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Declaration of High School Students

In the course of high school studies, high school students should be given rights that are

similar to the university students. It is the law of nature that grant them these rights and should

be declared necessary to create a learning environment that benefits society as a whole.

It is important that high school students have more freedom because those four years

ultimately shape who they will become in the future. If we forced students to have education that

is fixed and not flexible, we are limiting the potential of other skills that are needed to be learn in

a working environment. High school students need preparation that ensures their needs and put

them in a position to be successful. This system will limit the stress that all high school students

experience on a day to day basis. We must make education a job instead of a chore. And finally,

we must make students feel comfortable, respectable, and equal.

I.Students should have the right to vote.

A. High school students along with young college students are the future of our country.

These young individuals should have a voice in who they want to represent them.

II.Schools should not have dress codes.

. In order to teach students maturity as they enter adulthood, they should receive enough

freedom to make their own decisions and express themselves as they please.

III.Students should have access to resources in order to maintain their mental health. Schools need

to provide licensed therapists to have available to students.

. Mental health issue is a growing issue within our society and should be addressed and

treated at a young age.

IV.Alternative schedules should be available to students. Students should receive a flexible schedule

that have class time from 6:00am-10:00pm

. Students often have other responsibilities such as jobs and other extracurriculars.

Expanding schedule options for students can allow them to prioritize their education as it will be

more convenient for them.

V.Students should have study session for every rigorous class. These study sessions must include

an instructor and be based on classroom discussions or homework assigned. Students are not

required to attend these help sessions.

. Having access to free resources that allows students to have extra help in classes will

improve overall proficiency in said rigorous classes.

VI.Students should be given assessments that are taken home and given a minimum length of two

weeks. The take home assessment must be rigorous and truly test the proficiency of the student

in the given subject.

. These assessments will test what they truly know rather than their test taking skills.

VII.Students should not be permitted to taking any sort of assessments or test during class time.

. Test anxiety is an issue that affects many students and their grades. Alternatives on

testing a student’s proficiency must be given.

VIII.Students should have freedom of expression in classroom discussion. Regulations should be

placed insuring students safety when expressing their own opinions.

. Freedom of expression is important and learning how to effectively participate in

discussions is a crucial skill to learn. Students should feel safe while expressing themselves in

the classroom.
IX.Improve quality of food provided to students in order to give students the energy they need to

perform at their best.

. Having healthy eating habits is necessary in order for students to perform to their full

potential. Improving the quality of food at schools will improve the performance of students.

X.Students should have access technology that is current to date.

. Access to the internet and devices such as laptops, computers, tablets, etc. are now

needed to do school work. All students should be granted access to internet and one of these

devices in order to reach their full potential as a student.

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