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1. Who is the person who advanced early scientific management principle? (B)
a. Weber
b. Taylor
c. Vest
d. Fayol
2. Which worked on administrative management theory? (A)
I. Fayol
II. Parker
III. Weber
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I, II, and III
d. None
3. ….is the study of how to create an organizational structure thats leads to high efficiency
and effective. (C)
a. Scientific management
b. Job specialization
c. Administrative management
d. Allocation management
4. A reporting relationship in which an employee receives order from and report to, only
one supervisor is known as….. (D)
a. Line of authority
b. Centralization
c. Unity of direction
d. Unity of command
5. ….is the singleness of purpose that makes possible that makes possible the creation of
one plan of active to guide managers in resources allocations. (A)
a. Unity of direction
b. Unity of command
c. Unity of authority
d. Unity of resources
6. Which is an organizational environment theory? (A)
I. The open system view
II. Contingency theory
III. The theory of bureaucracy
IV. Theory Z
a. I,II
b. I, III, IV
c. II, III, IV
d. I, II, III
7. The ….effect is the finding that a manager’s behavior or leadership approach can affect
worker’s level performance. (B)
a. Henthorne
b. Hawthorne
c. Follet
d. Fayol
8. Theory….is based on positive assumption about workers. (C)
a. Z
b. X
c. Y
d. C
9. A (n)….system takes resources from its external environment and converts them into
good and services for customer purchase. (D)
a. Closed
b. Fee
c. Semi open
d. Open
10. … the tendency of a system to lose its abiity control it self and this disintegrate. (D)
a. Emphaty
b. Entropy
c. Synergy
d. Chaos
11. The…theory states a manager’s choice of organizational structure and control system
depends on characteristic of the external environment. (D)
a. Mechanistic
b. Management science
c. Organic
d. Contingency
12. Which is not one of Fayols principle? (C)
a. Authority and responsibility
b. Line of authority
c. Globalization
d. Unity of command
13. Which is not a management science theory?
a. Operations management
b. TQM
c. MIS
d. All of these
14. Theory …..states that the average employee is lazy and will try to do as little as possible.
a. X
b. Y
c. Z
d. None of these
15. Which is not part the input stage of an open system? (C)
a. Row materials
b. Human resources
c. Computers
d. Money and capital

1. Resources are assets such as people, machinery, and information. (T)

2. Organizational performance increases in inverse proportion to increase efficiency and
effectiveness. (F)
3. Effectiveness on e measure of how well or how productively resources to achieve a goals.
4. Fayol first outlined to the nature of managerial activities around the turn of nineteenth
century. (F)
5. Managers at all levels and in all department of for profit, but non profit organizations are
responsible for performing all for management functions. (T)
6. Organizational structure determines how an organization’s can best be used to create
goods and services. (F)
7. The outcome of leadership is a high level of motivation and commitment among
organizational members. (T)
8. Top managers are increasingly encouraging lower level managers to take across
departmental view of the business. (F)
9. Restructuring can produce some highly negative outcomes. (T)
10. Efficiency is a measure of the appropriateness of organizational goals chosen by
managers. (F)


1. Early management theorist were impressed by the more efficient and productive craft
style methods over factory production. (T)
2. One outcome of a time and motion study might be to increase the motions a worker uses
to complete a task. (F)
3. In a bureaucracy, positions should be held based on social level or personal contacts. (F)
4. Decentralization refers to the degree to which authority is split up among major
departments in an organization. (T)
5. Follet disagrees with Fayol that formal hierarchy of authority was more important to
effective. (F)
6. Theory X managers believe that characteristic of the work setting determine worker
7. Henry Mintzberg purposed that every organization has five distinct parts. Under
Mintzberg’s philosophy. It is the administrativesupport segment that is actually comprised
of the individuals who performs the basic work of the organization. (F)
8. An organization that exhibits a structure design, which was created around horizontal
workflows or processes, is best known as an efficient performance organization. (F)
9. The goals of organization include not only what individuals are triyng to be accomplish
but also what is triyng to be accomplish by stake holder. (T)
10. Planning is a complex and difficult task because the decisions managers usually need to
make surrounded by uncertainty. (T)

1. All organization have a structure that in some ways serves to devide and limit the
behavior of members of the organization. (T)
2. A manager dosn’t work directly on task for the organization. (F)
3. Effectiveness refers to the relationship between output and input. (F)
4. Providing motivation is part of the controling function of management. (F)
5. Deciding who will be assigned to which job is a part of the leading function of
management. (F)
6. A key difference between Fayol’s view based on emphirical observation of managers in
action. (F)
7. A typical first level manager spends more of his or her time leading than planning. (T)
8. The political skills of a manager primarily consist of the ability to understand the working
of government and to present information effectively to others in form of...(soal tdk
lengkap). (F)
9. To better understand values and attitude that are common to all people and manager may
study anthropology. (T)
10. To facilitate the identification, exploration and graphical display of the “possible” cause
of an effect you would use a flow chart. (F)


1. Taylor began to develop his theory of the function of management after a result of
viewing workers in steel complies. (T)
2. There are 5 management function, planning, organizing, commanding, coordination,
controlling, were originally proposed by Henry Fayol. (T)
3. The controlling management function is largerly a matter of monitoring to see that task
are accomplished. (F)
4. Resolving a conflict would be considered to fall under leading in managerial function. (T)
5. The emphasis that managers give to various activities is generally based on the
organizational level. (T)
6. According to Katz, the four critical managerial skill can be classified as technical,
political, interpersonal, and conceptual. (T)
7. The managerial role that changes the least between middle and top managers is
controlling. (T)
8. Technical skills might include decision making ability. (T)
9. Companies that are well managed can prosper during difficult economic times by
depending on loyal customer base. (T)
10. Good management strives for moderate efficiency and moderate effectiveness. (F)

1. Application of behavioral science is a characteristic of OD. (T)
2. Edgar Schein coined the terms “Expoused Values” and “Values in Action”. (F)
3. Action research is credited by kurt lewin. (T)
4. Artefact doesn’t belong to the model of culture proposed by Edgar Schein. (F)
5. Sociotechnical system approach is based on assumtion that impact of technology on
society. (T)
6. Managers identify a problem by comparing the current state of affair to some standart.
7. Achievement is one of the factor for motivation in Meldland’s teory. (T)
8. Intuitive decision making can’t be a part of the rational decision making process. (F)
9. A rule is simpler than a policy or a procedure to implement. (F)
10. Most managerial decision include an element of risk. (T)

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