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Students will learn about the Dominican Republic’s education system.

Key understandings:

1. PISA Score

2. Teacher salary/training

3. Classroom size, materials, & facilities

4. Government involvement

Anticipatory Set

Begin by asking the students what they think the education system of the Dominican Republic is
like. Has anybody ever been to the Dominican Republic? Where is the Dominican Republic?

Show cut-out poster to the class.

Run the Google Slides presentation about the Dominican Republic’s educational system.

Direction Instruction

1. Have the students take notes during the Google Slides presentation.

2. Explain on the Google Slides presentation everything about the Dominican Republic’s
educational system that was researched.

Guided Practice

1. Break students into groups of 3 or 4

2. Distribute materials teachers would have available to teach with in the Dominican Republic.
Ask the groups to come up with ways educators can use the materials they have available to give
the best education possible to their students.

Closure/Check for Understanding

1. Review the worksheets- hand worksheets to the person to the person to their left for peer

2. Go over strategies each group came up with on ways educators in the Dominican Republic can
utilize their resources to ensure a valuable education.
Independent Practice

Students will go home to research a country of their choice and create a cut-out poster with
information about that country’s educational system.

Required Materials/Equipment

One worksheet per student

Paper & Pencil for notetaking

Materials used in the Dominican Republic in classrooms

By: Angela Cairns & Alyssa Walker

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