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Unit 9 Vocabulary

Level 6
Name: Elizabeth Alvarez______________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________

Concede: (v) admit that something is true or valid.

Impact: (n, v) when an object has contact with another.
Deprived: (adj, v) deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.
Pollution: (n) presence of garbage anywhere.
Desperate (adj): when someone does not know what to do or say.
Waste (n, v): an act or instance of using or expending something carelessly.
Forecast (n, v): a prediction or estimate of future events.
Consequence (n): a result or effect of an action or condition.
Originate (v): start something specific.
Consumption (n): the using up of a resource.
Simulation (n): action that is done as a test or trial.
Pesticides (n): a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful.
Reservoir (n): a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
Oil (n): fatty substance with various purposes.
Persuade (v): cause someone to do something
Cruise Ship (n): big ship used for vacation.
Iceberg (n): an enormous piece of ice.
Tow (n, v): an act of towing a vehicle or boat.
Glaciologist (adj): person in charge of studyng ice.
Currents (as in ocean) (n): a body of water moving in a definite direction.
Enormous (adj): very large in size, quantity, or extent.
Floating (adj, v): rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking.
Debris (adj): scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.
Entangle (v): cause to become twisted together with or caught in.
Abundant (adj): something that there is a lot in a certain place
Endanger (v): put someone at risk or in danger.
Evidence (n): proof of something that had happened.
Cardboard (n): pasteboard or stiff paper.
Glass (n, v): a product typically transparent.


The ball is in your court

Blessing in disguise.
Feel a bit under the weather.

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