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q Role 1: Summarizer! While reading Characters sis ___ Post Reading: Step 1: Name it, verb it, big picture _ Name It (‘chapter #of bookie") | Verb It Big Picture (big idea of chapter...10orless words!) describes explains _ Step 2: Jot Dots Remember: Each jot dot should be eight words or less and should tell the MOST important information from the part you read. Jot Dots First, Second, Next, Bowne Finally, [ieee = : Now, weit iz Summary what you have about in complete sentences (should be 5 total): What do you think is the most important setting or event in this chapter? Pages Role 2: Visualizer! ‘The most important setting or event in this chapter because, How the text described the setting/event... What | added in my head.. Isee... | smell. thear. Ilustrate itt Role 3: Inferencer!

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