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Hanuman Jayanti

In Hindu culture, Lord Hanuman is the symbol of devotion and loyalty. Hanuman Jayanti is a
Hindu religious festival celebrated on the occasion of the birth of Lord Hanuman, an ardent
devotee of Lord Rama. On this auspicious day, devotees of Lord Hanuman celebrate, pray and
seek His protection, blessings, and care.

In Hindu mythology, Hanuman is the most powerful deity and is worshipped as the
embodiment of strength and energy. He is one of the most adored characters in Ramayana and,
according to the epic; he is a Vanara (a monkey-like humanoid form) who became a dedicated
disciple of Lord Ram. In Ramayana, there are numerous situations briefing about Hanuman’s
power and valour. So, Hindu people worship Hanuman as a symbol of devotion, strength, and
energy and as one having the magical powers to eliminate the negativities. In another theory,
he is considered as an incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. Also, Hindu people believe that
worshipping Hanuman is relieving in the Shani-Sade-Sati. Therefore, people pray Lord Hanuman
regularly on Saturdays and on Hanuman Jayanti.

In most parts of India, Hanuman Jayanthi is celebrated on the Poornima (full moon) day of the
Chaitra month, which usually befalls in March or April as per the English calendar. In
Maharashtra, Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated with enthusiasm and devotion. Generally, a
worship ceremony is performed at Hanuman temples.

Hanuman Jayanti 2019

In 2019, the Poornima or full moon day of Chaitra month befalls on 19th of April. So, in most
parts of India including Maharashtra, the festival will be observed on this date.
Lord Hanuman is worshipped as a deity with the power to attain victory against evil and provide
security and protection. In Maharashtra, on the day of Hanuman Jayanthi, devotees rush to
Hanuman temples for prayers and offerings in the early morning. As Hanuman was born at the
time of sunrise, various rituals are performed by devotees before the sunrise itself. These
rituals include applying red Tilak on Hanuman idols, offering Pujas, doing the Aarti and chanting
mantras, songs, and hymns. Devotees recite hymns like Hanuman Chalisa or lines from the
Ramayana. In Maharashtra, Maruti Stotra is recited commonly by devotees. Prasad will be
distributed among the devotees which include sweets, flowers, coconuts, vermilion, sacred ash
(Udi), holy water, etc.


Lord Hanuman is accepted as invincible and immortal as well. Hindu people believe that
worshipping Him with all your heart and devotion can never go vague as He is the only God who
is still alive and lives somewhere on the Earth. In Hindu mythology, He is termed as one of the
Chiranjeevi among the 7 Chiranjeevi. Due to this reason, expert suggests that this day should be
observed as Hanuman Janmostav instead of Jayanti.

It is also strongly accepted that no negative energy or vibrations can ever harm Lord Hanuman
and thus, his devotees worship Him on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti so as to deal with all
kinds of problems and difficulties from their lives and to remove negative energy from the
lives. Lord Hanuman is said to be the embodiment of great knowledge, divine power, devotion,
strength, intelligence, and bravery. Worshipping Him will promote these behavioural traits
within us as well.

On behalf of State Revenue Minister Hon. Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil, we are glad to convey
our best wishes for Hanuman Jayanti and pray Lord Hanuman for strengthened and powerful
India in the future.

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