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Mdinm: roo Deis

Tine :1 lour a.d 15 ninut8c

r. Box of pasDatic @mPa$ is dade of:

(A) @pper G) !ic}d
(c) bras O) none orth€e
t. tlE lpeciic Favitv!. sbould mt in aw c@ les tb.D :

(A) 2.5 (B) 2

(c) 1.5 @) I
3. Ih. .aks qhic! .rc ilepsit€.l i! !a]€rd and can 66 oasilv 6plii alon8 3!'h lttert i'

(A) aq@us Ek (B) &diEe!tuY ek

(C) Eetdool?lic el (D) butlt

l. m. sxt€nd of brd tbrt gets irnaat€d &oo t wd.t 8ore b :

(B) &lt

6. Tle pref€nble d.D€ of ! drawilg boail suDpoi i3 :

(,.) r:2 (D) rlir

(C) rG (D) r:3

0. ldelit i! ch€nicaUy cl,sified a. :

(4) cstdFu.cL (B) Aa rt@uFcr
(C) SiliFu @k (D) NoF of trE
?. The p€rceltese of siUd ir c@d b.iclt dlv should vtrv ftod :

(4) 50 t! CO% (B) 'loto60%

(C) 30 to

8. nE dltsinc ofdions is don€ :

(A) rnb€diatsry tA€r (B) Aftar t"ming

(C) AItrth!@nodibtofquaEvio3 (D) Juth'foEbuililing

What BeBEI !ab. i. sim to ih. phy.ical p.!t! of6Dplt4t
(A) softwaF
(c) ssdws
llt Wbich oa t!. blldint b t d€t rd?

(A) Piduai Lli i'no.di.tely .Ibr tbo .-Enrson. odD6 lioe .tone
(B) ceh.dt orli4
(C) Orib.dliE
(D) Li@ quiclly rrsat€d €id! r.t !
1r. eEdt.hotld !!E !bh.! !.r@tage o{:
A 3@d quality
G) S ic.
(c) Diqldu.iu6t€ (D) lli cirdu dliqr.

rt. h!nri.tcL, th. t r b..l i. @il4 to F.i i! e im.liD€d lcitb! & ! to tur6 d.!ri. of

(A) 30. (B) 60.

(c) !@

r( ft. h6t D.n of ! .arctw rnih F.aDit ilD ldd to tID ldl i. Im s :
(B) Ptitrh

16. l$€ mpHiE .ten!a! of g..d PortlDil €Delt dd dtand.i! sd Ddtd aA$ 3 &y. of
dnra.b.urd mt t loEt[.r:
(c) 2l oN/b' o)

16, 'tlle peertage oI edidu€ left ln€r sidinc good en6nt in 90 nicrc! 6i4 'houtil

(A) 20% (B) 66%

(c) 30% (D) 1094

l?. $/hrt is tb. tuhe. of klititioD,l liich rEquircd lor 10 d of brid

*itb ttrnilard
thickrcsof@ne Eont !:3b r:5?
(A) ,1760 (B) {350
(c) ,rs5o @) 6060

18, Th. tuiliw olt€or ol tiEbo! led i! buildhs nde! @ b. :

(A) 2* to696 (B) 396 to l,(
(c) 1296 io 13X @) t 20*

10, Tb.l6nsit! oa t ntrgin3 iod i. :

(A) 2to4ntn
(C) 3 to 4ntE

to. tto duhility.f m@t6 i! propoldonal to :

(A) Sdd@ntert G) Wat€! enent

(C) Aggrcc,t w.tor riiio (D) C€n€nt s$t4tt€ Fno

!r. Fd RCC @tiction, ibo odiDuD sia ol d).F.ssEc!t6 i linit€d to :

(A) r5m (B) 20ED

(q 26@ (D) 10m

t2. Aaodingto Indid sta lsd ap€cidc iotrs, tho t€E!'rat@ for ia:
(A) 6C (B) 1oc
(ct 27C o) 42C

t8. A 6r!d Doilt tith lo@! €lmtior i6 ttllm @:

ta Frsg Ead€ ir ibe brak3 :
(A Ed@ tle @isbt of tbe bdct
(B) Tofon a teyforholdirgOc 6ort i
(C) To hdiqteratrufacruitrs d.t!il.
(D) To irdi@te th€ t p ofth6bn k

The clief ileredielt ofDaitri i6 :

@) oil
ao. Li@d oil ir pairt i. u*il e a :

8?. ThG bc mr.rirl6r dilteEps! is :

(B) cLy
(q CrlaIL

l& lt 6llof@ishre nm lh. itbdpheo to th..urL s!i6e i!.ry for is call€d:

(A) EvapoFtio!
(q I'r€cipitlti@

l9. lA. bdiu R..d Corcfts (1.&.O we st up ir I

qD r$0 (B) 1934

(c) 19la (D) 1956

80. T'l3 erilal psr of a tre. ir €U€d :

(rc) s6't wood
(c) PitL

tr, Nuh.r or [!b i! { A0 D eEic cbde I

G) roo (B)
(c) 160 (D) 'oo

82. TL€ soltability of concrete d b€ i@*d hlt wbich of tle folloei4?
(A) h@dins the qMiitv of 6lre asEFg,te *ithout dt'rirg the t'trl4start€
(B) Docr.asirs th€ quaniity of 6me sssresatc witbo{t alt'ins ihe tlttl a$r€sat'
(C) D€€ebs the quntitv of fft asgtectte witlDut dterits tle totd tgse8'te
(D) Non€.f $€ dhore

t3. A. i'olabd lo,d bernng n3trnry Eember i. Lttm u :

(A) Pill* G) ButtftB

(c) Rnp @) P@t

31. Tte dsle ofint Bt tio! of tho t*o Dlabo Eitd. otd oDtidl tqu@ it:
(A) 30 (B) 60
(c) 45 (D) 90
t!. The @ry tust rclding t!.ket id :
(A) rlveri G) lnteredilt' 'ight
(C) B!& sisht (D) FoE sight

(A) Fric-tioltiL G) D'it'rPiL
(C) shetlile (D) Anchup e

3t. b FrlEndlc rt chtin li@ c *r o$ !t :

(r$ Th€.doUta €) A Prjmti' @dP@
(C) AduDtylerel (D) An opticsl
3E. T..!d€rrY j, hetc.uitcd :

(A) geMd.
In breLot (B) Fo! Poplrlt ed
(C) Wlei€ chainingi! hposible (D) For €'bed€lv a@udt6
t. The dtou li@d d! t(t@ oF tldtter d Dsp onlt in tlF * of:
(A) vedic'rcliE (B) VaUoY

(c) Eidc. (D) Ar @fta8ils cli6

A t 1'r/t016
ilo. The numberofs.eF in. tushi lbould norbele$th€b.
(B) 8No
(D) 10 Nd

4r. The ilclied ha@ wd in { truss t pFv€nr ih. &gsiag ofthe principal raft€s @ @[ed:

(A) 10000 s{n (B)

(C) 10oo sqE (D)

€, T
Aeri!.!od;.rth!i.s!6ti.6.UmAo6 :

(A) €er r. w$r

(C) ndrL to euth

SnrI6L le.lth thlt d he dEm o . Mp n :

(A) rjd (B) 0_2d
(c) o.6cn (D) lm
16. lL.r@botof totiro .lcruri@i!..r{aly!ili4hn3!i! j
(B) ,a
(or (D) I
t6. tr otd.. to rl€i€ni& t!6 eturrt &6tN. rdch c aalloy!, riEE, t ke., ot3, T.ll $r?eri!s

(A) d9.qt€yiDg (B) Lcatid.Eeej'ils

(c) €drlhal sw.vine (D) toposnphicrtsusyils

t?. wL@ l6o!. b,p repF& € toEutb€3hund, rcpEelErv. &adidd ibe *.le ii:
(A) Vlooo (B) vro
(c) r^oo (D) Vr

a8. Ac the d.gtr€tic pol€, the aoounc of di? i6:
(B) 46
(c) 60 (D) 90

at. 1A€ dn r@ ha*lled by a tlrin ofl63tL 30 ntt tol,* t btidae o1120 Eh b:

(A) 1?,0 btr
(C) 160 Etr
60. Areng€ L'alh of. pe i! :
(B) 8o cd

6t. AE ir€rrFed ia

5!. A 6ud!do! i! tL br of tlict Ei!6uit 6ncEt! .lab 6@n!s- TL entiF .E of bottoo

ofih€ rhucb@ b &n@D as:
(A e!n&u&dm (B) Cdbi&d!
(c) wenbu&tim @) PiL buldlti.o
68. vol@. of bucl€t ir siFD by :

(A) 4/3r/
(O rn(F-r') @) Nd. ofthe*
!1. A4aof€quiLteralt .nsl€ i6:
C4) JSzs' (B:) Ud(.'-t'
(o ;{o
+ 6) @) n/2(q+4)

66. 1!. d itut!|lfunt rsil 6i Muils Erv @telv:

th.oilolit6 i5
(A) ho|irnt l sd €tidl .!tt6 (B) Erdc.l $gro. o.b
(C) lh€r n6a.En6nt! (D) tori,m&r usls oulv

!6. tlF ileoadd usle bty LaE ant v.lE t tt6!:

(O d and l2o
lP,t oJ
67. A be nomal l. {D pluEp linc sr,X point! i. }l'dtr a3 :

(C) Lireof @Iiution

68, TIE b4t w@il br dleopor ie I

(E) TeaL
(C) tleode @) cln!.
60. l! iE4inrlyliE lyiry ihbughdi tb. Nrh@ of the srcud dd p@dra e 6@tdt
ilclidtioD to t!3 hoddltd i! kmw! .. :
(A) sua0erlin6 (B) @ul€rint€tr r
(C) hcizorid€quivaleDt (D) @ntou gailiert
50. Pb.4 of patu ia obtlir€d 600 th. c.lcir.tou of
G) boun (B) liD€.totr
(C) dol@it€ @) s,D.u
Gl. A prtt€m oI dltl thlt .ppedt d AutoCAD 6@er of @npuior but tlat d6. @t pdnt D

(c) crjd
0r. A pi!€ us€rl to qr.t di&l8€e &oD .eit*y EttincF rile b.tbe63, titchee eic, ir c.lled :

@) Anti .iphotr qae p\'e

a& lte of ciclo bouliLd by $ its ctdil i! hwn s :

Qt s6nid.d. (D) Cl,rd

(c) s€c@

61. A dplo clce mf il ua.I n)r 6pan up to :

(A) 3.6 D (B) 5D
(D) r.rE
6!. lt p@ of hqbli4 iL. @t6 DnE! hy L.€piDg it6 .url.6 boist for ! 6!t ir !.dod

(B) Cuilg

l4l,:ml8 t0
66. Bb.! iaftl€ is c€n6.dy foud in ti€ ditrict or:
(A) Jodhpu G) ;tliDu
(c) Jahalpu (D) Jai"rD'r

67. T!6 lim€ @idonlv used uder daop situdtion i3 :

(A) ftilin€ G) hydEurictD€

(c) l6an lime (D) hy&atedlitu

68. Th6 6loge ol the Md DaEEmt i! lhe lolsrtudilal iB cal€d :

{A) Aliguent G) G!'di6nt
(C) supei.Lvdio! O) LEeth of3ubnit

Or. I'Le !dfa6 .g of A. €ize .htwint 3L*t n :

(B) 1Sq.6
(D) a sq.D

?0. Th. nost iopoltani t ol usea for blicL n@nrt b:

(A) !!dd
BdcL Cl) 'n!{el
(C) Spiritle@l (I)) rineddpi!

?1. TID lori-n Slts iD .n oDtic.l 34ll@ i! :

(A) lr.U€ wFd ud hall uDil@ed
(B) wlDuy uuailreEd
(c) o@ foudl .ilqed dd lhte 6uth lcilerld
(D) qLoUY .it@d

i2. Tho deGct c.uEd durirg 6edng of iibbd n c5lled:

(A) hot (B) rild etn
(c) foriness (D) hoD€Ydnbing

?!. A! ,cnbleit ptodlct of @e4 &d ailhdiE G ca!'d :

(A) bofil (D Pr""!

(c) plyFood (D) btlt'r

1l lill/i1016
74. I! BUD€! po.ase, nS.L of th€.an l i. :

(A) lower thd thbusl @rryils draiMss rar€r

undeftide of the
(B) .bore tn b.d lael of tL€ ilEiusa theush
(c) ir lerel Fitb th. ib!i.a!e ttFurh
(D) Mi'ftt aboE

?t. In .t€6p and brc!€n glo{nd, th€ nost ouirabl€ berbod of @ntouitrs i6 :
(A) Bycru-eii@bodd

n*h.d i! @d hr pldtuns lhe disrrG ud irc..ible objEt .

(C) Tbo Doint prcbbE

ft. .ioB !-d 6r r..t!a i! :

7A- llE uiLr .u6€ of a .r!ir i! :

(c) nrchr (D) SoEt

70. Ore h*tor i! €qual to ld nany a@?

(N 2A.7O @) 2-,17
(q 0.211 (D) u7
80. To Dit€t ut[El.lopilg sDud
(A) BEstwall
(C) Wins ffn
al wbo i! if. Ei@!.c dlbt6r ofei.D.!d Tecl@loo4
(A) R.vbh.lrs Pred
(C) Rldhi Mohan Si4
lr. WL. i! tla rwlt Dl€te C€Ed of Wdl(l O4diatid?
( ) Cirtutie [4rd. (B) MurlFt CL&
@) tliehiNalr
14lrtol0 1'
83. Tle b@! !\ Bnd hstory of Sden (ilins3 is wtiri€n bv:
(A Srrddn Ruhdie (D Kna' D€s&i
(O Cn€ta! Bh4tt Mdlon Jdeg
8.1. Capit l ofNorwdy:
(A) Ollo (B) ft6.w
(c) Hobinlo (D) st&LholD
36. hi€dtlonrl Dry oftosa i! Flebnt€d snnuaUv ob :

(A) J'ny 23 (B) JIb re

(c) J!e21 @) Juo 19
36. I{ow dey ftaE! Pdcntyath e tleF in rsn&?
(A) 992 G) 952
(c) 962 (D) 94r

a?. The b@h rkliut Lrd tnd St r. t6Fittetr bv:

(A) Llmppu
ICKN. (B) LM. Pei]r}€r
(C) I(N. PdiLL.. (D) M.dllh M.m!

6& TL. Olsuiatid Auatv. SMij P@ foun&d hv :

(A) vaiku&sFani G) vishhatan.nils
(C) BEln.Mdr SiE oe (D) Pddft (ropp.n

89. In vhicL t€r sid aforEe! Avy!.ral wa lDrn :

(A) t86? (D 1353
(c) 1863 @) 1867

OO. Who orilet.d archau Yatb.' 6r rilirg nrnd 6r the eih@iion of li! @6D@itv?
(A) AtFnt.Ii (B) I'.rdic A,oPDtr
(C) AK Coprrd O) va. BhatatbniDPad

9r. \tto bud€d rhe Olsari4tiot Viilht.po.bbi SaUa?

(4,) V.s!n (B) Sahod@ AsaaPPo
(C) Chattdpisw.Di!'t (D) D'- PdPu

9& Who n t[. tust Chi€fs€@rart of Ke.tL?

(A) oEuq l(ujuda G) R'6&rtu'La!
(C) Msly Pudd r,Ioe (D) SEI€IL!

a 1! 11111016
,3. Mtlabar Tcnpl€ Entry Auihois,tion Aci was p.ssd iD tLe ye!. :

(A) l93t (B) 1936

(c) 1942 (D) 1$4?

I'1. The ruler of'ItavamoF who beed Suchin&aE Kaimu&u'i6:

(A) SetLulak[oi Blai (B) Srea@larThinn.t
(C) SFaiuThirunql @) nani Godi PNathi Bndi
t!. Tte Mdl.yalm wolL'Mdu.hydu Oru An!&iu wifte! by:
(A) Belyuir (B) KP Flst@lui
(c) Chndian @) Purlu.elr naE.chddru
0C. Anide 15 oflDdid Cotutitutio! il€ab :
(A) Equdity of opponuniiy in Eatt6r6 of puhlic ebplolrert
(B) Abolitid of title!
(C) P&Iibilion ol ilidinir.tion d sEuit6 of relisioq ra@, s €t
(D) Equality hcfore b*
et mdct @lstitutioDl anendlqi lo{ered .he rcrins ate Ae 21 yeE ro lO ye@?
(A) 61*Anedtunr (B) 664AE€!dDebi
(O G3iADeldnent (D) ?tdAE6nlbe
e6. R6tbing o6q for tts elcctid to P@idelt of I tia i! :
(A) Lk Sabla spe.!€r (B) se@tqry csDdd of nljys s.blt
(c) Ariom€y ciE!.I @) vi@ Pruidlnr
lt lll 76 S.:leduL ot I Ddm Co@tilutio! rlodr f,iih .
(A) DiaFibution ofpdd 6ot*€€n Unioa ud Srli€r
(!r) Atl@tim of elt ir ahe lfucil of st te
(C) Pd.! uil sutldity of Muaicipalitie.
(D) Poqors ol the Cot!a@.f strtas
lql TA6 Foort arbty 6d Sta&rd6 Alt rs lds€d in :
0! 2014 (B) 2OO8
(o 2009 (D) 2006

uv20l0 l4
Question Paper Code: 141/2016

Third Grade Overseer/Third Grade Draftsman - Local Self Government

Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 28.10.2016
Q No. Q No.
1 C B A D 51 A A C B
2 A A D D 52 A D B B
3 B A B B 53 C B C B
4 C C C B 54 A D B B
5 D D D D 55 A D B B
6 B A D C 56 A C B A
7 A D D C 57 D B B D
8 A B B C 58 B C B C
9 C C B B 59 D B B A
10 D D D C 60 D B B D
11 A D C C 61 C B A A
12 D D C C 62 B B D A
13 B B C C 63 C B C D
14 C B B A 64 B B A B
15 D D C C 65 B B D A
16 D C C C 66 B A A C
17 D C C B 67 B D A A
18 B C C A 68 B C D B
19 B B A C 69 B A B C
20 D C C C 70 B D A D
21 C C C B 71 A A C B
22 C C B D 72 D A A A
23 C C A A 73 C D B A
24 B A C D 74 A B C C
25 C C C A 75 D A D D
26 C C B D 76 A C B A
27 C B D A 77 A A A D
28 C A A C 78 D B A B
29 A C D B 79 B C C C
30 C C A D 80 A D D D
31 C B D D 81 B D B A
32 B D A A 82 B C B A
33 A A C D 83 D A D B
34 C D B D 84 A C C A
35 C A D B 85 C D C D
36 B D D A 86 D B A B
37 D A A A 87 C B A B
38 A C D C 88 A D B D
39 D B D A 89 C C A A
40 A D B A 90 D C D C
41 D D A A 91 B A B D
42 A A A D 92 B A B C
43 C D C B 93 D B D A
44 B D A D 94 C A A C
45 D B A D 95 C D C D
46 D A A C 96 A B D B
47 A A D B 97 A B C B
48 D C B C 98 B D A D
49 D A D B 99 A A C C
50 B A D B 100 D C D C

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