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This KO’s main goal is to enable NPI engineers create ExternalUtranCell and UtranRelation by

using the following script.

The script will help the engineer to be more time efficient when running IUR test cases.
The only assumption for the script is that the Iurlink must be defined on the DRNC and SRNC
which is there most of the time.
To use the script, just save it in your home directory and use the run command in moshell while
logged in the SRNC.
For example, one usually logs in to the following rncs using moshell: rnc6 and rnc7 ( this are the
logical names).
Assume the srnc is rnc6 and drnc is rnc7 with the following UtranCells:
 UtranCell=UBL10698Z31 in drnc
 UtranCell=UBL30874Z11 in srnc

In this case, one would have to log in to rnc6 and run the command:

The generated script will always be stored under the directory


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