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University of California, Irvine

COMPSCI 134: Elements of Cryptography and Computer and Network Security

Midterm Exam (Fall 2016)
Duration: 90 minutes
November 2, 2016, 7pm-8:30pm

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• Please write (clearly) your name and student ID on the top of each page.
• Make sure you have 12 pages with 5 sections of questions.
• Only pens, pencils and erasers are allowed. No other items can be present (e.g., notes, books, smartphones,
tablets, laptops ...etc.).

• No communication or interaction with other students is allowed.

• Raise your hand if you have a question.

Question: 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Points: 15 10 9 9 9 52
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1 (1.5pt each) Multiple Choice Questions - mark a single answer

1. Which of the following is an advantage of public-key cryptography over symmetric-key cryptography?
A. Public-key cryptography provides more security services
B. Public-key cryptography does not rely on conjectured hardness of certain computational problems
C. Public-key cryptography has higher throughput
D. Public-key cryptography has shorter key size
E. All of the above
2. Suppose you receive a ciphertext in Polish consisting of 5 unique letters and know that this ciphertext is
produced by a Substitution Cipher. How many possible plaintexts are there that could have produced this
ciphertext? Assume that there are 32 letters in the Polish alphabet.
A. 32 · 31 · 30 · 29 · 28
B. 325
C. 532
D. 32!
E. None of the above
3. Which of the following cryptographic algorithms should be used for ensuring integrity and authenticity of a
B. SHA1-based HMAC
C. RSA encryption
D. AES-based ECB mode
E. None of the above

4. Based on current knowledge, which of the following problems is NOT “difficult” to solve? A problem is
considered to be difficult to solve when there is no known efficient algorithm that solves it.
A. Given a large prime p and an integer a, finding an integer x such that a · x = 1 mod p
B. Given a large composite n, finding all prime factors of n
C. Given an integer a and a large composite n, finding an integer x such that x2 = a mod n
D. Given integers a and b and a large prime p, finding an integer x such that ax = b mod p
E. None of the above
5. Denote l as the effective key length for a block cipher E(). What is the effective key length of 4-E: C =
E(K1 , E(K2 , E(K3 , E(K4 , P ))))? Assume Ki ’s are keys, P is a plaintext and C is a ciphertext. (Hint: do not
forget about Meet-in-the-Middle attack)
A. l
B. 2 · l
C. 3 · l
D. 4 · l
E. None of the above

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6. Using the birthday paradox, on average, how many trials does it take (approximately) to find a collision on an
n-bit hash with ≥ 0.5 probability?
A. log(n)

B. n

C. 2n
D. 2n /2
E. None of the above
7. Consider the following system of two equations (congruences):

x = 12 mod 29
x = 7 mod 15

According to Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), which of the following is true about x?
A. x has no solution in (mod 29 · 15)
B. x has exactly one solution in (mod 29 · 15)
C. x has more than one solution in (mod 29 · 15)
D. x has four solutions in (mod 29 · 15) because there are two equations
E. None of the above
8. Suppose Alice and Bob want to establish a shared secret key by executing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange
protocol (consider the textbook version discussed in class). First, they agree to use a modulus p = 13 and a
generator g = 7. Alice then chooses a as her secret integer and sends Bob A = g a mod p = 8. Suppose Bob
chooses 3 as his secret integer and sends Alice B = g 3 = 5 mod p. What is a shared secret between Alice and
A. 1
B. 5
C. 6
D. 12
E. None of the above
9. What is an RSA signature for a message m = 4? Assume the following RSA parameters: a private exponent
d = 17 and a composite n = 21. (Hint: Lagrange’s Theorem implies that aΦ(n) = 1 mod n when gcd(a, n) = 1.)
A. 1
B. 4
C. 16
D. 20
E. None of the above
10. Suppose a prime p = 3 mod 4 and a ∈ Zp . Which of the following is equivalent to a square root of a mod p?
A. ap−1 mod p
B. a(p+1)/4 mod p
C. a(p+1)/2 mod p
D. a(p−1)/2 mod p
E. All of the above

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2 (2pts each) Fill in the Blanks

1. Using the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode, a Message Authentication Code (MAC) of a message m can be created

encrypting m using CFB mode and using the last block as MAC .

2. The AES cipher in Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode should not be used to encrypt bulk data (i.e., multiple
blocks) because

it exposes duplicate plaintext blocks .

3. Φ(237) = 2*78 = 156 (Hint: 237 is a product of two primes, one of which is very small).

4. There are 6, which is {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8} elements in Z∗9 (Hint, Z∗n is a set of positive integers (mod n) relatively
prime to n).

5. Using ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem, a ciphertext of a message m is: [k, c] = [br mod p, m · y r mod p].

The formula for decrypting [k, c] is (k x )−1 · c mod p .

Recall that the parameters of ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem are: p is a large prime, b is a generator in Zp ,

x is a private exponent and y = bx mod p is the public key.

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3 Block Cipher
Consider the “Plaintext Feedback” (PFB) mode where the encryption formula for ciphertext block Ci is:

Ci = EK (Pi ) ⊕ Ci−1 , C0 = IV and E() can be any strong block cipher, e.g., AES.

Answer the following questions.

(a) (3 pts) What is the formula for decrypting ciphertext block Ci ?

(b) (3 pts) Explain the precise consequence of the loss of ciphertext block Ci . Assume a decryptor is aware of that
loss (i.e., knows the index, i, of the lost block).
(c) (3 pts) Are there any security problems in PFB mode? If so, identify one problem and briefly justify your
answer. If not, explain why there are no problems.


(a) Pi = DK (Ci ⊕ Ci−1 )

(b) Pi and Pi+1 are lost.

(c) It exposes IV and duplicate plaintext blocks, e.g., P consists of three plaintext blocks and all of them are
the same. P = P1 kP2 kP3 = P1 kP1 kP1 , then EK (P ) = C1 kIV kC1 , where C1 = EK (P1 ) ⊕ IV .

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4 ElGamal Signature Scheme

(a) (3 pts) Explain how an adversary can recover the secret key (i.e., x) when the signer reuses the same random
number r for two different messages. State your assumptions.
(b) (3 pts) Consider a variant of ElGamal signature scheme where m and r are swapped in the signing algorithm,
i.e., a digital signature of message m is: [k, c] = [br mod p, (r − x · k) · m−1 mod p − 1]. What is the formula
for verifying the signature [k, c] in this variant?
(c) (3 pts) Are there any security problems in the variant, described in (b)? If so, identify one and briefly justify
it. If not, explain why not. (Note that in this question, you cannot assume that the signer will reuse the same
random number r.)

(Hint: This is a digital signature scheme, so a message needs to be sent along with its signature. Or simply put,
in this scheme, a message is always visible to public and thus also to the adversary.)

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(a) Consider two signatures [k, c1 ] and [k, c2 ] for messages m1 and m2 respectively.
c1 − c2 = (m1 − x · k − m2 + x · k) · r−1 mod p − 1
(c1 − c2 ) · r = (m1 − m2 ) mod p − 1
Assume (c1 − c2 ) has an inverse in mod p − 1. r = (c1 − c2 )−1 · (m1 − m2 ) mod p − 1
Once you learn r, it is easy to find x: x = (m1 − c1 · r) · k −1 mod p − 1.
(b) k = bmc · y k mod n. This is because bmc · y k = br−x·k · y k = br · b−xk · bxk = br = k mod n.
(c) An adversary can forge a signature of any message if he knows one legitimate signature of one message. A
signature of any message m0 , given m and [k, c] is [k, c · m · m0−1 ] = [k, (r − x · k) · m0−1 ].

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5 Zero Knowledge with RSA

Consider the following identification scheme (known as Guillou-Quisquater scheme) which is also another example of
a zero-knowledge proof. For simplicity, assume there is only one honest prover and one honest verifier in this scheme.

The scheme starts by having a trusted third party (TTP) generate a large composite number n, which is a product
of two primes p and q. In addition, TTP generates a public RSA exponent e and a private RSA exponent d. TTP
publishes n and e but keeps p, q and d secret. Suppose a prover’s public identity (e.g., name or phone number) is
I. TTP then gives the prover the value B = I −d mod n, which is served as his/her secret.

The identification protocol then cosists of 4 steps and can be described as follows:

1. The prover (PRV) chooses a random number r ∈ Z∗n and computes T = re mod n. PRV then sends T to the
verifier (VRF) and keeps r secret.

2. VRF chooses a random number c ∈ {0, 1, ..., e − 1} and sends c to PRV.

3. PRV computes t = r · B c mod n and sends t to VRF.
4. VRF accepts the identification if and only if T = I c · te mod n.


(a) (3 pts) Mathematically show that T = I c · te mod n.

(b) (3 pts) Suppose VRF knows a factor modulus (p and q). Explain how VRF can learn PRV’s secret (i.e.,
B) from this protocol. (Hint: e is a public RSA exponent and I is PRV’s public identity)
(c) (3 pts) Suppose a malicious prover (PRVm ) knows c ahead of time (i.e., before the start of the protocol).
Explain how PRVm can impersonate PRV without needing to know B, d, p or q.

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(a) T = re = (t · B −c )e = te · B −ec = te · I edc = te · I c mod n since e · d = 1 mod (p − 1)(q − 1).

(b) Since e is public, learning p and q will allow you to find e−1 or d via EEA. Once you find d, you can
compute q = I d mod n and thus B = q −1 = (I d )−1 = I −d mod n since I is also public.
(c) If PRVm knows c in advance, he will then send T = I c mod n and t = 1 to VRF in step 1 and 3 respectively.
VRF accepts the identification because te · I c = I c = T mod n.

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