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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP ……………

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Materi Pokok : memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan,
larangan, dan himbauan,
Alokasi Waktu : 14 x 40 menit (7 pertemuan)

1. Materi Pokok

a. Fungsi Sosial
Menyuruh, melarang, dan menghimbau.

b. Struktur Teks
Memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan dan himbauan dapat dilakukan
dengan cara:
 Memulai
 Menanggapi (diharapkan/ diluar dugaan)

1) Ungkapan keharusan

Stuktur teks Contoh

Memulai I am not really satisfied with my test result.
Menanggapi You must study harder in the next test
Menanggapi Yes, I promise

2) Ungkapan larangan

Stuktur teks Contoh

Memulai Do you know what time it is?
Menanggapi It’s 8:30 a.m., Ma’am
Menanggapi Do you know the time of the class begins?
Menanggapi It’s 8:00 a.m. Ma’am.
Menanggapi That means you are late. Next time, don’t be late!
Menanggapi Yes, Ma’am.

3) Ungkapan himbauan

Stuktur teks Contoh

Memulai Do you know what time it is?
Menanggapi It’s 8:30 a.m., Ma’am
Menanggapi Do you know the time of the class begins?
Menanggapi It’s 8:00 a.m. Ma’am.
Menanggapi That means you are late. Next time, don’t be late!
Menanggapi Yes, Ma’am.
c. Unsur Kebahasaan
- Ungkapan keharusan, larangan, himbauan dengan modal must, (don’t) have to..., should,
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

1) Keharusan (obligation)

 Obligation in the present

Questions Obligation Expression

Must I make my bed before going to Yes, you must. You have to clean your own
school? bedroom.
Look! Janice is so pale. She must see a doctor soon
We are so late! We have to take a taxi.
You must obey the rule
You have to wear uniform
He must come on time
I have to tell my parents
We must listen to our teacher
She has to leave him
He has to get the permission
I/ you/ they/ we
Have to
He/ she/ it
Has to

2) Larangan (Prohibition)
Untuk menyatakan informasi terkait larangan dapat menggunakan ujaran seperti:

Expression of Prohibition Response

Don’t be late! OK
Don’t be careless Sure
They must not make any noise Of course
Don’t feed the animals, please! All right
Don’t run, please! No problem
Don’t say that
You must not carry the glass
Don’t meet me at ten o’clock
You are not allowed to sing the song again
Don’t smoke too much
Don’t boast about it
She must not talk so loudly
Don’t leave the room
Don’t go home now
He must not smoke here

I/ you/ they/ we/ she/ he/

Must not

3) Himbauan (Suggestion)
Berikut ini adalah ujaran yang bisa digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi himbauan:

Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

Do you have any suggestion for me? You should….
Will you give any suggestion for me? You need/ ought to…
Any idea? I’d like to suggest that…

Accepting Suggestion Rejecting Suggestion

Ok Oh no
Yes, I will I tried that, but that won’t help because…

I/ you/ they/ we/ she/ he/

should V1
2. Materi Pengayaan


 Obligation in the past

Questions Response
What did you do in the past? I had to work extra hours to pay my bills

 Obligation in the future

Questions Response
My uncle from Java will come to You will have to pick up your uncle at
Pekanbaru this evening the airport


Accepting Suggestion Rejecting Suggestion

Yes, I suppose I should Thanks, but that won’t help because…
Sure. I’ll do that. I don’t want to do that because…
Thanks, I’ll do it. That’s a good idea, but…
It sounds good. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
I think good way I think it can’t solve my problem.
That’s a good/ nice/ wonderful idea. I guess not.


Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

Where do you think I can get something nice? It’s better for you…
Can you tell me what happened? You must…
It would be a good idea to see…
I suggest that you…
I recommend that you…
I strongly advise you to…

3. Materi Remedial

Untuk menanyakan informasi terkait keharusan dapat menggunakan ujaran seperti:

Questions Response
The teacher warns me about my shoes You must wear proper shoes to school
I’m not feeling well You have to see a doctor soon

Untuk menanyakan informasi terkait larangan dapat menggunakan ujaran seperti:

Expression of Prohibition Response

Don’t open your book! Ok. Sure.
You must not tell your friends! All right
Untuk menanyakan informasi terkait himbauan dapat menggunakan ujaran seperti:

Questions Response
What should I do? You should.....
What do you thing It’s June.

Listening Script

Dialogue 1

Mr. Adi : Why are you late?

Galih : I’m so sorry Sir. I must help my parent.
Mr. Adi : whatever your reason, and you must know that all students must obey the school rules
Galih : Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I promise that I will not come late again.
Mr. Adi : Okay, I forgive you. But you must in law.


Mr. Adi : Why are you late?

Galih : I’m so sorry Sir. I must help my parent.
Mr. Adi : whatever your reason, and you must know that all students must obey the school rules
Galih : Yes, Sir. I’m sorry. I promise that I will not come late again.
Mr. Adi : Okay, I forgive you. But you must in law.

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