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Name: Madison Verschoor Date lesson taught: March 13th, 2019 9:30am & 11:15am

Content Area: Spanish

Course Title & Grade Level: Spanish 1B- freshmen, sophomores and juniors

IAWL.1.IPL3: Use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the cultures studied.
I can indicators:
o I can recognize and understand details about some festivals, holidays and events.
o I can recognize and understand some cultural facts of target language countries.
o I can make connections between the target language and my own.
o I can understand the value of continuing my target language education.
o I can make comparisons between the target language and my own.


Content—Students will use Spanish to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between the target
language and their own native language and their cultures.

Language—Students will show evidence of learning when they can successfully get 5/5 multiple choice
questions correctly on their exit ticket (Google Form); that they will complete individually.

Student-friendly—Today I am learning about the Ponce Carnival of Puerto Rico, so that I can make
connection between Spanish cultures and my own. I will know I’ve got it when I can individually and
successfully complete 5/5 questions on my exit ticket correctly.
Assessment: I will be using a Google Form as an exit ticket that the students will complete individually. This
will be a formative assessment as this is the first time most of them will be learning about the Ponce Carnival
and they will develop more learning about this topic. I will know my students have met the objectives, if they
can complete 5/5 questions correctly on the Google Form.

Proactive Management: I will set my expectations of no electronics and voices off during my introduction
to today’s lesson. The students will be expected to silently read the “exploration” article by themselves. They
will be expected to have short, meaningful and on topic conversations with an elbow partner. I expect them to
give me their undivided attention again during the rest of the Google Slides and instructions for the rest of the
day’s lesson. Their voices must be off for the first five minutes to allow everyone time to read the article once
on their own. They may then work with the partner I assign them by celebrity couples. They will be expected
to respect their partner and have on topic conversation while they help one another along. Finally they will be
expected to turn their voices off for the exit ticket.

Instructional Strategies:
o Read-Pair-Share (Students read exploration article/Carnaval article- pair up- share ideas)
o Foldable/Interactive Notes (Foldable…vocabulary/connections/summary)

Note Taking Strategy:

o Foldable/Interactive Notes (Foldable… vocabulary/connections/summary)
o Class discussed strategies (Google Slide: What do we do when we read? Ex: highlight, take notes)
Students will know what to write down as I will demonstrate the foldable (how to make one, how to label and
how to fill out). I will also have a slide that shows the students note/reading strategies and acceptable
resources to use in a world language classroom.

o What would we expect to see, if we went to the carnival? Understanding level of Bloom’s Taxonomy-
Divergent Question
o What do we do while reading? Analyzing level of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Divergent Question
o Other tips and tricks we know for reading? Analyzing level of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Divergent Question
o What holiday do we celebrate in the US that is similar to the Ponce Carnival?- Understanding level of Bloom’s
Taxonomy- Divergent Question
o In what country do they celebrate the Ponce Carnival? Remembering level of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Convergent
o Who is usually hidden under “King Momo”? Remembering level of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Convergent Question
o What is the “Entierro de la Sardina”? Remembering level of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Convergent Question
o How confident would I feel explain the Ponce Carnival to someone who had never heard of it? Evaluating level
of Bloom’s Taxonomy- Divergent Question
o What questions do you still have about the Carnaval de Ponce? Evaluating level of Bloom’s Taxonomy-
Divergent Question

Anticipatory Set:
Exploration Article:

The Lesson:
o State Expectations before you start class (no phones, voices off, etc.)
o Google Slides
o Exploration Article ( -10minutes
 Give the students 5min to briefly read the article alone in silence
 Give the students 1.5min to jot down main ideas that answer the question: What would you expect to
see at the Ponce Carnival?
 Give the students the last 3.5min to share their ideas with an elbow partner
o Google Slides cont.
o Brainstorm/Go over reading strategies- have the students come up with more strategies than I gave them (2-
o Create interactive foldables as a class (5min)
o I DO/ WE DO- Demonstrate my example foldable to class (5min)
o Read silently-Ponce Carnival article- 5min.
o YOU DO TOGETHER- Pair (celebrity couples)- (15min)
 Students may bounce ideas off of one another, help one another, talk about the Carnival in general
o YOU DO ALONE- Complete Exit Ticket (5min)
o If there is time address the questions/curiosities the students left in the Google Form as a whole class.

Procedural— Make sure ALL students have completed the exit ticket and their foldable.
Content Summary— Review some of the questions/curiosities the students left on their exit ticket. Remind
them that this celebration is most like Mardi Gras in the US. Have a conversation about how fun or not fun
they think taking part in this celebration would be and why.
CarnavalenPonceENGLISH[PDF]. (n.d.).
G. (2019, February 19). Ponce Carnival or Carnaval Ponceño 2019. Retrieved March 11, 2019, from
Sparrow, C. (1970, January 01). Reading Strategies for Middle and High School Students. Retrieved March
07, 2019, from

Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components of your lesson. How did you
demonstrate high expectations, make learning relevant, and motivate students?

I demonstrated high expectations by expecting my students to get 100% on their exit tickets. Usually I only expect an 80-
90%, but I believe to truly meet my objective they need to get all five questions right on their exit ticket. I also tried to give
the students a variety of ways to work with one another throughout the lesson to motivate them. Finally, I used relevant ways
to pair the students up, by using famous celebrity couples.

2) Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components (representation, action &
expression, engagement) of your lesson. How did you differentiate to meet the needs of ALL learners?

I gave the students a variety of ways to work together and alone to maintain their engagement throughout the lesson. This
strategy also allows the students to support one another in their learning and take individual responsibility of their learning
through the Gradual Release of Responsibility model. Finally, I provided two different articles to support one another and fill
gaps in comprehension of the students.

Links to supporting materials:

o Ponce Carnival PDF:

o Exploration Article:
o Exit Ticket:

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