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- Afloat, afraid, alike, alone, asleep – used only predicatively

- Some , - ing adj, can quality othen adj

- Some adj can follow nouns too – in expressions - Asia minor Govern general

Above – The above question ( question is an adverb, but can function as an inside – cover, the
than president attributive adj)



How + adj + article + noun



- Too polite a person, too expensive a car

- When we compare onlz 2 things, we use the comparative with the meaning of the
superlative: he’s the taller of the 2 brothers

The Adjective

- Part of speech which describes a noun

Central adjectives - has to meet 4 coditions:

- It can be used attributivelz in a noun phrase: old man

- It can be used modified by intensifiers: mz old, extremely old, too old

- I can be used predicatilz with a verb: he looks / is old

- They can compansative superlative forms: old-older-oldest

The adjective phrase – a phrase in which the head is adjective

A C O M P N the order of


Age color origin material preposition

We bought a new blue and white French steel and iron tennis racket

a) Adj+ y’ drops - ier + iest - busy, busier, busiest

b) Irregular -> - much – more – most

c) Adj+ more + most little – less – least

Pleasant – more pl – most pl ill – worse –worst

d) Beneath = nether – nethermost

In – inner – inneemost

Out – outer – outermost

Up – upper – uppermost

Lastern – more eastern – easternmost (eastmost)

e) Shy – shyer – shyest

Sly – slyer – slyest

Spry – spryer – spryest

f) Good-looking – better-looking- best-looking

Bad-tempered – worse- l - worst – l

g) Ill paid – worse paid – the worst paid

Low priced – lower priced – he lowest paid

Well known – better known – the bes known

Intelligen looking – more i.l – most i.l

Grey eyed – greyer eyed – the greyest eyed

Have their own meaning and presive it as distinct from the meaning of the other
one so the first one gets comparative element

h)Up-to-date - more – the most

Narrow minded – more – most element 1+2 form a unit

Short-sighted – more - most

Old fashioned – more - most

i) Double faced

Self- conscious more/most first element dosen’t have comparative-

Heartbroken -> more/most

- The head noun has been mentioned before, so it isn’t expressed in the next sintence

- Head-noun expresser = building St Paul’s (cathedral)

- The head-noun occurs in a double positive (analzthical+synthetical genitive)

Ex> a description of John ; a description of John’s

John is described made by him

A bone of the dog , a bone of the dog’s

From his body beloging to him

2. Analythical/ prepositional of gentitive

- characteristic of neuter nouns (boh animate and inanimate)

Ex: the colour of the dress

The barking of the dog

-is prefered to the synthetical genitive; used with:

-proper and aimate nouns that occur in complex noun-phrase or in co-ordonate


Ex: the pencil of the boy in the corner; the daughter of the mom who lives next door

- When go want phrase the head noun

Ex: the plays of Shakespeare

- The objective genitive: the murderer of Caesar

Gradable adjectives/ noun- gradable adjectives

Adjectives are gradable when we can modify them, when they have comperetive and
superlative forms

Adj are non-gradable -> the opposite

Attributive adjectives – come before a noun and it’s part of the noun phrase: An old man ->

determiner pre-modifier

Predicative adj: after verbs like BE, LOOK, SEEM, TASTE, SMELL- ex: the coffee tastes bitter -
> adj

Adj orders: A C O M P / noun – basic guide

1. Articles

2. Posesives

3. Ordinal numers

4. Cardinal numbers

5. Size

6. Age

7. Shape

8. Colour

9. Origin

10. Material

11. Purpose

Ex: buildings, the, stone, city’s, Gothic, last, black, five, square, large, old

The city’s five last large old square black Gothic stone buildings

The companison of adj

Adj + -er + -est -cold – colder – coldest

Adj+ double last consonant –er + -est - big – bigger – biggest

Adj + last vowel drops –er + - est fine – finer – finest

The Noun – Case- possesion

Case- refers to the relation in which the state to a another word

Geniive – generally speaking of the idea of possesion

1. Possesive genitive – John’s can like John has a car

2. Possesive of origin – expresses authorship ( who the authior is)

Shakespeare’s Hamlet – Sh wrote Hamlet

3. Descriptive genitive

Describes the head noun

The noun phrase (NP)


1. Head alone : man, boy

2. Determiner +head : the/mz/this boy

3. Determiner+Modifier +Head : the young boy

- A determiner specifies how a reference of a noun is to be understood

- Determiners: articles, demonstratives, possesives, indefinites (some, many, any), wh-

forms (what, which) -> central determiners

- Predeterminers – that words which are used before central determiners ex: all, both,
half, double, twice, such, what

- Post determiners – used after central determiners ex: same, other, next, last

- A modifier is a word that affects the meaning of another word in the phrase, usually
the head ex: the young man; the man in the corner

This country Byron’s poems

Det. head premod. Head

Post modifier

The nature, of this part of Shakespeare’s Sonnet head

det head det. Head

pre modifier

NP. Determiner : pre det, central det, post det.

Premodifiers : adjm nouns, non- finite forms

Head –noun , pronouns, adjective

Post modifiers - relative clause

Non-finite forms

The English Noun

-the noun is a part of speech that manners beings things, objects that can be described by
means of the grammatical categories of numbers , gendre and case

- plato identified a class of words in greek that he called ‚onoma’ (name) (nomen in latin) =
origin of the word

- a noun can function as a subject, attribute, direct object, indirect object, subject
complement ( John is a doctor -> completes the meaning of the subject) object complement
(we elected Joh president)

Clasification of the nouns:

1. According to form, nouns can be:

• Simple (dog, boy)

• Compound (bathroom, blackboard)

• Frasal nouns (mother-in-law, Alexander the Grea)

2. According to particular proprieties

• Common

• Proper

3. According to how reality is seen:

• Concrete (material things that are perviced by senses)

• Absract (things perviced by our mind)

4. According to the idea of numbers:

• Semantic criterion : contable nouns, uncountable nouns

• Formal critetion: invariable (singularium tantum, pluralia tantum), variable (sg
form and meaning, plural form +meaning)

Singularia tantum – substances, concepts, notions which cannot be counted

Pluralia tantum – have plural meaning

-includes summation plurals (nouns that denote objects made of .... ex:
trousers, sussois, shorts) + parts of the body, -ing verbal nouns, effects,
nationalities etc.

The plural of English nouns. The plural of compounds

Ex: trade union – trade unions

1. Forget-me-not forget-me-nots


Knock out- knock outs

- Most compunds have a regular plural ( -s added to the last element), especially if the
compound has no noun in it; +ful compounds; + phrasel verbs used as nouns

2. Passer by – passes by

Coming-in - comings-in

Maid-of-honour - maids-of honour

- In some cases the first element is made plural ( when there’s an agent noun ending in
‚er’, a verbal noun ending ‚ing’, a noun +preposition + noun)

3. Woman doctor – women doctors

Man singer – men singers

Man cater – men caters =the last element - plural

4. In-and-out - ins-and-outs = in compounds wih ‚and’ both

Up-and-down - ups-and-downs =element take the plural

Gin-and-tonic - gin-and tonics = exception - drink

Tooth (premodifier) brush (head) – toothbrushes

The plural of compounds (see the seminary)

The plural of proper nouns

The plural of numbers, letters, abbreviations : p-pp

4 – 4’s

I - i’s

1980 – 1980s

Nouns ending in –s

1. Regular plurals

- Pronountation: s, z, iz

- S after voiceless consonants (p –

- Z after voiced consonants ( b

- Iz after sibilants

2. Nouns ending in y

• Regular plural if the noun ends in vowel y (boys, days)

• Ies -> if the noun ends in consonant +y (stories, spies)

• Regular plurals if there’s a proper noun ( Marys, Lennedys)

• Sustentionsied part of speech -> regular plural

3. Noun ending in o

4. Mutation plurals: men, women feet, teeth

5. –en plurals = children, oxen

6. Nouns ending in f/ - fe : valves, halves, knifes, scarfes, cheffs

7. Zero plural : deer, sheep, japanese, speecies, swime

-fishes of the Atlantic because we are refering to multiple species

- 6 mile walk -> modifier a it doesn’t get the plural or six mile’s walk

-10 meters long because it’s followed by an adjective

8. Foreign plurals: latin: ending in us -> i, o, x, um

9. Foreign plurals: greek: ending in –is, -on, -ma, -x

10. Foreign plurals: french : ending in

Italian: - o + hebrew : cherub, seroph, kibbutz

Ex: children’s boys -> toys for children

Today’s newspaper

4.Subjective genitive

Ex: the doctor’s arrival -> the doctor arrived

The crying of the baby -> the baby cried

5. Objective genitive

Ex: the child’s education -> somebody educates the child

The translation of the paragrah -> somebody translates the paragraph

John’s beating - subjective : John did the beating

Objective : somebody else beat John

Partitive genitive

Ex: loaf of bread, slice of.., five of my books, part of the audition

Genitive of gradation

Ex: king of kings, song of songs

According to form, genitives are classified in 2categories:

Synthetical/saxm/inflected/ s genitive

- Is used with:

Nouns denoting persons: the teacher’s book

Nouns of persons: John’s book

Collection nouns: the nation’s development

Nouns denoting beings and their names other than persons: cat’s tail, dog’s barking

Nouns denoting measurements in time/space/ : a week’s holiday, today’s newspaper,

a 2 mi....walk

Inanimate nouns that can be refered as ‚he’ or ‚she’: London’s briges

used frequently with inanimate nouns because of its conciesion ex: one of the city’s

elliptical genitive: a: Is this your car? B: no, it’s John’s


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