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Art Form Final Report

Bahadir Cure

Art form class was the one of the most interesting and creative courses I have ever taken. I
certainly believe that it was a quite positive impact on my future studies.

In this report, firstly I will mention about the clay sculpture we have made in the class and the
final submission which is photography and post editing.


It was the first time I have experienced making sculpture which was quite exciting process. The
best thing about this teaching was we have started from the scratch. Therefore we have practiced
all levels of making it. We have smashed the dry clay, and get it wet. Then we make it to get dry
and softer again so we start making the sculpture.

Professor was quite clear about the steps and really helpful during the process. It took about 2-3
weeks to finish the work.
Time Inversion

For this work, I have used photography to do it. My idea was to show, the situation of the livings
on the timeline. In my opinion it is time is endless, and it effects everything always in same way,
which is everything starts from nothing goes to nothing, and nothing is more like a darkness on
my mind. Therefore I was trying to show this with this composition.

I have thought of many living creatures; however I have decided to use bamboo trees. Because
they are exactly looking like lifeless. Even lifeless objects get rotten in time. I have taken pictures
of some small bamboo garden near to Yuyuan Garden.

So my main idea was all creatures have to be included to Time Inversion.

Following picture is the photograph I have taken.

Final Work

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