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According to the Indonesian dictionary, paradox is a statement that seems to contradict public opinion or truth,

but in reality it contains truth; paradoxical. Twin paradox is one example of time dilation. Twin paradox is about
twins, first with A who were twins who traveled and B were twins who lived on earth. Because B is always on
earth, it is always in an inertial frame at all times, so B may use the formulation of expansion time for A’s trip but
that time interval is considered small compared to the whole A’s tripTwin paradox theory is a very controversial
paradox. This theory controversial because there is no one can prove this theory but there is some theory support
this paradox. Most of scientist agree but some of them disagree because this paradox can’t be proven.
The Twin Paradox is a relativistic effect, where the interval of two events will slow down when the object moves
relatively to an observer. This event is often analogous to twins. One of them traveled to space with high-speed
rockets (approaching speed llight), when he / she returned to earth he / she found that he / she was younger than
his / her twin who lived on earth. This event kind of confusing, because the situation seems symmetrical. From
the point of view of the child who is traveling, his twin who stays on the earth is the one who travels against him,
so according to his view, his twin on earth who will be younger. Here is the paradox of the "twin" case in the
special theory of relativity (Beiser,1991; 14).

Is Langevin (1911), the first person who explains the age differences of the twins. He argues, "Only people who
travel experience acceleration. This acceleration causes age differences," Besides, from the side of the child who
stays on earth, he experiences earth's gravity which is stronger than his twin who traveled to space. This refers to
einstein's relativity theory. This theory's equation predicts that gravity similarly slow down, or dilates time.
Einstein's theory of relativity predicts that time does not flow at a constant rate but changes, and it can be affected
by acceleration. As a result, the clock that moves away from the observer will appear slower than the static clock.
If people are experiencing stronger gravitational pull, then their time is going to go slower.

A new study says that, to shows the relationship between time-slowing effect of accelaration and gravity is not
necessary by comparing two objects that are on the surface of the earth and object which carried out into space.
Basically, the closer an object to the center of the mass, the stronger its gravitational pull. So that compared to
objects floating in the atmosphere, objects on the earth's surface experience a slightly stronger gravitational pull.
This study has been proven by one of the scientists, James Chin-Wen Chou of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), and his colleagues. Using two ultraprecise atomic clocks, by lifting one of the clocks
just about one foot (33 centimeters) above the other one, creates quite a difference in gravity so that the higher
clock beats slightly faster. However, NIST scientists note that this effect is too small for humans to understand

At the end, we still can’t prove this paradox. It is still a theory. But, we can’t ignore some experience that mostly
prove this theory. In science, if a theory don’t have a contradiction with another theory,the theory true about 80-
90%. So, we can’t prove this paradox but, this paradox almost true and will be true until we have a techonolgy to
prove this.

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