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Eassy : Do you think we should ban genetically modified (GM) food ?

Genetically modified foods (GM foods), also known as genetically engineered

foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods are foods produced from organisms that
have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.
Genetic engineering techniques allow for the introduction of new traits as well as
greater control over traits when compared to previous methods, such as selective
breeding and mutation breeding.(Genetically modified foods, 2018). Nowadays,
genetically modified food problems are widespread throughout the world. GM foods
are genetically modified using biotechnology. More and more GM foods appear on
store shelves and supermarkets nowadays , and it also into our kitchens.However, the
majority of the previous studies on consumer attitudes towards food products were
conducted in developed countries in Europe as well as Japan.(Curtis et al., 2004).
Genetically modified cannot be ban because it have the nutritional content , increased
resistance to pets and diseases and the environmental protection.

GM foods have the nutritional content that have been improved to give us more
nutrition other then non-GM foods. According to The National Academies of Science,
Engineering and Medicine(NAS),they confirming the safety of GMOs and
compositional and nutritional equivalency with non-GMO foods in 2016.GM food
can provide some of most essential vitamin such as vitamin A, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin
B-12,vitamin C and vitamin D.All of this vitamin was a need for our body as it has in
the food pyramid.For example, pro-vitamin A carotenoid-biofortification of bananas,
sweet potato, maize and cassava also amino acid and protein-biofortification of
sorghum and cassava. It also can utilizing a natural bacterial such as Bacillus
subtilis.Example of food that can utilize the bacterial is corn, soy and sugar beets.GM
foods was a longer lasting food which mean it can be stored longer. For example the
innate potato has a lower levels of asparagine which make the potato long lasting it
can be see on food package label. Therefore, GM foods can provide us more nutrition
as it have in the food pyramid and also it can be stored for long time so that we can
have a stock for future.
Other than that, genetically modified foods should not be ban in our industry. As
it mentioned an increased resistance to pets and diseases, the tolerance against bad
weather conditions, and an increase in food supply are all obviously positive aspects.
It will turn more better taste and quality when they are modified and they also have
increase the nutrients, yields and stress tolerance. The time to crop to mature is
reduced as well. As far as the advantages for animals, they develop to increase
resistance, productivity and free efficiency. They also produce more food and health
also can be improve. The environment can benefit from genetically modifying foods
as well. The bioherbicides and bionsecticides are environmentally friendly. It is
because genetic modification improves the resistance of plants and reduces their
maturation time, soil, water and energy can also be conserved. If have the better
natural waster management associated with genetic modification and it will make the
food processing is more efficient.

Last but not least, the reason why we should not ban on genetically modified
(GM) foods is environmental protection. Basically, the process of genetic
modification has been done by way of selectively breeding plants or animals for
specify genetic traits and physically isolate a particular gene and insert it into another
substance. According to an Oklahoma State university, the increase of GM animals
and crops often requires less time, tools and chemicals. Besides, it also reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion and environmental pollution. Based on the
journal “European Journal Of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research”, the research
says that GM are more economically friendly as pesticides do not go into air, soil, and
water (especially freshwater supplies) and also, production of hazards to the
environments is decreases. This journal prove that genetically modified (GM) food
will let the environment safe. Controlling farm runoff that otherwise pollutes water
systems, are associated with reduced spraying of chemical insecticides and highly
toxic herbicides. By reducing mechanical wedding will helps prevent the loss of
topsoil. Health benefits result from reduced pesticide exposure for farmers and rural
laborers and lower pesticide for consumers (Matin Qaim, 2010). For sure, there are no
reason for us to ban on genetically modified (GM) foods. Human always being
protective at environments so that it still clean and one of the way is by generate more
genetically modified (GM) food.

In conclusion, we should not ban genetically modified (GM) food because GM

foods not harmful human health but it give more advantages to us especially farmers.
So that, we did not have enough or strong reason to ban GM foods even ethical
concerns are still being debated by some people. Food is a central element of daily life,
and hence an important topic for many consumers (Lucht, 2015). Nevertheless, the
responsible parties should play a role in finding appropriate solutions to overcome the
concerns of a handful of such party against the GM foods. The responsible party in
this matter should also be always do improvement of the system of GM foods in order
to continue to give advantages and help the farmers who have the first role in issuing
the crop yield to the people.

Qiam, M. (2010, April 2). The Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops and the Costs
of Inefficient Regulation. Retrieved from

Puspasree, P. (2018). Advantages and disadvantages of popular genetically modified

plants and animals-A review. European Journal of pharmaceutical and medical
research. Retrieved from

Oklahoma State University. (n.d.). GMO facts: GMOs are protecting the environment.
Retrieved from

Curtis, Kynda R.M., Jill J.W., Thomas I.(2004). Consumer Acceptance of Genetically
Modified Food Products in the Developing World. Retrieved from

James, Clive (1996). "Global Review of the Field Testing and Commercialization of
Transgenic Plants: 1986 to 1995" (PDF). The International Service for the
Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications. Retrieved from

Lucht, J. M. (2015). Public acceptance of plant biotechnology and GM

crops. Viruses.

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