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A rather short list of what I've learned so far from the dating environment, or mostly lack of normal

human decency and interaction:

1. The one who cares less, shall be the one with all the power. Why on Earth would you even want
to show that you are interested into someone? As if! That is too old school.
2. Psychological games of showing how busy and blasé you are about the other person by
‘intentionally taking hours, even days (for pros) to text back’. Definitely the most trending behaviour.
3. Zero interest or carefreeness? Honestly, now-a-days it seems the same thing. Probably the
former option is the winning one.
4. Making phone calls? So not 2016, text is the way. That is if you’re lucky enough to even get a
reply! Otherwise, welcome to the most detached form of human interaction (thank you WhatsApp
and Facebook chat)
5. “Maybe” or “I’ll let you know”, my top favourite phrases in saying “I have way more interesting
things to do than going out with you, and yes that implies staying home and potato coaching.” Did
someone say plans? Oh right, I have better things to do than showing interest in someone I made
them believe I was into, but other than that keep them hanging on the ‘maybe’ line.
6. Unfortunately Karma is one slow bitch. And when I say that is because usually, the ones who
cheat or betray are the ones that move on happily ever after and you are left wondering the heck
went wrong.
7. Romantic or creepy? Depends on how attractive you are! Nothing more or less. Yep, that’s it.
Good luck to all you with great personalities.
8. “Let’s chill” or any other similar ambiguous phrases = “Let’s hookup”. Period. No explanation
9. The “I only want to hook up with you, but I won’t let you know that until I get what I want and after
that I’ll disappear into thin air. But first let me swoon you off your feet and the rest is history.” Well,
human decency is ideal, but honesty appears to not be mandatory anymore.
10. “Oh sorry, didn’t get your message!” or the ‘no reply’ person. Don’t worry, they did get your
message, but it’s too bothersome for them to respond.
11. Being official is not on trend anymore. Why? Probably because most people are scared to
commit, but other than that having a label-free relationship is rather convenient since the other
person cannot have any expectations from the former person, because they “were just talking!” or
“you imagined everything in your head”. Sorry, what? I say: 'Make up your mind!'
12. Social media: the joys and opportunities it offers. Rather than being seen as a way to maintain
contact with family and friends, for some people out there is just a menu of potential preys to cheat
on their partner. Hooray to Mark Zuckerberg.
13. And finally, my all-time favourite: if you get dumped it must be brutal. Why? Doing it over the
phone is the most impersonal and careless way to do it, nonetheless the coward way out: it lets
them get out without seeing the tears stream down your face and hear the pain in your voice while
you’re asking for a simple explanation (that of course you will never get). They’ve sent you a text and
voila, they’re free to move on. Easy way out is not also the most considerate one. Be responsible for
your actions.

Disclaimer: Any reference to real facts or persons is purely coincidental (or not?)

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