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Ingrid V.

Diaz Nery
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 Section C
April 24, 2018

Reflection Paper

Some of the main objectives in this class was to familiarize myself with the programs of Word,

Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint to be able to improve my ability to use these computer

applications for productivity, data analysis, and problem solving. Also, to be able to discuss

issues fluently about computers, software and the use of technology. Three main goals that I

wanted to achieve by the end of this semester was to become an expert in Word, be able to

Photoshop an image, and familiarize myself more with Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint.

When we got to the topic of Word, I thought I was going to ace every assignment since I have

been using this program ever since I was in elementary school. To my surprise there were so

many new things that I discovered about Word. One of those were the whole information about

boarders I had no idea how to merge or shade in cells. Another new thing I learned was about the

margins of the page or how to add page breaks instead of spacing your way down until the end of

the page. I was so glad we went over Word in the beginning of the semester because I was able

to use every single short cut I learned in my papers and lab reports in my other classes.

To Photoshop might have been one of my most favorite topics we covered in class. This was a

completely new program in my life and the most difficult program to learn in this class. Going

over the steps of how to use the program was to fast pace for me, but when we were given the

chance to work on our image I was able to ask for help and learn the steps that I missed. I was

able to Photoshop two purple flowers into an image of green plants with a butterfly landed on a

bright red flower. Within this image I learned to crop, insert, blur, and add layers.

Ingrid V. Diaz Nery
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 Section C
April 24, 2018

Going over the programs Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint was easy but at the same time

challenging. The challenging part of Excel was adding the correct formulas, but the fun part was

in creating the charts and customizing them. Publisher was a very fun program to go over, I

created a menu brochure of a restaurant that I made up that had a taste of Mexican food that was

elevated and modernized. The hard part of the program was being able to successfully print out

the brochure in the correct format. Where it is printed out longwise, double sided, and facing the

same way when folded in a trifold. Unfortunately, I was not able to print it out in the correct way

and apparently not many other students as well. PowerPoint was the easiest and most fun

program to go over. I felt very familiarized with all of the concepts, so going over this program I

would say was just a review for me. I did very much enjoy adding the transitions and animations

to each slide though.

Overall, I feel as if my knowledge to use technology has improved significantly from the

beginning to the end of this class. I now have the confidence to give help to my friends or family

on any Office program they might have trouble with. I am very thankful that I chose to take this

class this semester.

Word Count: 572

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