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Foods To Eat To Lower Blood Pressure

1. Red Beets
Want to lower your blood pressure in 24 hours? Eat beets! And not because they’ll kill you…
Beets contain nitric oxide that opens blood vessels. Juice them, cook them, or bake them as
chips (using olive oil for extra benefit). Aussies love adding beets to meat and they make
burgers juicy! Pickled beets are included in the healthy beet category!
Try oatmeal for breakfast or an energizing snack. Oatmeal offers high-fiber, low fat and low
sodium, so what you need to help lower your blood pressure. Just avoid the butter and
sugary toppings. Instead, add fruits and nuts.
As a side benefit, oatmeal help control blood sugar spikes so you won’t get as hungry is you
are also trying to lose weight.
Berries are rich in flavonoids. It appears that flavonoids may lower blood pressure. Eat them
raw or frozen for best effect. According to studies, one cup a week will yield results.
Blueberries and strawberries seem to have the best results.

Bananas have several healthy vitamins like vitamins C and B-6. They also deliver on
carbohydrates, protein, fiber and magnesium. But the thing bananas are most known for, is
one of the best things for your heart: Potassium.
If bananas aren’t your thing, that’s just fine. You have several more options to get that all-
important potassium. One that ranks high on the list is potatoes. In one potato, it contains
approximately 897 mg of potassium. That’s 25 percent of the recommended amount.
18 foods to cleanse your arteries
A healthy heart means a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to understand the
importance of cardiovascular function as this is where we usually go wrong. This is
because a minor clog can lead to major health repercussions even at a very young
Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes are some of the end results of this. Therefore,
two things need to taken care of and should be kept in check at all times: cholester ol
and blood pressure. If the arteries get clogged, it can lead to a permanent health
issue. Following are the foods which can help cleanse your arteries:
1. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin. It is because of this property that turmeric
reduces inflammation which causes hardening of the arteries. This condition is called
atherosclerosis and is very dangerous. Therefore, turmeric works in the favour of
lowering inflammation in the arteries. This inflammation can be due to many factors
like unhealthy food habits.
According to a study published in Preventive Medicine, garlic can inhibit coronary artery
calcification while another study suggests that powdered garlic can reduce formation of
nanoplaque by upto 40 percent and its size by upto 20 percent.

Turmeric is also effective in treating clogged arteries and making your heart healthy. It has a
component called curcumin which has anti-intifammatory and antioxidant properties that
prevent the blood from clotting. In addition, turmeric extracts can reduce the level of low
density lipoproteins to reduce the build up in the arteries and relax the blood vessels,
thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke

Fenugreeks seeds are also effective in treating clogged arteries. These seeds contain sponins
that can reduce the level of LDL cholesterol and thereby prevent clogging of arteries. The
high amount of fiber in fenugreek seeds plays key role in reducing the bad cholesterol levels

Flaxseeds contain alpha- linolenic acid that can reduce high blood pressure and
inflammation, thereby keeping the arteries clear of obstructions and improving heart
health. Fiber in flaxseeds helps in binding LDL cholesterol and clearing clogged arteries.

2. Orange: A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that
consuming oranges helps lowering the resting blood pressure. This is because
oranges contain antioxidants which help improve the blood vessel function. Oranges
also contain fiber pectin which lowers cholesterol. The vitamin C present in oranges
help strengthen the arteries and does not lead to blockages.

3. Pomegranate: Another popular food for cleansing our arteries, pomegranate is

extremely useful for preventing blockages in the arteries. This is because
pomegranate contains phytochemicals. The antioxidants present in pomegranate
stimulates the production of nitric oxide which consequently helps in blood flow and
helps keep the arteries open.

4. Broccoli: Foods rich in fiber are known to lower blood pressure and keep
cholesterol problems at bay. Broccoli is loaded with vitamin K, which helps in
preventing hardening of the arteries. Broccoli also lubricates the arterial walls. It is
also beneficial for bone formation.

5. Coffee: Coffee contains caffeine, which can help improve your heart health.
However, it is better to stick to coffee in moderation only. Drinking four cups of
coffee every day is ideally advised.

6. Whole grain: Whole grains like bajra, jowar, bajra, and ruttu are some of the whole
grains available in India. Whole grains contain soluble fiber which helps in lowering
cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

7. Fatty fish: Fatty fish includes fish like Salmon which are high in omega -3. To cut
bad fat in the body, we need good fat. In order to stimulate this process so that our
arteries do not get blocked due to unhealthy food items, consumption of good fats
like omega-3 is necessary.

8. Green tea: Foods and liquids rich in antioxidants are extremely useful if you wish
to take care of your heart. Antioxidants help fight radicals. Green tea is helpful in
decreasing cholesterol in your body and get it to a healthier level . Sipping two cups
everyday will be beneficial.

9. Watermelon: Watermelons contain essential amino acids which help lower blood
pressure levels in the body. Sometimes, due to bad inner health, the blood vessels
tend to narrow down. This can be due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Watermelon help
produce nitric oxide which leads to widening these blood vessels.

10. Olive oil: As mentioned before, good fats are needed to cut bad fats. Olive oil
contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, both of which are great for
lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

11. Cinnamon: Another powerful antioxidant, cinnamon along with water or tea
everyday can help you keep heart diseases at bay. This is because cinnamon
eradicates the issue of blockages in the arteries.

12. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain lycopene which help decrease the LDL cholesterol
and triglycerides from our bloodstream. Since they are also rich in fiber, they help
clear blockages from our arteries.

13. Beans: Other than being rich in fiber, beans are also high in folic acid. Folic acid
does not let the arteries get blocked. Beans help reduce the risk of cholesterol
deposits which consequently leads to clogging the arteries.

14. Apples: A study by Ohio State University suggests that an apple a day can help
reduce the hardening of arteries by 40%. This is because apples contain fiber which
helps slow down the clogging of arteries.

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