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English Test (Total Score: 37 points)

(Obtained Score: _____ points)

Teacher: Miss Leticia Magnolia Zagal Riquelme.

Name: _________________________________________________ Grade: 4th ___ Date: April _____ 2019.

I.- Listen to the teacher and number that you hear. (6 points)

II.- Listen and write T (True) or (T) False. (7 points)

III.- Listen and underline. (3 points)

IV.- Order the sequence in affirmative or negative sentences. After that, listen and number the
pictures. (15 points) points)

a) guests / with / the / help

The grandparents ____________________________________________________

b) don’t / lunch / make

They _______________________________________________________________

c) don’t / shopping / do / the

The children _________________________________________________________

d) with / the / help / animals

They _______________________________________________________________
e) lunch / make
The parents ______________________________

f) don’t / with / animals / help /the

They ____________________________________


IV.- Match with a letter the meaning of the following chores. (6 points)
A) Make the beds _______ Hacer la cena
B) Make breakfast _______ Hacer las compras
C) Make Lunch _______ Ayudar con las mascotas
D) Make dinner _______ Hacer el almuerzo
E) Help with the pets _______ Hacer el desayuno
F) Do the shopping _______ Hacer la cama

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