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Phrasal Verbs

1. afraid of – frightened 害怕

My sister sleeps with a light on because she is afraid of the dark .

2. ask politely- 礼貌地询问

She asks politely before entering the classroom.

3. belong to – be owned by 属于

The cats belong to my neighbours.

4. break off – end 断绝(关系)

They break off their relationship after a fight.

5. blow up – to explode 爆炸

A police officer was killed when his car blew up.

6. blow out – to put out a flame 吹熄

She blew out the candles on the cake and made a wish.

7. boil over – to boil and flow over the side of a pan 沸溢

The milk boiled over and left a terrible mess on a stove.

8. care for –look after 照顾

We must care for our parents when they grow old.

9. carry out – conduct 引导

She is carrying out a survey on children’s reading habits.

10. cheers happily –大声欢呼

She cheered happily when she won the competition.

11. decide on – agree on 决定

There were so many beautiful dresses that I could not decide on which

to buy.

12. dislike for – hate 不喜欢

My aunt from England has a strong dislike for the durians because of its

strong smell.
13. disagree with – upset 否认

In debate competitions , you cannot disagree with the judges as their

decisions is final.

14. dream of – imagine 幻想

Do not dream of doing well for your exam if you did not study hard.

15. eat out – go out to have a meal 在外吃饭

I enjoy eating out with my family and friends.

16. famous for- well-known 著名

Melaka is a popular tourist destination as it is famous for its historical


17. fond of - attached to 喜欢;喜爱

My grandfather is fond of his grandchildren and he often takes them

on trips with him.

18. fill with – make it full 填满

I will fill up the tank at the petrol station near my house.

19. good at – skillful 擅长

Henna’s mother is very good at cooking and she loves baking.

20. get up – (i)wake up 起床

(ii) stand up 起立

i. She gets up early and goes for a run every morning.

ii. Get up off the foor. Your clothes will get dirty.

21. get on – to get into a bus,train etc 登上(车、火车)

We have to get on Bus Number 21 to go Universal Studio Singapore.

22. get off – to start out 出发

We have to get off after breakfast.

23. go through – review 回顾

The teacher went through the test questions with the pupils.
24. give up – to stop doing something else you do regularly 放弃

Jason wanted to finish the marathon but he had to give up after ten


25. grow up – to become older or elder 长大

When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer.

26. hand in – to give something 交

“Please hand in your homework, ” said Miss Tan.

27. hang around – to spend time somewhere else 闲荡

The headmaster warned the pupils not to hang around at shopping mall

after school.

28. hang up – hang something up 悬挂

Your grandmother is coming today, so don’t forget to hang up your

clothes when you tidy up your room.

29. happy with – content 开心;满足

All teachers were very happy with the UPSR results obtained by the


30. hurry up 赶快

Hurry up, or we cannot get to the raiway station.

31. invite out – ask someone to go out 邀请

The manager invited me out to the dinner today.

32. join in - to involve in an activity with someone 参加

Amy is very shy. She never join in with other children’s games.

33. listen to – take note of 听取

Children must listen to the advice given by their parents and teachers.

34. look down – despire 看不起

Although she is rich , she never looks down on people.

35. look for - to find 找

I have lost my earrings. Can u please help me look for them ?

36. look up – i.)find 寻找

ii) visit someone you have not seen for a long time 探望

i. Our teacher asked us to look up the meanings of the words in

the dictionary.

ii. I went to Australia on business last week and I looked up an

old friend.

37. look after – take care of 照顾

Sofiah always helps her mother to look after her baby sister after


38. made up – invented 捏造

I made up that story about getting late to school.

39. meet up – meet someone 会见

We meet up at the library.

40. move in – start living in a new place 搬进

Leena and her family have bought a new house and they are moving in


41. move out – to leave a place 搬出

She is moving out of her old flat today.

42. pick up – to lift something or someone by using hands 拾捡

He picked up his suitcase and put it in the boot of the car.

43. put on – gain weight 增加体重

Tan has put on weight after operation..

44. put off – to do something at later time or to postpone it 延期

The football match was put off vecause of rain.

45. put out – 扑灭

The firefighters put out fire.

46. queue up – line up 排队

The children queue up in the canteen to buy food.

47. run out of – don’t have anythings left 用完了

I have run out of the butter so I will have to use margarine to make the


48. sell out : sell all of it and have no more left for people to buy 卖完

He sells out of his homemade cookies every day.

49. show off – to do somethins to impress people 炫耀

The dancer tried to show off her skills.

50. work out – do exercise to keep fit 运动

My brother and I work out in the gym every week.

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