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Slaughter 1

Katrina Slaughter


English 121

8 February 2019

Journal 4; I said it first.

I’ve always found it hard to express how I feel about people, especially when it comes to

romantic feelings. However, when I met my boyfriend that changed before my eyes. We met

through a mutual friend whom I am very grateful to have in my life; through everything he has

stayed my friend as supportive and honest as ever. I am forever grateful to him, too, for

introducing me to my heart, my love, and my whole world.

The first time my boyfriend and I hung out was at the park on a sunny day in July of

2018. We had been texting for a couple of days and decided to meet up. That first time I saw him

I knew I liked something about him-- or maybe I liked everything. We sat down at a table in the

gazebo and talked. As time flew by, we grew closer and closer which eventually led to us falling

in love.

On August 25th 2018, he asked my father for permission to date me. My father happily

agreed (he had already been referring to him as my boyfriend anyway) and thus began a

wonderful and lively relationship. A month into dating he was at my house for a BBQ one night

and as we all sat together outside, eating and chatting, he opened up to my parents, confessing

something to them that he hadn’t told many people. I looked over at him and saw the sincerity in

his eyes and heard the care in his tone as he spoke. Then he looked at me with a sparkle in his

eyes and I knew I loved him with everything in my heart.

Slaughter 1

Later that night we went to his house to hang out and watch movies and I handed him a

letter to confess that I was in love with him though it wasn’t stated directly. He read it then

looked at me and said “What are you saying?” I gathered all my courage to say it outloud “I’m

saying I love you” I replied. I had never told someone first that I love them and even when I said

it I didn’t really mean it.

I feel bad knowing I didn’t mean it before or that when I did mean it I never said it to

who it applied to but that’s in the past now. I’m happily in love with the man of my dreams and I

can’t say where tomorrow will take him and I but I only hope it will take us to a lifetime of love

and happiness.

That moment was the moment that changed everything. For the longest time I thought I

didn’t know how to love properly and that I was broken. However, I know now I was wrong and

I’m glad to be able to say that. I know now that I am strong enough to love and express it without

fear. This means that I am getting stronger and will continue to do so.

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