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FORMULA ANGLICA I MMACULATE Virgin Mary, Mother of God, conceived without the stain of original sin, and Corredemptrix of the human race, thou didst take posses- sion of the Philippine Islands in the distant days when the sixteenth century had. just opened the route of the Gospel. We humbly wish to acknowledge the num- berless benefits thou hast unceasingly lavished upon our country, and thus obey the Church, which hath declared thee our Patroness under the title of thy Im- maculate Conception. ‘Thou, who art all beautiful and free from every stain of sin, must be the in- Spiration and model of the Filipino family. Banish from our country the poison- ‘ous fruits of the infernal serpent, and turn our land into a paradise of Christian virtues, closed to error and to sin. We resolve under thy patronage to maintain in our homes the mutual fidelity between husband and wife, the Christian edu- cation of children, the love of labour, and the practice of the work of mercy in behalf of our neighbour. Especially do the women here present, obedient to the Vicar of Jesus Christ, have recourse to thee, and promise to remove far from the defiling hand of materialism, which hath degraded the use of clothing into an incentive of sin. We implore thy blessing upon our ecclesiastical and civil authorities. Bless our friends and benefactors at home and abroad. Give us highminded superiors who will cooperate in God’s government and paternal providence, and will suc- cessfully preserve the place the Philippines should occupy amongst the free na- tions of the world. Grant us secure freedom for the Church amongst the faithful and the infi- dels, and assist the return of the prodigal children to the home of the Heavenly Father. Fill us with the spirit of penance, which may allay God's anger against us, and bestow upon all nations the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ, to Whom be all honour and glory. Amen,

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