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The Menopausal Survival

n accordance with one of the leading American experts on menopause, Dr. Karen Deighan "a
confident attitude and only a little preparation" will make a difference in how women experience
menopause. Targeting menopausal symptoms before they occur is important to getting through
this stage of life. Exemestane powder
Menopause is oftentimes enough time when women enter "the absolute most productive and
lucrative stages" of their career, fulfilling their professional aspirations. It can also be enough
time when many children leave home - giving women the chance and time to target on
themselves. Based on Menopause Signs, "Menopause can be a time of unprecedented self-
confidence, freedom and financial liberation for women."
Also, a recently available American study unearthed that stress, less income and attitudes
toward aging had an important effect on the way women experienced menopausal symptoms.
Having a positive outlook on life changes the way in which women undergo menopause.
Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, reveals that life expectancy
for western women is more than 82 years, meaning a next of a woman's life will take place after
menopause. She reminds women, "Menopause is not a disease. It is just a normal event; a
passage in one stage of life to another."
It is estimated that as much as 90% of menopausal women experience some type of weight
gain in the time scale prior to menopause (perimenopause) in addition to during menopause.
Hormonal imbalances in conjunction with genetic factors, stress and the increasing loss of
muscle tissue connected with aging may leave women with a few extra inches on their waistline.
Also, menopausal women, particularly those experiencing debilitating symptoms, are sometimes
less inclined to exercise. Along with this, "women experience a metabolic slowdown around 10-
15 percent at midlife compared to earlier in life, making our anatomical bodies better at taking in
and storing fat," in accordance with Christiane Northrup, M.D., internationally known author and
speaker with an empowering approach to women's health and wellness.
The weight acquired during menopause no longer distributes itself equally, tending to settle
instead in the belly area. Many women gradually gain 5 to 15 pounds during menopause and
unless they adapt their diet, the weight gain might be a lot more prominent.
As women grow older, they are able to expect an alteration in their bodies. Although a slight
weight gain can be likely (and could even ease certain menopausal symptoms, such as for
example hot flashes) excessive weight gain is problematic as it can certainly lead to high
cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, increase the chance of type 2 diabetes, and even
certain kinds of cancer. If you are carrying many extra kilos, your menopausal symptoms are
often worse as a result. According to the Mayo Clinic: "Gaining as little as 4.4 pounds at age 50
or later could increase the danger of breast cancer by 30 percent."
To prevent or combat this weight gain, it is very important to boost the amount of exercise and
to be consistent in one's exercise regime. Crash diets must certanly be avoided at all costs
during menopause because they wreak havoc on the metabolism. Women should rather take
steps to change their lifestyle and enhance their health. Avoiding refined sugars and opting
instead for a wealthy and varied lower-calorie diet is extremely important. However, losing an
excessive amount of weight can be dangerous as it might result in a greater risk for

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