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Thursday, 7 November 2018

Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Score: ____________
A. Complete the text with active or passive form based on the verb given. (10 points)

The police (1) … (just, announce) that the Portnoy's Bank (2) … (rob) yesterday. Two men (3) … (enter) the bank at 4.30
with guns in their hands. Customers and bank clerks (4) … (ask) to lie down on the floor and one of the bank clerks (5)
… (make) to fill the robbers' bags with money. After that the two men (6) … (leave) the bank quickly. The police officer Jason
Gregson says that more than 200,000 pounds (7) … (steal) yesterday, but nobody (8) … (injure). Jason Gregson believes
that the robbers (9) … (find) soon. The bank (10) … (close) since yesterday.

1. _________________________ 6. _________________________
2. _________________________ 7. _________________________
3. _________________________ 8. _________________________
4. _________________________ 9. _________________________
5. _________________________ 10. _________________________

B. Change the active voice into passive voice. (7 points)

1. Ford offered Bill a job.

2. My partner will send you the fax.


3. My parents give me some pocket money.


4. The mayor promised new flats to people.


5. The teacher will show slides to students.


6. The bank is going to lend them enough money.


7. The manager has given them a discount.


C. Change the passive voice into active voice. (8 points)

1. He is being deceived by his own friends.

2. Prince Hamlet was welcomed by the people.
3. The proposal has been rejected by the committee.
4. I have been given much cause for anxiety.
5. Have my orders been carried out by you?
6. The story is eagerly listened to.
7. The stone was being thrown by the kid.
8. The trees are going to be planted alongside Harapan Indah Street.

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