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Appium for iOS

The following are the prerequisites for installing Appium on iOS:

 Xcode

 Homebrew

 Node and npm

We need to perform the following steps to install Xcode:

1. Visit to install Xcode. Then, click

on View in Mac App Store.

2. The system will launch the App Store automatically on your Mac and open the Xcode


3. Now, click on the Free button and then click on Install App.
To launch Xcode, you can go to the Applications folder and then double-click on

Xcode. Now you are done with the installation.

Homebrew is a software package management system for Mac, which is used to
install the stuff you need that Apple didn't provide. With Homebrew, you can install
many open source tools. Perform the following steps to install Homebrew:

1. Open the terminal and enter the following command:


ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL".
2. Follow the instructions prompted by the terminal.

3. After installing the Homebrew, run the command brew doctor . You will get the

message Your system is ready to brew ; if you don't, then try to fix the warnings

and errors using the brew doctor .

4. To update Home Brew Use the command

brew update


npm is a Node.js package manager; it is an online repository of open source
Node.js projects. It is command-line utility to package installation.

The Appium server is written in Node.js; that's why we need it to download Appium.
There are other ways to download the Appium server as well, which will be
discussed later.

Let's install Node using brew commands. You need to run the following command
to install Node:


brew install node

Once the preceding commands are executed and don't throw up any errors, we can run
one final command to check the successful Node and npm install. Run the below
command to check the successful installation (of Node and npm) and this should
successfully install grunt-cli :


7. To install Appium server and Appium doctor using node, we can run the given


npm install -g appium

npm install -g appium-doctor

8. Once Appium doctor is installed, we can run the appium-doctor command in the
terminal and see the following output:
9. Once done, we can run the appium command in the terminal and see this output:

So, the preceding section completes the Appium setup on both the app and the server.

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