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As a Influencer/celebrity/motivational speaker

Why do you use Twitter as a platform to promote yourself? What is special about Twitter?

As an Influencer, I like promoting myself and I hope every tweets can be viewed by everyone to gain
influence and followers. I will feel happy when people start following my story and share their happiness
with me. I use Twitter because twitter is a good platform for public environment, every twitter user to
search any relevant tweets and it is an advantage for my tweets can be viewed by everyone if they
search with certain keyword. Besides, Twitter users can see their followers’ tweets in users’ ‘timeline’ to
see the latest tweets of the followers and share it with others instantly. What make twitter special is it is
easy for everyone to comment and share of the tweets even the users might not friend with each other,
as long as they feel interest about the similar things, they can follow and contribute to discussions on
the tweets. It is easier to achieve many followers on twitter compare with other social media.

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