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- Good morning children

- Good morning, every body !

“ Well, it’s nice to see you again this morning. How are you this morning? Fine? That’s great!”

- Good morning boys and girls !

“Well, how are you this morning? Fine? Oh, good! So, you are ready to study together with friends and
me today”.

- Good morning, students!

- Hello, everbody! Hello boys and girls !or terrible? Oh, great!


- By the way, did you study last night?,,, Great! You must do that! You know, you must do the
best at school!
- Did you sleep well last night? What time did you sleep?.. and, did you get up early! That makes
your body fit!
- Did you have a nice breakfast?,,,,, Oh, good! You know breakfast is always very important for
your body. Eat breakfast regulary!
- How about you, Nova?..... Did you have a nice breakfast this morning? Good! Do you always
have breakfast in the morning?
- Nova, how was your weekend? It was wonderful? Or very quiet? or terrible?
Oh, great! It was fun! What did you do?
- By the way, did you have a nice weekend?,,,,,, Oh, sorry! You didn’t have a terrible weekend?.
What happened?
- By the way, how was your weekend? Did you have a good
Time?,,,, Oh, good! What did you do?

Well, everybody!
I am glad to hear that you are fine this morning. You slept very well last night, and you had good
breakfast this morning. Some of you had a nice weekend. I hope that the others will have nice
weekends, too. I think, you are ready to study together now,,,,,,,


- Let’s take the register. Is everybody here?
- Let’s check who is in. Is anyone away?
- Let’s see who is here. Who is absent, today?
- uLet’s call the roll. Who is missing
- Let’s take the register, now. Please say your name one by one to see if anyone absent. Girls first,


- Well, everybody, today we are going to learn about….. (tenses). You know, to understand well
about….. (tenses) is very important. Therefore, before we explore or talk more about this topic,
let’s open the class by saying ‘basmallah’ together.
- Well, boys and girls, today we are going to learn about……. (tenses) is very important.
Therefore, before we explore or talk more about this topic, let’s open this class by praying to our
beliefs for a minute. Praying begins….. Over!


Ekpresi umum utk menyiapkan buku dan alat tulis.

- Well, boys and girls, we are going to start the lesson very soon today. And now, please, get out
your books and pens.

Ekspresi utk menyingkirkan benda2 lain yg tdk berguna.

- We just need your workbooks, so please put away the other books
- Put away all the papers on your tables.

Ekpresi utk menyimpan benda benda tertentu

- Please everybody keep your mobile phones. It is not the time to write a message or make a call.
- Everybody, please keep all your calculators in your bags. We don’t need them today.

Ekspresi umum utk mengajak siswa focus perhatian.

- Boys and girls, I need your attention. Be quiet, please.

- Please, turn around your face and look at the blackboard.
- Please all, be quiet. Sit up right and stop talking. It’s time for studying now.
- Everbody, look down the floor, and make sure that it is clean. Pick up anything you find there.
Put it away and keep !.
- Ok, boys and girls. Now, get out your books and pencils or pens. Put the other things away. Turn
your face to the whiteboard (screen projector) and listen to me carefully.
Ekspresi umum utk mengatur dan merapikan tempat duduk siswa.

- Please all be quiet. Sit up right and stop talking. It’s time for studying now.
- Move your tables and chairs if necessary, so that you can sit comfortably.


Ada siswa yg datang terlambat

- Come in, please. No need to be afraid. Find your seat and sit down. Well, then, get out your
book and pencil.

Ada siswa yg masih terus bicara dgn teman

- O.K, everybody be quiet please!

- Castella, stop talking, please
- Please don’t make too much noise

Bbrp siswa nampak menunduk, tidak konsentrasi dan mungkin mengantuk

- Well, everybody up! That’s right ! we are going to start the lesson now. Listen carefully
- Wake up everbody! We’ll start the lesson now. Listen carefully.

Sebagian siswa masih saja menoleh ke sana kemari

- Castella, turn around and face the front. It’s time to study now.
- Keisha, turn your face to the front. Sit still and don’t move.

Sebagian siswa masih main main dgn pulpen, hp dll.

- Everybody, please stop playing around with your gadgets. Sit down quietly!
- Keisha, put away your mobile phone, please! It’s no the time to write message.
Introducing Yourself

- Introducing yourself to someone doesn’t mean that you are just telling
your name.
- The introduction can include other details such as where you are from,
where you work, the job you have, hobbies and much more.
- How you introduce yourself depends on the situation you are in, how
much information is expected of you
- When you are introducing yourself to someone you’ve just met, you can
say ‘hi’, ‘hello’, ‘hey’. ‘Hello’ is formal day
- These are universal phrases and you can use them with anyone, be it a
senior, a friend, a relative or someone younger.
- These phrases are suitable for both formal and informal situations.
- Saying ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ isn’t enough. In order to intriduce yourself, you have
to tell the person your name.
- You can start with somtehing simple like.
- ‘Hi, my name is Marly, or ‘Hello, I’m Marly’. In formal situations you may
want give both your first and last name.
- When you are talking with friends you can use a collquial expressiom,
like, ‘They call me Marly’.
- After greeting people and telling them your name, you can also tell them
how old you are or what you do for along
- If you are an enginer, “I’m 26 years old and I’m an engineer by telling
them what you do, the person can know you better.
- You can also tell someone where you live, or where you are form.
- To tell someone your origin. You could say ‘I am from Michigan or I have
come from Michigan”
- You can also tell the person where you live right now like. ‘I live in
- In telling someone where you live or where you’ve been. This can be a
great conversation starter as they may have something to relate you.
- You can also ask people their name or tell them some more about
- Like what your hobbies are, what you like to do in your free time, where
you hang out, and so on. It’s all part of getting to know better.
- To ask someone’s name, you could say, My name’s John. What’s yours?”
- If you want to rell them about your hobbies you could say, I like to play
chess, or I really enjoy running. I run every day.

Suggestion and offering

Suggestion is something suggest (with subsequent adposition being for),
the act of suggetsing, something implied, which the mind is liable
(bertanggung jawab) to take as fact. The synonym of suggestion is
How to make offers in english
- Formal and informal offers and suggestions revision
- Knowing how to make offers and suggestions are important in everyday
life, isn’t it?
- In this section we learn how to make offers with these expressions
- Do you want? And would you like?
- Do you want some tea? or would you like some tea?
- The only different In second expression is more polite than the first.
- Let’s look another way to make offers
- This time we would look at offering to do something, in order to offer to
do something for or with someone, we are used these expression
- Do you want to? Or would you like to?
- But this time we need to include object pronoun
- For example look, “Me”, look! do you want me to play tennis?
- Would you like me to play tennis?
- We use these expression with others pronoun to suggest that someone
else does something.
- Him....

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