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Maiirun : r00 aarl!

Tire : 1 lou 8nd l5 dinlta
l. TL€ a.t of det€nining and Epreenling .h€ rcl.iivo h€ignb o. erev.tions of ilitr€rcat poini.
on t!€ .urhe of th€ €et! :
(A) le@llin8 (B) dureyiDg
(c) f.are.sinc (D) bsraDcirg

t. Whic} mle is used to r€ail thrce ilinenoioft?

(A) scale (B) Di8cold ear6
(C) Comlarativo eale (D) Fqlr *de
l. I'tre Dain pnncipl€ ot eulEying b t*o worl foh :

(A) lN.r l€vd io hidd l€wl (B) hthei levd io loterleEl

(C) wlole top*t (D) prttorhole
a. the lolse* cnrin lie in chair gw€yins b c.U€d :

. (D) Tlavcrc lire

6. pe i! @d 60r tb6 wo* of the hbh..t pre!6ion-
(A) tap6
Cloth (E) M€tallicbpe
(C) Liren taDe (D) I d tape
0, !@d fo. enlqrcenentand Educlion of plad..
(A) Pbdinerer (B) Clinomet€r
(c) Pentagfrph (D) Lithosrapl
?. In Sunero! . comDtus ah dssFe tu Da*ed at snil.
(A) North (B) souih
(C) Nort} and soutn (D) ENt.nd li/est
6. b a! opddl6ql|ft th. tso Dir'@ are plac.d ai d sgle of:
(A) 5' (B) S5'
{c) ,15' (D) 55'

9. Tbe b.llrauor oI fie msftM n6dl€ sth hoilo il6InouD3t:
(A) Dip

10. Dincr funsns is p@sibre only *lt . tle etd pdiDta @ :

(A) norcthu2mndr@ (B) nuharb int€rvbiN€

(c) iDhi\y aMs (D) irv.lleypo*id
11. Ihe ddable psit3 !!.t alo cloan€d ald tqblicatlil c@e. ud€! the €t€sorv .r :

(4) ndilwo.L (E) olE€wo*

(C) desictrils *ork (D) c@ ad.djutnani ofistsEelt

lt. IlF litu. passirg thrcugt poinis at .ame d€.limtion lt a BiwD tiEe e :

(4) lsosonic line. (B) AelDi! Iin6

(C) TrclilB (D) M.3n€tic liH
18. Tt6 Lorimtal algle wtich tte E.gletic turidid olt s €iil the tlE o! sroF6lhi.d
baidio i! ladn e :
({) Dip (B) Masleticderjnation
(c) Tru besins (D) Masetic h€anlg

(A) Crcat'Iudglosley (B) GEat lli8mFicil suwey

(C) Ceat 1\akEe Sun€y (D) Creai Tatrgpltial Sl@y
16. In a e.i€! ol6nt a lin€., iI the hth€r valued do inai& i!. betrd o! l@p it reprseat€ r I

le. A bla o&er ii b be neauFd boF tlar I

(D) 20n
1?. Ob.t!d.6! loth vjlio! sld chainirg i! @udd rhen it .w a:
(A) BundiDg (D IU@.
(c) Polil (D SiU

10t/20t6 {
18. cmloct d eray liEs olln@. didtid; d drbd:
A sqi€s of
(A) Pblo sudeyins (B) C.orLtic aufleyjng
(C) Tra*Eo sweyiry (D) Lkliing
10. v.,l8n tro liros Eoot at a point, th€ sun ol inl€rio! and 6*enor anal€6 i. equal to :

(A) 9e (B) 13cf

(c) 2?0P (D) 36f
20. Bns h!!de n @cted to t[6 link by :
(A abnbbjoirt (B) Balt and dt* joi
(O au(joirt (D) Sriveljoilt
tr. The sdiation ofEacletic decUnatio! acurFd dre io baeletic sto@s ald ealtbqusker i. :

(A) Ainlrl variation (B) IE4uldvariation

(c) sscul* vaiation (D) Dil|ml Ei.tion
,2. PlaE trbl€ ftr a station with thE help of:
i.6nt red
(A) Slidtle@l (B) Aliibde
(C) TFu3lt @p@ @) Plmltng fofi with DluDLhob
23. Which EstFd i. wd fo! l@tirg iu@B.ibL c,bj@t3?
(A) Rldiatior (B) Intarsciion
(c) Rlectior (D) ftaveBilg
21. B€s*l. .olution ol ihre poini prcbleb ! .leo Lnosn ao :

(A) lti.l and€@ Eetlod (B) 'Ib@FinanetLod

(C) Aldirhon tulLod (D) GEpldcar n€thod

26. Which cirL paa*a ihrcusb tbe lhE lNud poiltqi! tlF Doin' pdbLn?

(A) C.D€DiricciRr€ (B) E@trFic cir.le

(c) GFatciftle (D) circle
26. is a point denoring sbi&ins of the lov€I,
(A) Back 6bht (B) stationpoilt
(C) Itrten.diai4 point (D Cnangepoint
2?. The leasr @untol, r"kjc lRelrins sbfl

28. In d sinple lovs Ui.g tl'e bac! sight ta.L€n ai A of RL 100.00 i6 2.3 50 E nd th€ foresiglt t3}en
ai C' id 0.,120 thon RL .f'C id :

(A) r02.s6o (B) 103.360

(c) 101.130 (D) 100.00

,9. I b mrlrs ph6l. of r lonFiudrnrl &ction, tls depth o( cuninsF N tritie. i! :

(c) BIE (D) Bt .l

SO, Wlile plohins the crus'sectiong I
(A) v€riical &de j6 enlareld 10 iihed lhe horizon!€l sale
(B) v€ltical e.le is rcducsil by d€.t€nfi ot the hqi@ntd *ale
(C) boih ihe wrticsr dd ho.iantsl &a1.6 @ kept equal
@) Etical i. nade double tho honand sre
ll- Fud the 6tdhD loru dirt @oa3oon.
(B) 0.005b

32. BoDils rcds ald sight lails a.e u€ed for ;

(A) th€ oad lfiendent

(B) *tiibg ou. $adien
(C) alectirg tne nost eoooi@l qnd .uitable 6ite for en3ineins ror}t
(D) dtouling by trcLM.trjc n.thod
33. Cortou int Fd i!:
(A) tho holi@rtal distane let{€en two mn*cuiive cortonrB
(B) th€ least boli%nte1 &6t!nce botwoen two cofte.uti!€ 6nt u!6
(C) ihe di.tu6 b€t{e6n two cona*utire contouF alons th€ gEds cdntou!
(D) th€ w*ical diltaDce hetwmn iwo con.dtire @ ou6

t,l. Fd dirmily rpplyirg Sinpen s rrl€ ile rumb€! ot odilltes n$l be :

(t0 odd (B) Ev€n

(c) odd or e!e! (D) Norc olthe abov6

35. It is DoF dil[culN to obtai! seod resultE whil. nsasutirs hontuntdi dittene bv .t.pping :

(A) hin
rlown (B) uPbxl
(C) ldunilubtiry (D) in Plde
3e. A clinon.&r b u*d ttr .

(A) Aryleof.Iope (B) Lile olorrination

(C) To *tout aght aDgl4 (D) NlcuElfeatl|g
3?. Plad b€t€r n ueal6r E.asuins :
(A) volune (B) AEa
(C) abps ofdsre (D) Coltonr 3radi.ri
s3, In detric l€klling sts$, nMb€r of eubdivisiont per betle l€n$n a€ :

(A) l0o G) 200

(c) 5oo (D) looo

gg. TAe bearing of lire. OA tnd OB 26" lO dnd 33f, t8 tle valu otilcutd tnsb AOA t :
(a) g16'10 (B) lSef 23
(c) 36A23 (D) 51 52

.t0, Boain8ofABi6?6'IO' a b€dils ofBC i! locf 20 tl'e ansl€ ABC b I

(A) 3q
1?6' (B) r54
(c) 1tr'5(} (D) 266" 10

!1. A b€*i!t oft lite i. !l& hNo at :

(.4,) tt@ betnng (B) AtiDuth

(C) Mlsfttic beei.g (D) Reilnedb.aring

d2, tte op€latior of balins tle +ebtai. dum of l.titude. and ilepatt@d of . cloed tlavsre
6quol lo Dro i6 }rqn & :
(A) Bslenong tlE siglts (B) Balscinc ihe latilud€s
(C) Baldone the depa*ft. (D) Baladns the ravels

,13, The cd. of . siE! lin€ e dot inte*isibL froE ,ny intem€di.i. point3, in N.h a @* ihe
n.thod .dopted t edt blish irremeiliaie plirr i.:
(A) hetnod
Rrndon lin€ (8) Lidnsd
iC) Bglamiqin (D) Douhl€ siehting

41. Rltstirgth6trl6ae!€ofatl€odolitoinhod4nialDlaeaboutit€erticaldi!i!6ll€d:
(A) Pluryhs (B) Swmcnq
(C) T!.ndtirs (D) Rl@6ins
45. Ih. iEagjluy li!€ joirirs tL.6!tF of tho.yo pi@ !trd optidt @nt e of tDa o@i@ ir a
ih.odolite i. tbom a3 :
(A) noriartd db (Il) ve.ticatai!
(C) Arb i'f sltitude levsl @) Axi. oft!6 t€ler@p€

.t6. Weigbt ol ono bag cemeni is :

(A) 200 ks (B) !e160
(C) 100 Lg @) 50lg
4?. In rj'p. of hond3rftt h.6 dd heailea ae analg€d in alt€ture @le.
(A) Slr.cbq bold (B) Hed* bon;
(O EDsri.h boDd (D) neEish bord
rO, 'I'l€ pi€c. of a bric! cut .lons th€ contlo of {iillh h such a way thai it€ l€nsth i6 .qual to ihat
oI full blick b call€d I

6) E.Ubd<i. (B) Qu*neio*r

(c) (D) B.!€
,19. A ol @ftt€ pbed on trE erp@d ra! of ao dtehrl f,all i. known a. :
(A) CoEic6 (B) Frierc
(c) Lint4l (D) copds
50. TIF @D.ttuctio! in ihe sto.age h€adw@k lo dischrg. sud$ wator i. d@n .treae si&
3afoty i! call€d :

(a) Sluie (B) Bease

(C) resnrobr @) Spinway
6r. ItE Btra of interior snglds ololosed tlrrer.e is l
(A) (2tr 4)etr (B) (2D+4)9f
(c) (r .{)9e (D) (u+4)srf

52. Tick the oa{i lnswer fo! th. following :

(A) E€trs
1kb = 100 (B) 1k6=looon€ie
(c) lka = 1000m (D) 11LE=100.n

53. ln arr polyson the.!6 ofth€ d€tr€.tion.ngle will b€squ ro:

(A)9e G) rsd
(q 27e (D) 36d
51. II .ncular be..!&benb of ! lrav@ e E@ pr*i.e ih!tr s Une! b..!@e!tg
b,landnc of the |EEF b don. by :
(A) B.rditc.h! nrlo (B) ftaetrdo
(c) EDpilic.llule (D) ned@Ete
55. Ttr€ latitude ol sy line i! obtsiEd by p'iltiplins itr l€ngrh by :
(1t) t Ds€!. ofit eilu@d (B) siE dirt leducd h.ding
(C) mift of it6 rcd@il b.&iDg (D) @.@rr of it! Edu@d bedls
5d An ebgiRE chi. r Lotrg,
(A) roo ft (B) $e
(c) 16 fL @) 66 fi
5?. l,.sr oubr ofrL.odotit i._.o!&.
(!r) 20 (B) 10
(c) 10 (D) 30

64. t yr€ of em.s €tue. dE b ihpa|ict 6cu.Eirg

(A) couination (B) E@nrdcity
- (O Parald (D) HrToienure aldrnce
69. The angle subionderl by tle ld8 cbord of a Einpl€ cuN€ .i it! @nir i. equal io :
(A) angl€
Deflection (B) Int€ladtion ,ngl€
(c) 2 tidec d€0etion a!sl6 @) + tihes dsn€cdo! angte

I l02.t:20\6
(A) Trncsnt distatu6
(C) Lensth of cNe
01. Ovd umnc I of (hiclcs on d .uft @n b. .hded by usirs :

62. i. th. tim6 i! drv6 h€iw*n rhe 6Bt rdtenng for tte pap.ration of lind for
esidg .nil it8 l..t *ai6ins bebF hd€!t,
(A) dop poriod
- (C) poiod ofsEwth (D) naxinuh trod dish.ry€
61, A.a-e.w i6 ,n example of :

(A) Fitt o.der lev€. (B) s.ondordd l€v€r

(C) lLird orde. lerer (D) F;h@derLE!
6!t l1is .bility of batei.l to de!)E sithout bFalinc i! @[ed :

@) bri5ftt


(A) Ftio
(C) E6cie&y htio (D) M€chdicaladvants8E

66. Th€ !id.E.l rby n diwid€d int :

(A) 2!t (B) 2!h

(c) 361 (D) 12h
67. AICD ia a .qu.6 plot of bbd. Il ih. b€an4 of AB E 52. 4 t, the benng of CD E :
(A) l4r 45' (B) 6?.!d
(c\ 23v 15 (D) 32X 46

r02/2016 l0
( ) CliefP€ Unit (B) C€nhol Pre$insunit
(C) Chief Pressirg Urit (D) C€ntEl Pelaom@ Unil

60, Maxioi*, ninimis lnd clo6s buttons are presert in tne l

(A) Windo*6 (B) Menubai
(C) I\de bar @) cdtrclhd
70. $rhich ol the folloqin3 i! . rcbtd. bdory?
(A) ROM. (B) P,noM

tl. cut, copy ald past .F rbs Ddc.arLi.h of rh6 b€ru :

(A) viq (B) Frmurii.s
(C) Fodat (D) Edit
?2. The wolkin3 p.inciDle of oDtical square is I
(A) R€&r.tion (B) &nedion
(q DoubleEtaciio (D) Doubl€ F!€cti@

t8. Ih€ bacl .isht rtsding d a beml nark of RL' 200.00r n 2 08t lnd 6re sighr eading on'B
i6 1.305m tlE &L of B i! :
(B) 201,380n
(D) 201.306o

?a- Fd pEputi@ of ! dtoE Eap q,. r tuute .urt€v:

(A) ot6quN. is usd
MetLod (B) M€ihod of c'tEe @trtour i. usd
(C) M€rhodofndialln€ b usd (D). M€thod ofdos sdtiori. ued

76. In qladnntd bearinB gylt n, back bedin! of a lina nav b6 obtain.d &on i& fdsdit

(A) Additrg 180, il !h€ grren beiirs b L4 tbaa 18C

(B) Chaneing tle cadinar point!, je dubdtituting N for'9 and E fot $t anil
(C) Adiling 9e
(D) Sult actins 18tr, ifthe civ€n te.ri.s i5 sreatei than l3f

ll t02/2016
?6. The b, A.rb hdd. abow he'd .nd lhen brugh! dd! is:
(A) More slowly io tle nghr (B) MoE sldly to rhe left
(c) Fn
7?, Dllmg !h. mhndssrtre the.wror.hould pFpw
(A) Siie pbn (B)
(c) 8i.ld (D) B€f6rN points on gtouil
?8, Bdelleil edled of the alidtde i. :

(A) ndlciil edge

(c) Liliqe&e
?0. Th€ C.ylo, Btratt tle! i. u@d for :
(A) Trachspoint (B) M€&uing th€ d€pth ofrat€
(C) Talirg b€snlg (D) S.tti4 di a Bdt @.tou
80, The peo.. of leleUins in wbich th€ €l6valions of loinld rft dnpured f&m rh€ reni.d
rngles and boliental distue. ne@uod in th6 6elil : ,
(B) lly l€relliDa
(C) ft is.@oettiol Lv.llins
81, AEoDc th. follodng who w$ not ! r.ad6r ol Salr Satyasraha held ar rozhiktro& :

(A) Rda ty6r

(O K Ker.ppd (D) t,&, I<dsbna S*abi lrer
31. whicl ea. mi a wdk ofMa.Lthi Thdsal?
(A) larpakari (B) Saihyap$Iaol@
{c) saD&

81. Varli S.v! Sabithi sr. €.tlbli.heil .t :

64. TIE !@el 'Sahdr'is v.inor by :

(A) AEbadi N&aya!. Poduval
(c) BhavatiatanNanbutiipad

r0/!016 tt
86. \4,!o adong th. foDowins sot Blarat Raha bo6re beconins the Presidani of India?
(A) D!. zaLiHussain @) vv. cni
(C) FalhnildiDAliAhneil (D) Dr. RrjerdE ?hsad

80. Amdg lh6 loUNing wlD ps lot cb.iry€@! of Natiolar Comi$iotr 6r F@D?
(A) JaydtliP.ino} (B) P@i@Ade!.i
{C) Mena Ku* (D) Girij. vye

8?. !{hicb @@tltutiolal aDerdEetrt ni!.d th. !ub.t of Lhabha satt to 545?

(A) 1610963) (B) 30d O9?3)

(cl sl.oe?s) (D) 42d (1e76)

88. .t{aia,kda VrdlaE' was on attallotl! writttn by :

(A) K!.ihiltthiroal RsEa (B) Kottly@ Raja

(C) A!*athi tainrd nqt: Theplfu (D) InyiMTh.Epi

89. \/aidy!j*v!o@ i. r sorl writt r d Ay@d. by :

(4) MutlEt!
Pachu (B) ltttAchuthm
(C) Appu BLatt (D) vrlattot Nev.m Menon

90. 'N66lalo!t Theriha Pailai wa . th€ tli.cipl€ of:

(.!0 Sahoddtn Ar:tappan (B) BralEa!.nda sivaFsi
(C) Ctuttmpi S*tnikal (D) Ayvankari

91. Mitrvadi *a. foudod by :

(A) c.K'idnd (8) TK Madl!'@

(c) I.P.tGsaMenm (D) M@*othK|D8d

92. AEon3 the folLwins rho sas noc d esdlt€ of Ayyulari:

C{) ltoEssvadny,r (B) Pa!.ji lr,a!.lqo
(C) l(avalan ChaEthan Solonor (D) Y*udsan

A l8 102/2016
93. Ki.lon Sakrlti Yojana'is aimed to :
(A) inpaft trainins for enploynen! ol rural wonen
(lr) inpsre th6 nulrition dnd hcdlih of teenase gir16
(C) hou6tic .npNernen! ol wonor
(D) €nhancing ih€ opportunitio6 ol6bal€ €d@don
94 T!€ di@ forE Ran.naitu ws irvented by:
(A) Kottd,lhrs Tt,n!@E
(C) Abbldi NMydr PoduEl
96. aAo flthor ot'Panchayeii n l-is:

06. Tho Minid€r fron a Malabar in the Reasopalaohad cabinet of r$? qas :

(A) P.n DuuiMemn (B) L Kelappar

(C) KoDsitdR.mM€non {D) U. ci!,r, M€!o!
97. ]'h€ FiEt I{.!.h State onleene of@ne*& hold at Otiappalaa in I92l wa. ch.ird hy :

(A) Basdr
ADi€ (B) T. Prat aslan
(C) S@jidNaidu (D) X. K.lappan

t8. who is tmw! 4 Dhdndaja?

(A) ArilyaE Tiual (B)
(C) Utran Tirural Bala€ba (D) Klltika TiNnal Rsna Vrrna
99. 'Deepi}a was the pubtication of;
(A) VaLIM Moulavi
(C) MoyyaFth sanl.En
10O. In wlictr @don oftlE @.gress S.K. Pon€ rtierd€d &oD Ke.ah?
(A) F!.ipun (B) Naepr
(D) Bonbay

102/2016 14

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