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MS Word Processing


You work part-time as a spreadsheet specialist for Kona's Expresso Coffee, one of the up-and-
coming coffee franchises in the United States. your manager has asked you to develop an annual cost of
goods analysis worksheet. similar to the one shown below.


1. Start Excel. Enter the worksheet title, Kona's Expresso Coffee, in cell A1 and the worksheet subtitle,
Annual Cost of Goods, in cell A2. beginning in row 3, enter the store locations, costs of goods, and
supplies categories shown in the table below

New York Chicago Denver Seattle San Francisco

Coffee Beans 34146.39 43253.53 43522.72 53075.94 47654.32
Containers 964.84 1009.97 864.65 1215.39 1429.98
Condiments 21843.43 37627.87 9817.67 12793.47 11565.13
Pastries 47381.28 52420.37 38389.12 23074.84 22805.06

2. Use SUM function to determine the totals for each store location, type of supply, and company grand

3. Use cell Styles in the Styles group on the Home tab on Ribbon to format the worksheet title with the
Title cell style. Center the title across columns A through G. Do not be concerned if the edges of the
worksheet title are not displayed.

4. Use buttons in the Font group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to format the worksheet subtitle to 14-
point Calibri dark blue, bold font, and center it across columns A through G.

5. Use Cell Styles in the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to format the range A3:G3 with the
Heading 2 cell style, the range A4:G7 with the 20% - Accent1 cell style, and the range A8:G8 with the
Total cell style. Use the buttons in the Number group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to apply the
Accounting format to the range B4:G4 and the range B8:G8. Use the buttons in the number group on
the Home tab on the Ribbon to apply the Comma Style to the range B5:G7. Adjust any column widths to
the widest text entry in each column.

6. Select the range A3:F7 and insert a 3-D Clustered Column chart. Apply the Style 8 chart style to the
chart. Move and resize the chart so that it appears in the range A10:G22. If the labels along the
horizontal axis (x-axis) do not appear, then drag the right side of the chart so that it is displayed in the
range A10:H22.

7. Add a Header, Enter your full name on the left header, your team's name at the center and today's
date at the right header.

8. Customize margins to be Horizontally and Vertically centered. Paper size should be 8.5" x 11".
Orientation should be Portrait.

9. Save the workbook using the file name using the format TeamNameMSExcel in the desktop.

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