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The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong

Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition 2019

Smart Fire Warning and Protection System

Siddhartha Ghosh, Subham Mahanta,Atanu Mondal

Techno Main Salt lake (Dept. of Electrical Engineering):Email:

Siddhartha Ghosh, Email:


Now a days IOT (Internet Of Things) is very popular in every days life.IOT is spreading it's contribution
to various field like home automation, smart grid, smart irrigation system etc.

Our main motive is to use IOT in very common and essential matter i.e. safety. So, we made a device which
can notify us in case of fire hazards as well as to prevent it and it can also notify to fire station.

We observed a problem that whenever the fire cause occurs, the only way is there i.e. to call the fire station
& then the fire men come and start preventing the fire. Within taking time of action, fire takes a huge face
and it becomes uncontrollable.

After observing the test results of our device, we can tell that our device is efficient enough to prevent the
fire hazard and alert the owner of the place as well as the fire station.

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