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•  Introduction
•  What should your work/paper include?
–  Contents at a glance
•  Who will do the project?
–  Advisors?
–  All Members of a Group or Few?
•  Contacting advisors
–  Attendance matters!
•  Defense
–  The project paper
–  Presentation
•  Formatting on writing paper and preparing presentation
•  Who will pass?
•  Why is the project for?
–  The aim of semester project is
•  To support your theoretical knowledge
•  To let you demonstrate what you have learnt since your entry to the
•  Show your competence by doing a tangible project
•  To maximize your ability in solving real time problems
•  What project shall we do?
–  A simple and possibly implementable one
•  Try to check component availability in the laboratory
•  Otherwise, use simulator software & show your result
–  Don’t be too ambitious for it will be too good to be feasible
•  How can we do it?
–  Get a schedule per week basis
–  Manage your time
–  Add something on the project every week
–  Share load with members of the group
What should your work/paper include?
Contents at a glance
•  Cover Page
•  Abstract
•  Acknowledgement
•  List of Figures
•  List of Tables
•  List of Abbreviations
•  Chapter One
–  Introduction
•  Chapter Two
–  System Design
•  Chapter Three
–  Hardware Implementation/Simulation
•  Chapter Four
–  Result and Discussion
•  Chapter Five
–  Summary and Conclusion
•  Reference
•  Appendix
Cover Page
•  It should include:
–  Logo of the University
–  Name of the Institute
–  Name of the School
–  Title of the Project
–  Your name
–  Your advisor’s name
–  Reason of the paper
–  Date
Sample Cover
and Declaration
•  A short description of your project
–  An abstract describes what you do in your project,
–  It is a brief summary of the project article and is used to help the
reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.
•  Often it is written after the whole project paper is finished
–  Thus, abstract is only a summary of the work you've already
•  Answer the following while writing your abstract:
–  What problem is your research/project trying to better
understand or solve?
–  What is the scope of your study - a general problem, or
something specific?
–  What is your main claim or argument?
List of (Figures, Tables, Abbreviations)
•  List of Figures
–  Write the figure number with its name and add the page
number where the figure resides in the paper
•  List of Tables
–  Write the table number with its name and add the page
number where the table resides in the paper
•  List of Abbreviations
–  Write all the acronyms with their definition,
Chapter One
•  Introduction
–  Background
–  Objectives
•  General Objectives
•  Specific Objectives
–  Statement of the Problem
–  Literature Review
–  Methodology (Or you can put this on a new chapter)
–  Scope, Limitations, or anything you think is relevant
–  Project Outline/Organization
•  Background of a paper, whether a project, thesis, or
seminar, includes a short history about the subject
–  Technological advancement
–  What has been done/developed till now?
•  It is an overview of the whole topic
–  Which briefly explains what and in what area you are going
to do the project.
–  Or the motivation that initiates you to do the project/thesis.
•  General Objectives/Goals
–  This is the general aim/goal of your project
–  These are statements that describe what the project will accomplish
–  Are high level statements that provide overall context for what the project
is trying to achieve,
–  It should be achievable through the combination of all the specific
–  E.g.: General Objectives
•  To Design Locker Security System using RFID and GSM technology
•  Specific Objectives
–  are lower level statements that describe the specific, tangible results that
the project will deliver.
–  It should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound
–  E.g. Specific Objectives
•  To Design and build the RFID circuit
•  To Design and Simulate RFID circuit
•  To Design and build the GSM circuit schematic
•  To develop algorithm for locker security system
•  …
Statement of the Problem
•  What motivates you to do the project?
•  What was the reason to let you do such a project:
–  Have you seen any related problems in the community? Or
–  Have you ever thought you want to solve a problem you/
somebody have encountered?
Literature Review
•  Search for any related work that has been done previously
–  At our school
–  Other local Universities
–  Abroad
•  Use library/Internet to search for literatures
–  Books
–  Research papers
–  Project papers
–  Journals
–  Etc
•  Then, briefly explain what their work is and how they did it.
–  What makes your project different? Answer this based on your
work and theirs.
•  The methods you follow to get your project done. Such as:
–  Theoretical study
•  Searching papers, collecting data specific to your project,
analyzing it the way it suits you and get it documented.
–  System design
–  Mathematical formulations
–  Software design
•  Algorithms, flow chart, pseudo codes …
–  For the Simulation
–  For the Hardware
•  The tools you use
–  Simulator: e.g.: Multism, MatLab, Proteus …
–  Programming Language: C, C++, Java, …
–  Hardware design
•  By using breadboards, electrical elements, measuring devices ...
Chapter Two
•  System Design (Circuit Design or any name)
–  Block Diagram of the system (i.e. try to explain the system
using block diagram and describe each black box)
–  Circuit Description (Describe the internal circuit design of
each black box you described above)
•  This includes schematic design and mathematical
computation of the values of each components
–  Overall System Circuit (just explain the overall system in
terms of overall circuit diagram)
Chapter Three
•  Hardware Implementation
–  Algorithm (Flow Chart) (Pseudo Code)
–  Including any coding involved (e.g. for a microcontroller)
–  The physical circuit you designed (Take a picture)
•  Simulation Design (Simulation Development or any
name that will explain about the software part)
–  Algorithm (Flow Chart) (Pseudo Code)
–  Using the Proteus/Keil/MicroC/any software tool you used
•  Try to show and explain what and how you used the
simulation tools
Chapter Four
•  Results and Discussion
–  Explain the parameters used to simulate (implement)
your design
–  Take screenshots of each result you got and explain
what you have found while simulating (from the
hardware implementation)
–  Draw any output diagrams/graphs if there exists
Chapter Five
•  Summary and Conclusion
–  Summarize your work from the start to the end using
one-to-two paragraph
–  Then, conclude the project based on your objectives
and the results you obtained
Reference and Appendix
•  Reference
–  Write all the references you used to do the project
•  Use square brackets to list the references[1] inside the
•  And at the end of the paper list all those references as
[1] <name of the Author>,<title of the paper>,<publisher>,
<date of publication>,<page number>…
•  It is an information that is not essential to explain your findings, but
–  It supports your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information),
–  Validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be placed
in an appendix
•  Sometimes excerpts from this supporting information (i.e. part of the
data set) will be placed in the body of the report but the complete set
of information (i.e. all of the data set) will be included in the
•  Examples of information that could be included in an appendix
–  Figures/tables/charts/graphs of results, statistics, pictures, lengthy
derivations of equations, maps, drawings, specification or data sheets,
computer program information.
•  There is no limit to what can be placed in the appendix providing it is
relevant and reference is made to it in the report.
•  The information included in the appendix must bear directly relate to the
research problem or the report's purpose.
–  It must be a useful tool for the reader
Who will/should do the project?
•  Advisors?
– NO
•  All Members of a Group or Few?
–  All the group members MUST do the project
–  Share the load:- Save Time – Know Better – Best
Result …
Contacting advisors
•  Present your weekly schedule (Time plan) to your
Week 10 Week 11 – Week 17 – Week 20 – Week 22
Week 16 Week 19 Week 21

Literature System Simulation/ Result Paper write up

Development Hardware

•  Meet your advisors at least ONCE in two weeks

–  Present your progress and get feedbacks
•  Attendance matters!
•  Presentation
–  You should prepare a well structured presentation
–  Use bullets, possibly maximum of three stages
–  Avoid long sentences:-this could create boredom to the audience
and hard to understand
–  Try to use as much pictures/graphs/drawings as possible
–  You will be given 10 to 15 minutes, so prepare the number of
slides accordingly.
–  Rehearse as much as possible
•  Demonstration
–  Prepare your demos (Hardware or Simulation) early, so that you
can avoid rushing.
–  Test it a number of times, with different scenarios:
•  With different parameters,
•  And different values
•  Make sure all the students in the group knows everything and
are ready to present and demonstrate your work.
•  In writing the paper, use the following formatting:
–  Font: Times New Roman
–  Font Size:
•  Main Topic: bold and 16. e.g.: Chapter Name
•  Sub topic: bold and 14. e.g.: Chapter Sub-name
•  Paragraph text: 12. e.g.: this is your paragraph font size
–  Indentation: Justified
–  Line spacing: 1.5
–  Paragraph spacing: Automatic
•  For presentation:
–  Font: Times New Roman
–  Font Size:
•  Title: 36 – 40
•  Text: 20 – 28 (depending on the bullet stages you use)
–  You may include any animations, styles, transitions…
Who will pass?
•  Theoretically, ALL of you!
•  However, in reality those students:
–  With 100% attendance
–  Who can demonstrate their work very well
•  Individual tasks as well as the whole project progress
Thank You!

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