chemical structure of
Accepted 30 November 2012
HA were not altered during the preparation. Phenol sorption analysis demonstrated that the HA–zeolite
Available online 18 February 2013
adduct had good sorbing properties; moreover, the sorbed amount markedly decreased with increased
ionic strength. These results point to prospective application of the HA–zeolite adduct as a low-cost
and environmentally friendly sorbent for water purification from phenol and possibly other neutral
Zeolitic tuff
organic pollutants.
Humic acids Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Organic pollutants

1. Introduction Natural polymers deriving from the biological decomposition of

organic matter from plants and other organisms, humic substances
The removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from wastewa- (HS) are the major organic fraction in soil and surface water. HS
ter is a matter of increasing interest. Many different techniques consist of a skeleton of aromatic blocks and alkyl chains bearing
have been employed, in dependence on the type of pollutant. a diversity of functional groups, notably carboxylic, phenol, hydro-
Among these, sorption is one of the most popular approach due xyl and quinone groups (Brigante et al., 2008). HS usually are clas-
to its simplicity and relatively low cost. The most widely used sorb- sified according to their solubility in aqueous media: humic acids
ing materials are activated carbon (Corwin and Summers, 2011) (HA) are soluble at neutral and basic pH, fulvic acids are soluble
and alumino-silicates such as clays and zeolites (Wang and Peng, also at acidic pH, while humin is the insoluble fraction at any pH
2010) and their surface-modified derivatives (Dìaz-Nava et al., value.
2009). Prominent among these are natural zeolites because of their HS are able to sorb both cations and hydrophobic organic com-
high cation-exchange ability (Wang and Peng, 2010). Natural zeo- pounds, including several common pollutants (Poerschmann et al.,
lites modified with cationic surfactants have also been employed 1999). Cation binding is mainly due to electrostatic interactions
for sorbing neutral and anionic organic contaminants, possibly with deprotonated carboxylic and phenol groups; hydrogen bonds,
via a partitioning mechanism and ionic interaction with surfactant dipole interactions and hydrophobic effects have a dominant role
bilayers, respectively (Krajišnik et al., 2011). in the interaction of HS with neutral organic molecules. Covalent
binding with functional groups of HS has also been observed for
some compounds (Berns et al., 2005). The magnitude of non-cova-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Environmental Science, Second
lent binding, expressed as the partition coefficient Koc (Joo et al.,
University of Naples, Via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta, Italy. Tel.: +39 0823 274623;
fax: +39 0823 274605. 2008), depends on the structure of the specific HS analyzed and
E-mail address: (S. Capasso). the hydrophobicity of the ligand. The water solubility of HA can

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
416 V. Leone et al. / Chemosphere 91 (2013) 415–420

be markedly reduced by heating at high temperature, possibly due 2008), in the PCT–ImHA-I and PCT–ImHA-II was respectively 0.31%
to a moderate loss of ACOOH and AOH groups (Seki and Suzuki, and 0.56%.
1995). Heat-treated HA retain the ability to adsorb cations and or- The HA solution used in the experiments above was prepared
ganic pollutants (Klavins et al., 2006). Phillipsite/chabazite-rich adding the desired amount to 0.01 mol L1 KCl water solution
tuffs are able to bind HA through the action of surface extra frame- and, under stirring, adjusting the pH to 7.4 with high-strength
work exchangeable cations, and the binding ability is markedly en- TrisH+/Tris buffer [Tris = 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propan-
hanced when the zeolitic material is enriched with divalent diol]. After 1-d stirring, the pH was tested again and re-adjusted
cations, especially Ca2+ (Capasso et al., 2007; Leone et al., 2012). to 7.4 with Tris base solution if necessary. Afterwards, the solution
Starting from this background, an investigation has been carried was centrifuged at 13 000 rpm for 1 h.
out with the aim to prepare an organo-zeolite material by linking
HA to a zeolitic tuff in an irreversible way, and to test its potential 2.3. Preparation of immobilized tuff–free HA
sorbing capacity for organic pollutants. Zeolitic tuffs are rocks of
volcanic origin widespread throughout the world, and HA can eas- Few milliliters of a 1.0 mol L1 CaCl2 solution were added to a
ily be extracted from soil and surface water. 100 mg L1 HA solution, pH 7.4 (obtained by Tris base) until com-
The prospective sorbent should have a low cost and be easy to plete precipitation of humic substances. After 1 d, the precipitate,
prepare. Sorption tests have been carried out in batch using phenol calcium humate (Ca–HA), was collected by centrifugation, washed
as the sorbate, because this and related compounds are considered with deionized water and dried at 40 °C. Afterward, the Ca–HA was
priority pollutants due to significant toxicity and carcinogenicity kept in an oven at 330 °C for 1.5 h (Seki and Suzuki, 1995), in order
(Calace et al., 2002). to obtain an insoluble form of the HA salt (ImCaHA). The sample
was characterized by IR spectra.

2. Experimental methods
2.4. Desorption tests of HA

2.1. Materials
One hundred fifty mg of the immobilized (PCT–ImHA-I) and
non-immobilized (PCT–HA) adduct were suspended in 15 mL of
The sample of humic acids used in this study was purchased
0.01 M TrisH+/Tris buffer, pH 6.0 or 8.4, and the mixture was stirred
from Sigma–Aldrich and purified as previously reported (Capasso
in a shaker for 1 d. The liquid phase was then collected by centri-
et al., 2007): dissolution at basic pH, precipitation at acidic pH
fugation and analyzed by UV–Vis spectrometry for HA concentra-
and dialysis against deionised water (nominal molecular cutoff
tion. The desorbing procedure was repeated with new solutions
3500 Da). The zeolitic-tuff material employed was obtained from
of TrisH+/Tris buffer until no HA was detected in the eluate.
a quarry near Naples (Italy) and was rich in phillipsite and chabaz-
ite (phillipsite–chabazite tuff, PCT). The mineralogical and chemi-
2.5. Sorption experiments in batch
cal composition of this tuff have been reported elsewhere
(Buondonno et al., 2007).
Fifty milliliter aliquots of phenol in deionized water, concentra-
tion range 10–150 mg L1, were added to 150 mg of the organo-
2.2. Synthesis of the organo-zeolite adduct zeolite derivatives (PCT–ImHA-I, PCT–ImHA-II), or Ca–PCT, or to
10 mg of ImCaHA, in a glass bottle and kept at room temperature
A sample of raw tuff was gently crashed and sieved in order to on a shaker at one oscillation per second. At programmed times,
obtain particles in the 0.5–1.0 mm size range and then repeatedly aliquots were centrifuged at 13 000 rpm for 15 min and analyzed.
washed with deionised water (5 mL water per 1.0 g tuff) until the The pH of the solutions at the beginning of the sorption was 6.5
rinse water showed no significant increase in conductivity after 1- and did not change during the sorption tests. All the sorption
d contact with tuff. The tuff sample was enriched in calcium ions in experiments were carried out at 25 °C.
a chromatographic column (height = 52.7 cm, diameter = 2.5 cm)
using 2.0 L of 1.0 mol L1 CaCl2 solution followed by repeated rins- 2.5.1. pH and ionic strength effects on the sorption
ing with deionised water. The exchangeable calcium ions in the For analyzing the pH effect, sorption experiments were carried
calcium-enriched tuff (Ca–PCT), as determined by the ammonium out in 0.01 M KCl solutions at pH 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0, obtained using
acetate method (Hendershot et al., 2008), was 2.54 meq g1. the Tris/CH3COOH buffer, concentration of the base Tris = 0.001 M.
In order to bind HA to the tuff, a Ca–PCT sample in a column The effect of ionic strength was investigated using solutions at pH
was rinsed with a solution of purified HA (HA concentra- 6.0, 0.001 M buffer, containing 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 M KCl.
tion = 100 mg L1, flow rate = 1.8 mL h1) up to saturation: outlet
concentration equal to inlet concentration. The tuff–humic acids 2.6. Analytical procedures
adduct (PCT–HA) was then washed with a few mL of water and
dried at 40 °C. The amount of HA sorbed, determined by extraction The concentrations of HA in solution was determined by UV–Vis
with pyrophosphate (Tonelli et al., 1997), was 6800 mg HA kg1 spectrometry at 450 nm, on a Perkin Elmer Lambda 40 spectrome-
tuff. Heating a PCT–HA sample in an oven at 330 °C for 1.5 h (Seki ter, using as extinction coefficient e = 7.24 10–3 L mg1 cm1, ob-
and Suzuki, 1995) yielded immobilization of the HA sorbed (no re- tained from standard HA solutions prepared adding buffered
lease in water at neutral pH). The effect of heating on the crystal water solution, pH 7.0, to known masses of HA.
phases in the resulting material (PCT–ImHA-I) was checked by X- The IR spectra were recorded in the range of 500–4000 cm1
ray powder diffraction. A sample of PCT–ImHA-I was introduced using pellets of 0.5 mg of the sample in 100 mg KBr. Measurements
in a chromatographic column and rinsed again with the HA solu- were carried out on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX (FT-IR System).
tion. The first pore volume contained no measurable amount of Phenol concentration in water was determined by gas chroma-
HA. The sorbing material was subjected to a second heating treat- tography performed by a Dani GC 1000 model equipped with a
ment according to the protocol described above, obtaining a new spit/splitless capillary inlet system and a FID detector. The injector
adduct (PCT–ImHA-II) with a higher HA content. The organic car- and detector temperatures were 280 and 300 °C, respectively. Sam-
bon content, determined by oxidation with K2Cr2O7 and back titra- ples (1.0 lL) were injected in the split mode with a split ratio of
tion of the excess dichromate ion by ferrous ion (Hendershot et al., 1:20 and analyzed on an ELITE 1 capillary column (60 m  0.32 mm
V. Leone et al. / Chemosphere 91 (2013) 415–420 417

I.D., 5 lm film thickness; Perkin Elmer, USA). The GC–FID analysis

was conducted according to the following temperature program:
2.0 min at 110 °C, increased at 15 °C min1 to 210 °C, increased at
5 °C min1 to 260 °C; and 10 min at 260 °C. The flow-rate of nitro-
gen was 2 mL min1.
The X-ray powder spectra were recorded on pulverized samples

using a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer, Cu Ka radiation
(k = 1.54 Å).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Synthesis of the organo-zeolite adduct

For this study we have used a zeolitic-tuff sample rich in phil-

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
lipsite and chabazite, enriched in calcium by cation exchange
2 teta
(Ca–PCT) and with particle size of 0.5–1.0 mm. Although smaller
particles have a higher capacity to sorb HA (Daifullah et al., Fig. 2. X-ray powder spectra of PCT–ImHA-I (lower spectra) and PCT–HA (upper
2004), we used particles of relatively large sizes in order to avoid spectra): k = 1.54 (Cu Ka).
excessive resistance to liquid flow in column tests (Cooney,
1999) to be carried out in prospective experiments. In line with
previous work (Capasso et al., 2007), Ca–PCT bound HA with a rel-
used for PCT–ImHA-I. The IR spectra of Ca–HA and of its immobi-
atively good capacity, giving a PCT–HA adduct (at pH 7.6, at equi-
lized form (ImCaHA) are very similar, indicating that heating did
librium with 100 mg L1 HA flowing solution, the amount sorbed
not appreciably change the chemical structure of HA (see Supple-
was 6800 mg kg1). The thermal treatment of PCT–HA markedly
mentary material).
reduced HA release in water (Seki and Suzuki, 1995). Fig. 1 reports
the result of HA desorption tests for PCT–ImHA-I at two pH values
and, for comparison, for the sample before the immobilization 3.3. Sorption in batch of phenol onto the organo-zeolite adduct
treatment (PCT–HA).
The amounts of HA released by PCT–ImHA-I were remarkably The ability of PCT–ImHA-I and PCT–ImHA-II to sorb organic pol-
lower than for PCT–HA at both pH tested. The X-ray powder spec- lutants was tested using as sorbate hydroxybenzene (phenol). This
tra of PCT–ImHA-I and PCT–HA (Fig. 2) showed no significant var- is a very common water pollutant of moderate lipophilicity. The
iation, indicating that the thermal treatment did not alter the octanol–water partition coefficient is 101.47 (Makovskaya et al.,
structure of the crystal phases of Ca–PCT. 1995).
The IR spectrum of PCT–HA showed no peaks attributable to an
organic component (spectrum not shown), therefore the thermal 3.3.1. Sorption kinetics
stability of the humic component was checked on HA in the form Fig. 3 reports typical sorption kinetics for two sorbate concen-
of solid calcium salt. trations. For comparison the figure also includes the sorption data
Samples of PCT–ImHA-I (organic carbon content 0.31%), put in a relative to Ca–PCT subjected to the same heating protocol as for the
chromatographic column and rinsed with a HA solution, sorbed immobilized organo-zeolite adduct. In all kinetic runs, the equilib-
further amounts of HA and produced, after immobilization by heat, rium was reached within few days. The curves were obtained by
a sorbent (PCT–ImHA-II) with a higher content of organic carbon fitting the experimental data with a pseudo-first-order sorption ki-
(0.56%). netic equation (Plazinski et al., 2009):

qt ¼ qe ð1  ekt Þ ð1Þ
3.2. Immobilization of tuff–free HA
where qt is the amount (mg kg ) sorbed at the time t, qe is the
The calcium salt of humic acid (Ca–HA) was immobilized by amount sorbed at equilibrium, and k is a first-order kinetic
heat (Seki and Suzuki, 1995) under the experimental conditions constant.

5000 5000

4000 4000
q (mg kg ) release

q (mg kg ) release

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25

number of washes number of washes

Fig. 1. Cumulative amounts of HA desorbed from a PCT–ImHA-I (N) and from a PCT–HA (d) at pH 6.0 (left) and at pH 8.4 (right), versus number of washes with fresh solution.
418 V. Leone et al. / Chemosphere 91 (2013) 415–420

8000 4
1.6 10

7000 4
1.4 10

6000 4
1.2 10

5000 4
q (mg kg )

1 10

q (mg kg )
4000 8000



2000 4000

1000 2000

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time (hour) time (hour)

Fig. 3. Sorption kinetics of phenol, 75 mg L1 (left) and 150 mg L1 (right), onto 150 mg of PCT–ImHA-II (d) and of Ca–PCT (N): pH 6.0, 25 °C.

3.3.2. Sorption isotherms

Fig. 4 reports the sorption isotherms of phenol onto the ther- 2 10
mally-treated HA-zeolite adducts PCT–ImHA-I and PCT–ImHA-II
and, for comparison the sorption isotherm onto Ca–PCT subjected
to the same thermal treatment. 5
1.5 10
The sorption capacity of the organo-zeolite adducts is markedly
higher than for the simple zeolitic tuff. Fig. 4 also shows that the
q e (mg kg )

phenol-sorption capacity increases with the amount of HA bound

to the sorbent. Since phenol, among neutral organic pollutants, 1 10

has a relatively low octanol/water partition coefficient, this result

appears to be at odd with the notion that the distribution coeffi-
cient in HA/water systems increases with the hydrophobicity of 5 10

the sorbate (Balcke et al., 2005). The sorption isotherm of phenol

onto insoluble HA (ImCaHA) is shown in Fig. 5.
Good descriptions of the experimental data were obtained by
the Langmuir equation: 0 50 100 150
Kqm C e C e (mg L )
qe ¼ ð2Þ
1 þ KC e
Fig. 5. Sorption isotherms of phenol onto ImCaHA: 150 mg of sorbent, pH 6.0, 25 °C.
where qm is the maximum sorbate capacity (mg kg1), Ce the equi- Ce, phenol concentration. Data recorded after 3 d of contact between the phases.
librium concentration of the sorbate (mg L1), and K an equilibrium
constant related to surface-binding energy (Zhou et al., 2005); qe
has been descripted in Section 3.3.1. The parameters obtained by
least-square fits are reported in Table 1. As can be seen in the table, the two organo-zeolite adducts
exhibited much higher qm values than the zeolitic tuff alone (Ca–
PCT); moreover, qm increased with the percent of organic carbon
in the sample (0.31% for the first sample and 0.56% for the second
1.6 10 sample). The constant K had, within the experimental error, an
identical value, as expected considering that this parameter is re-
1.4 10
lated to the energy of the binding, which obviously does not de-
1.2 10
4 pend on the amount of sorbing material. The Langmuir
parameters for Ca–PCT were lower than for Jordanian phillipsite
1 10 rich-tuff with the same sorbate: at pH 6.0, the values reported
qe (mg kg )

were qm = 0.447 mmol g1 and K = 20.1 L mmol1, corresponding

respectively to 4.21  104 mg kg1 and 0.21 L mg1 (Yousef et al.,
2011). The qm value of the Langmuir equation determined in this
work for the immobilized HA (ImCaHA) was relatively high,
4000 although lower than the value reported for activated carbon of
0.8 mm particle size: qm = 309.7 mg g1 (Roostaei and Tezel,
2000 2004). However, despite its good sorbing properties, ImCaHA can-
not be used as a sorbent in column experiments because of its
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
powder consistence. It is worth noting that the value of qm for
PCT–ImHA-I and for PCT–ImHA-II not only is higher than for pure
C e (mg L -1 )
tuff, but largely exceeds the value predicted when assuming a pro-
Fig. 4. Sorption isotherms of phenol onto PCT–ImHA-I (d), PCT–ImHA-II (N) and
portional relation between qm and the relative amount of HA in the
onto Ca–PCT (.): 150 mg of sorbent, pH 6.0, 25 °C. Ce, phenol concentration. Data sample. This points to increased sorbing efficiency of HA when
recorded after 3 d of contact between the phases. bound to tuff than in the form of calcium salt.
V. Leone et al. / Chemosphere 91 (2013) 415–420 419

Table 1
Langmuir parameters for the sorption of phenol.

Sample pH KCl conc. (M) K (L mg1) qm (mg kg1) r2

2 2 3 3
PCT–ImHA-I 6.0 0.00 5  10 ± 1  10 15  10 ± 1  10 0.99
PCT–ImHA-II 6.0 0.00 4.3  102 ± 0.9   102 18  103 ± 1  103 0.99
4.0 0.01 1.5  102 ± 0.1  102 9.2  103 ± 0.3  103 0.99
6.0 0.01 3.8  102 ± 0.4  102 7.3  103 ± 0.3  103 0.99
8.0 0.01 0.58  102 ± 0.02  102 11.4  103 ± 0.3  103 0.99
6.0 0.01 3.8  102 ± 0.5  102 7.3  103 ± 0.3  103 0.99
6.0 0.02 0.7  102 ± 0.3  102 6  103 ± 2  103 0.98
6.0 0.04 0.1  102 ± 0.1  102 9  103 ± 8  103 0.98
ImCaHA 6.0 0.01 20  102 ± 3  102 17  103 ± 6  103 0.99
Ca–PCT 6.0 0.01 1.3  102 ± 0.6   102 6  103 ± 1  103 0.99

7000 made of naturally-occurring materials, it is environmentally

friendly. Because the sizes of the granules of this organo-zeolite ad-
KCl 0.01 M duct characterized in the present study virtually coincide with the
sizes of the tuff particles employed, it is anticipated that selecting
5000 the right granulometry of the starting zeolitic material will permit
optimization of sorption performances.
q e (mg kg )


KCl 0.02 M
3000 Acknowledgements

2000 The authors wish to thanks Dr.ssa Consiglia Tedesco, Depart-

KCl 0.04 M
ment of Chemistry and Biology of the University of Salerno (Italy),
1000 for XRD analysis.
Moreover, we thank an anonymous Reviewer for constructive
0 and useful comments and suggestions about prospective research.
0 50 100 150 200
C e (mg L )
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Fig. 6. Sorption isotherms of phenol onto PCT–ImHA-II: Tris/CH3COOH buffer, pH
6.0, KCl concentration indicated on the plot. Ce, phenol concentration. Data recorded
after 3 d of contact between the phases. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at
3.3.3. Ionic strength and pH effects on sorption
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