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Thought for the day: Priority Inquisitorial Communique

Dest. HES Penance Under Suffence

The body and soul are ever threats and ever
Adaptus Astra Telepathica

Instruments of our Inquisitorial will,

This is to bring you up to speed with the upcoming

endeavour. Your work thus far has been commendable, but
remember that pride begets arrogance, and arrogance begets
You are on your way to Port Wander as part of an ongoing
mop-up operation following the purging of House Thrungg.
The heretic Bulagor has been punished for his sins and other
teams are presently tying up loose ends that his treachery has
left in its wake.
You are tasked with getting on the trail of one of House
Thrungg’s key suppliers of proscribed artefacts, the likes of which had been captured in the purged estate.
The wanted party’s identity is still a mystery to the Conclave, but it is known that Eternal Praetorian is one
of the vessels utilised by this smuggling operation. Its present whereabouts are unknown, but the Conclave
is certain, based on the information at its disposal, that the vessel regularly operates through Port Wander.
You shall proceed as you deem fit with your mission, and are expected to bring this matter to a definite
close. The Cold Trade operation is to be terminated with extreme prejudice, and a clear message sent to
those entertaining similar thoughts that no heresy shall go unpunished. Appropriate starting resources
shall be made available so that you may conduct your mission with utmost efficiency.
During your stay at Port Wander and in the Koronus Expanse, you should be mindful of several
individuals of importance that shall be named here. In charge of all the station’s operations is Commander
Larius Sans. Dispensing the blessings of the Omnissiah is Magos Toronos. The frail hand of the law is
Marshal Dhorin. Isshaak speaks for the Astropathic Choir Sanctum. Foremistress Rhaelee Mahvorn III of
S/914 R IX maintains the expanse’s fleets. And Honourable Representative Pultarch Noln lends his coffers
to promising endeavours.
A note of caution: Port Wander is an Imperial outpost, but the Empire’s rule on it is tenuous. Navy and
Arbitrators vie for control of overlapping jurisdictions, with the real movers and shakers being the Rogue
Traders. Do not count on your rosettes to get you anywhere other than killed. There is an Inquisitorial
presence on the station, but for all intents and purposes you are on your own.

In the name of the Emperor, let none survive who turn their faces from Him.

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