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Reflection/ Reaction Paper

One of the most notorious films I ever watched, Clockwork

Orange it is both a virtuoso performance from an electrifying prose
stylist and a serious exploration of the morality of free will. Clockwork
orange is a frightening and sad look at a future society in which gangs
are popular and no one can be trusted. Not being one that can stomach
much in the way of violence, rape and assault, I was bit wary about
watching this movie; but my desire to watch another dystopian classic
won out. There were a couple of disturbing scenes, but it wasn’t too bad
Clockwork orange is the necessity of free will as a defining aspect
of human nature. The author believed that the human ability to make
individual choices was what distinguished human being from machine or
other animals. Freedom of choice is also exemplified by the character
Alex, who chooses a life of violence and wickedness through his
criminal acts. in doing so, the author asserts the fact that human should
have the ability to make their own choices, even if these choices are
violent or results in depravity. Alex goodness is hollow and insincere as
he bear likeness to than a moral human being who makes his own
choices and because of his lack of choice and free will therefore leave
him no longer man but a “ clockwork orange”.

A Clockwork Orange is a film about a wild and troubled young

lads Alex and his friends (droogs) get high from inflicting harm upon
others. They commit random acts of robbery and rape around their place.
I this movie, the freedom of individuals to make choices become
problematic because of those choices u and stability of society, in this
movie the state is willing to protect society by taking away freedom of
choice and replacing it with prescribed good behavior. In Alex’s world,
both the unfettered power of the individual and the unfettered power of
the state prove dangerous. Alex steals, rapes and murders merely
because it feels good, but when violent impulses are taken away, the
result is equally as dangerous, simply because freedom of choice, a
fundamental element of humanity has been taken away.
Alex is despicable because he gives free rein to his violence
impulses, but that sense of freedom is also what makes him human.
Unlike so many of the adult character in the film, he, at least seems
exuberantly alive. When Ludivico’s Technique eliminates the evil
aspects of his personality, he becomes less of a threat to society, but
also, the film suggests, less human. He is not truly good because he
didn’t choose to be good and the utilization of that choice is vital to
being a complete human being.
This film reflect deeply on our own ability to distance ourselves
from violence.

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