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In order to complete this correctly, you need to add stage directions for
your actors

Act 1


Running through woods intently with gunshot behind and crunching of leaves on the

Arrives at old abandoned building looks around then opens and slams door behind.

Turns lights on

People emerge slowly from the darkness


It’s me no need to fright, I’m back now


Were you followed?


I don’t believe so I was chased through the woods but I seem to have lost them


Well we couldn’t be happier that you are back safely, do you need anything?


Yes, wake the others we all need to talk immediately

Mary enters other room and bangs a couple of pans together.


Come on now you two, harry is back get up and come to the table as soon as

Everyone slowly goes to sit round table


First order of business, as you may have noticed Greg is gone. I lost him to heavy gun
fire on the main road in Binfield Heath on the way to ship lake I couldn’t confirm
death however I couldn’t find him and so we can guess he isn’t coming back.
However! We will not let the death of our friend get in the way of the
mission, when and only when we have completed our mission, we will
mourn for him.

Silence and sad sniffing


On the topic of the mission we have discovered new land

Pans over to others faces as they gasp in happiness


We will be heading over to it as soon as we can get prepped properly for things we
could encounter on the way. So, James I would like you to get food ready for the
journey it should take a day or so with no rest so pack accordingly.


On it Mate


Mary, I need you to be watch out and make for sure I was not followed and that the
other gangs won’t give us trouble and finally Dylan and peter can you please get
the weapons ready we can’t be too cautious.

For Greg!


For Greg

Shots of everyone prepping to go out


Remember as soon we step out these doors, we don’t make a noise we don’t want
to have a better reason to be ambushed.

Harry nods


Let’s do this

Opens door goes to white exposure

Act 2

Un exposes to them walking down a road with woods around them


(whispers) just in front to the left follow on

Cinematic shots of them walking towards the target

Looks down at map Then up at road where it says mine field ahead


This wasn’t on the map

Starts to panic


The only way is through the Shadow Woods


Yes, but I can’t take you guys through that... its where me and Greg were
ambushed. I can’t lose another one of you it will break me


Harry its ok well we will follow you to the end

They nod to each other and move on through the forest

Shots through trees as in first person perspective as them being watched.

Rustling then silent white noise

Harry turns around and looks behind him

Mary has been stabbed by person in woods

Harry looks shocked

James turns harry around and they all run away with Dylan and peter

He then knocks his head on a upcoming stick and knocks himself out

He wakes up slowly from concussion to see him and his other crew strapped up in a
chair. He looks around and panics as they are awoken by another enemy crew





No Answer


Greg… is that you?


Hello again harry nice to see you again, I recall the last time we saw
each other was on that bridge where you left me

Cut to scene on the bridge where they lose each other


I can’t believe your still alive we were being chassed and under heavy gunfire how
did you do it


I left through the woods and met up at the point we agreed to meet. And you
weren’t there. They got me after that, tortured me and showed me the truth as to
why you shouldn’t be allowed to find the new base. You left me for dead now, give
me the map


You know I can’t do that, you used to believe the truth that we are the good guys
who don’t wat war, we just want to survive, we need that safehouse. Please jet let us


I can’t do that I’m afraid now give me the map or ill kill you and the rest of your

Holds knife to Harrys chest

Leaf rustling in the background

Greg gets distracted then harry kicks his leg then headbutts him knocking him out

Harry wakes the others and they run away

Slow zoom on Gregs face as he wakes up

Skips to them stopping running and more cinematic shots


Was that greg back there? what happened to him?

Harry looks sad doesn’t answer and keeps walking

They look at the map one last time and then all look up while being very tired and
see a abandoned garden centre

They all get excited and head towards it

A they entre they all sit down and start to eat

Panns out to darkness

Darkness goes to light and we see greg walk past and stare darkly into
the camera and walk towards the centre

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