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A cohort is a group of users who share something in common, be it their

sign-up date, first purchase month, birth date, acquisition channel, etc.
Cohort analysis is the method by which these groups are tracked over time,
helping to spot trends, understand repeat behaviors (purchases,
engagement, amount spent, etc.), and monitor the customer and revenue

Cohort analysis can be helpful when it comes to understanding the business’

health and "stickiness" - the loyalty of the customers. Stickiness is critical
since it’s far cheaper and easier to keep a current customer than to acquire a
new one.For startups, it’s also a key indicator of product-market fit.
Python based plotting library offers matplotlib with a complete 2D
support along with limited 3D graphic support. It is useful in producing
publication quality figures in interactive environment across platforms.

Seaborn is a library for creating informative and attractive statistical graphics in

python. This library is based on matplotlib. Seaborn offers various features such as
built in themes, color palettes, functions and tools to visualize univariate, bivariate,
linear regression, matrices of data, statistical time series etc which lets us to build
complex visualizations.
• Query Optimization
• Data Retension
• Data Relevancy
• Data Visualization
• Analyze Users’ Time to Take Desired Action
• Easily and Effectively Test Hypothesis
• Lifetime Value Calculation
• Conversion Funnel Optimization
• Effects of Unique Behaviors
• Optimizing Conversion Funnel
• Improve Retention
Cohort analysis has helped in optimizing the overall performance and
• Understanding the Effects of Unique Behaviors
Segmenting users by the behaviors taken on app or website
allows us to paint a much clearer picture of how people
interact with our product throughout their lifecycle.
• Easily and Effectively Test Our Hypothesis
Cohort analysis allows us to quickly and effectively test our
hypothesis and to get relevant feedback far more quickly.
• Conversion Funnel Optimization
It gives us the ability to more accurately determine how our
user experience has affected our conversion rate from the
top of the funnel to the bottom.
• Reach Down Customer Acquisition by Channel
• Cohort analysis allows us to get very specific when optimizing
conversion funnelsPurchase Frequency Optimization

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