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VENDEDOR: Can I help you?

CLIENTE: No thanks, I’m just looking.


CLIENTE: In fact, do you have this cell phone in another color?

VENDEDOR: Can i make a suggestion?

CLIENTE: Yes, please I do.

VENDEDOR: you will love in blue, green and white.

CLIENTE: Can you bring me a blue one please?

VENDEDOR: Right away.

CLIENTE: it is modern?
VENDEDOR: Of course, he is the last in technology.

VENDEDOR: what do you think?

CLIENTE: very nice, I like it

CLIENTE: How much can it cost me?

VENDEDOR: 305 dollars

CLIENTE: How about I give you 300 dollars?

VENDEDOR: It's okay, are you taking it?

CLIENTE: Excellent… I’ll take it.

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