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Lore AP Choice One Choice Two ARCANIST
100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita The Arcanist seeks hidden knowledge and
200 +1 ˆ Discard a Ritual to recover all ˆ Discard a Ritual to force a foe to lose mastery of the secrets of the universe. She
Power Points. their next turn. is a student of the ancient systems of
350 +1 ˆ Lose 5 Lore to gain 1 Power Point, ˆ Re-roll a missed skill check when numerology and chakric mysticism. As
once per chapter. reciting a Ritual, once per round. a collector of lost knowledge, she has
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. found an old parchment torn from
500 ˆ NUMEROLOGIST: Add 1d4 to ˆ NUMEROLOGIST: Once per story, the pages of a much larger book
+1 known as the Necronomicon.
any die roll, once per chapter. a Companion may block one attack
ˆ SEEKER: +1 Damage with without sacrificing their life. 7KH$UFDQLVWVHHNVWRඳQG
melee weapons if your target ˆ SEEKER: +5 Might for each round the remainder of this
has an adjacent ally. you have consecutively attacked obscure text and explore
the same target, maximum +20. the other dimensions
650 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 to Any Skill of which it speaks.
800 +1 ˆ +5 Might ˆ +5 Defense
800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points.
950 +1 ˆ Pass OCCULT 9 to cause an Occultist‘s ˆ Pass OCCULT 9 to cause an ˆ NUMEROLOGIST ˆ SEEKER
attack to be re-directed to a foe of Occultist to lose their next You have studied and learned The Seeker has two auras
your choice, once per encounter. turn, once per encounter. the lore of numbers and and can use them as long as
1100 +2 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita their mystical meanings. she has at least one unspent
Power Point. These auras are
1250 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 Stride » Once per chapter, the represented by a double-sided
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain abilities. Numerologist can spend token with a light and dark side.
a Power Point to re-roll
1400 +1 ˆ NUMEROLOGIST: Recover 1 ˆ NUMEROLOGIST: You may re-roll any of her own die rolls. Once per combat (both
Power Point when you Defend any one attack roll, once per combat. encounters and skirmishes), the
during a skirmish and one extra ˆ SEEKER: The Light Aura acts as » Once per story, she may roll
Seeker may activate one of her
Power Point when resting. a light source and the Dark Aura two dice instead of one for any
auras. Each is AURA 1 and lasts
ˆ SEEKER: The Light Aura heals 1 Vita causes REDUCTION 1 to foes. roll she wishes in the game and
for 4 rounds.
per round and the Dark Aura deals take her choice of the higher
1 Damage to foes per round. or lower of the two values. » The Light aura is a circle
1550 +1 ˆ ABSORPTION 1 from ˆ When a SPIRIT creature is slain, of protection giving her
Occultist attacks. gain the ETHEREAL status ABSORPTION 1 and allies in
until the end of the chapter. the aura +5 Defense. This
1700 ˆ NUMEROLOGIST: You may ˆ does not stack with other
+2 Add +1 to your DMG Bonus.
absorption bonuses.
change the result of any one
die roll to the number of your
choice, once per story. » The Dark aura causes 1
Damage to all foes that move
ˆ SEEKER: Her auras increase
from AURA 1 to AURA 2. into the aura on their turn.
•••• •
• Runic Dice • • Seek the Chakra •
ARCANIST ARCANIST 35 ˆ Heirophant Amulet (Item): 60 ˆ Reinforced Bodice (Item):
coin Discard any consumable Item coin +4 Defense, +2 to the number of
You sense the future to recover 2 Vita and allow an Items you can carry [Chest
ally to recover 1 Vita [Chest / Enhancement].
and your destiny. Use or Neck / Enhancement].
when you draw an Item Deal an additional
card. Draw two and +2 Damage on a 45 ˆ Robes of the Enchanter (Item):
50 ˆ Scarlet Cloak (Item):
successful melee hit. coin Reflect a ranged attack back at
then choose one to the foe once per story [Chest coin +1 TRICKERY [Chest or
Neck / Enhancement].
keep and one or Neck / Enhancement].

to discard.
50 ˆ Harpy Feather (Item): STABLES
1 1 coin You cannot be moved against
your will [Enhancement].
35 ˆ Familiar (Companion):
coin A cat Companion, which gives you
ACTIVE AB#FC01 ACTIVE AB#FC02 +1 Power Point and +1 AWARENESS.
Q 75 ˆ Changing your Fate:
coin Purchase one Tarot card of your
choice and remove it from the STANDING STONES
game (one time only). 50 ˆ One with the Universe:
50 ˆ Rabbit’s Foot (Item): EXHAUST coin Commune with the universe and
remove all your negative statuses.
coin for the story to gain the LUCKY
status for one map [Enhancement].

60 ˆ Bone Dice (Item): Ancient TINKER

coin dice made from the remains of an
• Stiletto • unfortunate corpse. EXHAUST to 50 ˆ Dowsing Rod (Item): Find
gain +1 to a die roll [Enchantment]. coins water to drink in any Off-Road space,
recovering 1 Vita [Enhancement].
FLANK 1, +4 Might.
50 ˆ Throwing Knives (Item): 1d4+1,
60 ˆ Gather Secrets: Learn
1 10 coin the hidden secrets about your
coin RANGE 3, Ammo 3
[1 Hand / Ranged Weaponry].
HAND COINS enemies. Gain +1 Damage against
Afflictions for this story.
•• •••
Lore AP Choice One Choice Two
100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita The Archeologist is an explorer and
scholar focused on the ancient and the
200 +1 ˆ Discard any consumable Item to ˆ When you Barter at the Market in town, unexplained. He has become convinced
recover 2 Vita. you may draw two Items instead of one.
that our history has been shaped
350 +1 ˆ +5 Might ˆ +5 Defense by beings and forces beyond nature
and science. He has traveled far
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. and wide in his quest for knowledge
500 +1 ˆ SCHOLAR: You may attempt ˆ SCHOLAR: Receive a +2 on any one and now explores the depths of the
to make any check an ally SPEECH check, once per story. supernatural to gain his answers.
just failed, once per story. ˆ EXPLORER: You may avoid taking
ˆ EXPLORER: If you drop below 1 damage from a Snare, once per story.
Vita, pass ARCHEOLOGY 10 to stay
alive with 1 Vita, once per story.
650 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 to Any Skill CHOOSE A CHARACTER FOCUS
800 +1 ˆ Gain +4 Lore every round ˆ Make one Mortal foe SPOOKED 5,
you hit an Affliction. once per combat. ˆ EXPLORER ˆ SCHOLAR
Your insight has been drawn You have obtained your knowledge
800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. from your extensive travels and “academically” from the study
interaction with cultures of every of manuscripts, tomes, scrolls,
950 +1 ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus. ˆ +5 Defense and +5 Might
kind. You prefer the “rough and and written histories. Your
1100 +2 ˆ +1 Damage with Whip-type ˆ +1 Damage with THROWN weapons. tumble” lifestyle learned from knowledge of artifacts and relics
weapons. tribal peoples and you have an is unsurpassed, and your wit
uncanny knack for staying alive. is peerless. You are driven by
1250 ˆ When you search with a result of ˆ Re-roll a failed search check, your search for knowledge of
10+, gain one additional Item. once per Adventure Map. » When you successfully the obscure and the arcane.
pass an ARCHEOLOGY check,
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain your Abilities. you recover 2 Vita. » I know you! Pass ARCHEOLOGY
10 at the beginning of any
» Also, due to your extensive combat to gain +5 Defense
1400 +1 ˆ +1 Stride ˆ UN-EXHAUST a Whip-type knowledge of anthropology, due to the research you have
weapon once per combat. you receive a +5 Might performed on your enemies.
bonus against Mortal foes.
1550 +1 ˆ SCHOLAR: Gain 2 Skill ˆ SCHOLAR: Increase your Defense » Once per story, you may
points or 2 Ability points. bonus from the Scholar focus to +10.
re-roll one skill check.
ˆ EXPLORER: When brought ˆ EXPLORER: Increase your base Might
back from Limbo by the bonus against Mortal foes to +10.
gypsies, pass SPEECH 8 to
avoid drawing a Tarot card.
1700 +2 ˆ +2 Max Power Points ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus.
•••• •
• Crack the Whip • • Iconographer •
Explore Explore * Cook ALCHEMIST MARKET
ARCHEOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGIST 60 ˆ Book of Lost Symbols (Item): 60 ˆ Hardened Leather Coat (Item):
coin EXHAUST to add +2 to any skill check coin +5 Defense and increase the
When you use a consumable, once per story [Enhancement]. number of Items you can carry
instead of discarding it, pass by 2 [Chest / Protective].
Deal an additional ARCHEOLOGY 6 to keep
1d4 Damage on the Item or token by placing 40 ˆ Wide Leather Belt (Item):
a hit with a it on this card. It can be APOTHECARY coin +4 Might [Waist / Enhancement].
used once more before it is 40 ˆ Hyperion Salve (Item):
whip-type weapon. discarded. Only one Item at coin Recover 2d4 Vita or cure the 70 ˆ Explorer’s Map (Item):
a time can be placed on SICKENED status [Consumable].
this card. coin When drawing an Off-Road event,
you may choose to draw another
1 2 free ˆ Archive Artifact: Exchange
the first [Enhancement].

any Artifact for 4d10 coins.

STARTING EQUIPMENT CHURCH OF THE 50 ˆ Armguard Bracers (Item):
CROSSROADS coin +3 Defense. EXHAUST to re-roll a
missed attack [Arms / Protective].
75 ˆ Research: Once per story,
coin research rare books from the
library. Gain 1d4x10 Lore.
65 ˆ Barbed Whip (Item):
coin 1d6, RANGE 2. EXHAUST
GYPSY ENCAMPMENT to re-roll a missed attack [1
Hand / Melee Weaponry].
75 ˆ Ankh Key (Item): Once per
coin story, automatically succeed at any
search roll, or a skill check roll that 100 ˆ Steel Chain Whip (Item):
• Whip
p• unlock a door [Enhancement]. coin 1d6+1, RANGE 2. EXHAUST to
attack again with this weapon
RANGE 2. EXHAUST to [2 Hands / Melee Weaponry].
make target IMMOBILIZED
after a successfully attack. STABLES
50 ˆ Steel Toed Boots (Item):
100 ˆ Falcon (Companion):
coin EXHAUST to make an additional
10 coin The Falcon Companion may make a
ranged attack from your space each
attack against your current target.
COINS 1d4+1 Damage [Feet / Enhancement].
round for 1d4 Damage.
•• •••
Lore AP Choice One Choice Two AVENGING MADMAN
100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita The Avenging Madman has a soul driven mad by
loss. At the end of a hard day’s labor, he fell asleep
200 +1 ˆ You may re-roll a failed NERVE ˆ Give your allies +1 to their check in in the barn amongst bails of hay. When next he
check, once per chapter. removing the SPOOKED status. awoke, the sun shining brightly overhead,
the sight the greeted him will forever
350 +1 ˆ +1 NERVE ˆ ABSORPTION 1 against Vampires. torment his memories. His entire family,
massacred night by something clearly
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. inhuman. But the body of his wife was
not among the victims. Driven to the
500 +1 ˆ AVENGER: +1 Companion slot. ˆ AVENGER: Militia Companions brink of insanity, he took his bail hook
ˆ SAVAGE: Receive +5 Defense now cost you 20 coins. and followed the tracks to this land
against your Rage target. ˆ SAVAGE: Gain 1 extra Rage target. ZKLFKLVDබ LFWHGE\WKLQJVSXOOHG
straight from his nightmares. Rage is
650 +1 ˆ +1 Stride in combat ˆ +1 Max Power Point his purpose and revenge his weapon.
800 +1 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +5 Defense CHOOSE A CHARACTER FOCUS
800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points.
950 +1 ˆ You reduce the skirmish counter ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus. Your newfound purpose is to
Your rage becomes your most
by 2 when you successfully attack. reliable weapon. Once per
avenge those that have perished
chapter, roll for a creature type
at the hands of evil. Once per
1100 +2 ˆ AVENGER: Gives allies the +1 ˆ AVENGER: The damage you story, choose an option. You may
to focus your hatred upon.
damage bonus to ranged attacks. inflict on your starting target not change it until the next story: » When hit by a creature of
ˆ SAVAGE: Receive +5 Might increases to +3 Damage.
this type, they lose 1 Vita.
against your Rage target. ˆ SAVAGE: Gain the Mortal » The Avenger gives all other
creature type as a Rage target. FKDUDFWHUVඳJKWLQJWKHVDPH » You may add half the value of
1250 foe as he is a +1 Damage your current Power Points to
ˆ +4 Max Vita ˆ +1 to your rolls to resist
to melee attacks.
negative statuses. your Might, rounded down.
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain your Abilities.
» At the start of an encounter,
1400 +1 ˆ +1 Damage with melee weapons. ˆ You are now allowed to place a Tracking token on a
6 1 2
use ranged weapons. target. As long as you do not
1550 +1 ˆ +5 Might ˆ +5 Defense +1 Damage against it. Rage!
1700 +2 5 4 3
ˆ Gain +10 Might, +1 Damage ˆ Choose 1 target in a combat and gain
and -10 Defense, for one +1 Attack against them, once per story.
combat per story.

•••• •
• Environmental Slaughter • • Keep it Coming •
Revenge Fierce
n/a ˆ Drunk and Disorderly: Due 30 ˆ Cure Madness: The physician
When an adjacent to your sometimes uncontrollable coin gives you a drought containing
outbursts of rage, you must roll medicinal herbs that calm your
corporeal foe dies, a d10 whenever you visit an Inn. spirit. You are able to use ranged
tear a limb from its Ignore 1d4 Damage On a roll of 1 or 2, you have one weapons for the current chapter.
body and slam it into from an attack. Usable too many beverages and start a

an enemy up to 2 during a skirmish. bar fight. The group must skirmish

with a Angry Mob and you cannot
spaces away, dealing Defend during the combat.
varies ˆ Fast Recovery: You recover
1d6 Damage. 2 Vita per coin when receiving
Stitches due to your thick skin.

1 1
ACTIVE AB#FC05 ACTIVE AB#FC06 n/a ˆ Fortitude: When you Drink TINKER
at the Inn, you do not suffer 50 ˆ Armguard Bracers (Item):
STARTING EQUIPMENT the –5 Might penalty. coin +3 Defense. EXHAUST to re-roll a
missed attack [Arms / Protective].

50 ˆ Brass Knuckles (Item): When

coin you main weapon misses during an
free ˆ Artifact Exchange: Exchange attack, you still inflict 1 Damage to
any Artifact for 3d10 coins. the target [1 Hand / Enhancement].

60 ˆ Satchel (Item): +4 to
• Bale Hook • coin the number of Items you can
45 ˆ High Boots (Item):
carry [Enhancement].
coin Ignore movement penalties
+5 Might. [Feet / Enhancement].

30 ˆ Weightlifting Belt (Item):

coin 100 ˆ Kukri Knife (Item): 1d6+1,
1 10
+2 Might [Waist / Enhancement].
coin +5 Might, COLD STEEL, EXECUTE
+1 HAND COINS [1 Hand / Melee Weaponry].
•• •••

Lore AP Choice One

100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita The Exorcist is a priest of sound
200 +1 ˆ Sacrifice a Holy Water at any time ˆ +5 Defense mind and body, whose training
to reduce a skirmish counter by 1. and purpose are to seek out
350 +1 ˆ Re-roll a failed FAITH ˆ Become BLESSED when you land a those evil forces and beings
check, once per story. killing blow against an Affliction. If that wreak havoc on our
during last chapter of story, status
world. He is a true spiritual
is not lost when story ends.
warrior, armed and ready
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points.
to go head-to-head against
500 +1 ˆ BANISHER: Pass FAITH 9 to ˆ BANISHER: Pass FAITH 10 to those things that have
make the one Spirit, Demonic, cause 1d4 damage to all adjacent
or Undead foe lose a turn, once Demonic, Undead and Spirit foes, crept up from the cracks of
per combat during your turn. once per combat during your turn. hell to torment mankind.
ˆ SANCTIFIER: Pass FAITH 9 to ˆ SANCTIFIER: Discard a Holy Water to
create a Holy Water while adjacent recover 2d4 Vita, once per chapter.
to a water feature on a map
(well, lake, fountain, etc.) while CHOOSE A CHARACTER FOCUS
Adventuring, once per chapter.
650 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ SANCTIFIER ˆ BANISHER
800 +1 ˆ Regain 1d4 Vita when you visit a ˆ +1 Damage with FILLABLE weapons. Your mission is to cleanse <RXUNHHQVHQVHVIRUVQLඵQJRXW
chapel in town, once per chapter. the world of evil and bring it the diabolic has empowered you to
800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. back towards the light. As a HOLPLQDWHWKHVHZLFNHGLQපXHQFHV
VDQFWLඳHU\RXXVH\RXUJLIWV and send them back from whence
950 +1 ˆ Spend 2 Power Points to ˆ Once per chapter, pass FAITH 10 to gain to seek out that which has they came. You are driven to
remove Darkness from a a Prayer when visiting a town Chapel.
map, once per story. become tainted and transform ඳQGDQGYDQTXLVKWKRVHWKDWDUH
it back into its proper form. not welcome among mortals,
1100 +2 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus. banishing them to oblivion.
1250 ˆ +5 Might ˆ +5 Defense Companions in order to » Cause +1 Damage to attacks
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain your Abilities. avoid an attack or taking against the following
damage. Instead, you receive creature types:
1400 +1 ˆ ABSORPTION 1 vs. Demonic, ˆ ABSORPTION 2 vs. Snare
Spirits and Undead Foes. and PUSH damage. +2 Max Vita for every
Companion you have.
1550 +1 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ Pass FAITH 11 at the beginning of
each story to receive a Prayer. » You may choose to consume
1700 +2 holy water to heal 1d6
ˆ BANISHER: Once per combat, ˆ BANISHER: Gain immunity
spend 1 Power Point to mark to POSSESSION and Vita to you or your allies, » Receive +2 Damage to
one non–Mortal creature LYCANTHROPIC statuses. divided as you choose. Terrifying versions of
with the Rite of Banishment. ˆ SANCTIFIER: Pass FAITH 12 to
these creatures.
They lose 1 Vita per round. bring an ally back from Limbo into
ˆ SANCTIFIER: Gain an ghost form with 5 Ghost Points.
additional Companion slot. One attempt at time of death.
•••• •
• Blessing of the Cross • ܴ3XULඳFDWLRQܴ
EXORCIST EXORCIST 20 ˆ Oil of Exorcism (Item): FILL 25 ˆ Woolen Robes (Item):
coin for +4 Damage, THROWN for 2d4 coin +2 Defense [Chest or
Damage, RANGE 3 [Consumable]. Neck / Protective].

,QපLFWG'DPDJH Restore 4 Vita 60 ˆ Satchel (Item): +4 to

to any one Demonic, to yourself or an coin the number of Items you can
carry [Enhancement].
Spirit or adjacent ally. Usable CHAPEL
Undead creature. during a skirmish. 20 ˆ Empower: Upgrade a Holy Water 45 ˆ Rope Belt (Item): +1
coin token to a Liquid Frankincense token. coin NERVE [Waist / Enhancement].

45 ˆ Stole (Item): +1 FAITH

1 1 coin [Neck / Enhancement].
n/a ˆ Blessed Hands: Pass FAITH 8
when visiting the physician to
50 ˆ Prayer Beads (Item): Add +1
ACTIVE AB#FC07 ACTIVE AB#FC08 coin Vita to all healing powers. Does
bless his hands. He now provides
Stitches with +1 Vita for this visit.
not affect Items [Enhancement].
n/a ˆ Revive: Pass FAITH 10 to
CHURCH OF THE assist the physician reviving
CROSSROADS a ghost character to life for


100 ˆ Fenestrated Morningstar free. Once per visit.

coin (Item): 1D6+1, FILLABLE,

absorption. Attack roll > 90,
a different adjacent creature 50 ˆ Breastplate (Item):
is struck for 1d4 Damage [1
coin ABSORPTION 1 [Chest / Protective].
Hand / Melee Weaponry].
sp g llum
u •
FILLABLE. +5 Might. Ignores 65 ˆ Silver Dagger (Item): 1d4+2,
ETHEREAL absorption. 50 ˆ Censer (Item): EXHAUST to coin SILVER, THROWN RANGE 3
HOLY keyword required. coin force a creature to re-roll their attack [1 Hand / Melee Weaponry].
dice [1 Hand / Enhancement].
25 ˆ Skull Cap (Item):
1 10 50 ˆ Mitre (Item): +1 Power coin +3 Defense [Head / Protective].
coin Point [Enhancement].
•• •••
Lore AP Choice One Choice Two TELEPATH
100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita A talented mentalist who can
200 +1 ˆ Prevent one ranged foe from moving ˆ Prevent one ranged foe from access unique and powerful
during their turn, once per combat. targeting you, once per combat. psychic abilities. She has long
350 +1 ˆ +5 Might ˆ +5 Defense hidden her talents from
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. family and friends, fearing
that she would be outcast as a
500 +1 ˆ CHANNELER: If you are the Leader ˆ CHANNELER: +1 Damage vs.
traveling Off-Road, draw two Spirits, and add +1 to any Skill freak. But after seeing visions
Off-Road cards and choose which challenge involving Spirits. in her mind’s eye, that of evil
to encounter, discarding the other. ˆ TELEKINETIC: Spend 3 Power Points spreading across the land,
ˆ TELEKINETIC: Adds the to avoid any Stride penalties and she realized that her gifts
THROWN keyword to any gain ABSORPTION 1 against Snares
melee weapon she uses. on the current Adventure Map.
could help in staunching
650 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 AWARENESS
800 +1 ˆ Add +1d4 to any die ˆ Move a Search token within sight
roll, once per story. on the map to a space adjacent
to you, once per chapter. CHOOSE A CHARACTER FOCUS
800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points.
950 +1 ˆ CHANNELER: Summon a Poltergeist ˆ CHANNELER: Once per chapter,
instead of a Restless Spirit. you may choose to not draw a Your connection to the spirit world You are strong in the manipulation
ˆ TELEKINETIC: When you Road Event while you are the has been strong since birth, and of matter and moving objects
are ETHEREAL, a swarm of Leader on the World Map. you often converse with the ghosts with your thoughts.
debris circles you, causing 1 ˆ TELEKINETIC: Trade with of those who have passed on.
Damage within AURA 1. one ally in sight. » You are fond of your ability to
» When an ally becomes a ghost, throw another being with the
1100 +2 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +5 Defense they gain +2 Ghost Points as force of your mind. Use one
1250 ˆ +1 to search rolls ˆ Ignore Snare damage from a long as you have at least 1 less Power Point when using
failed Search, once per chapter. Power Point when they die. the Psychokinesis ability.
1400 +1 ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus. ˆ +5 Might » Once per story, you may spend » Receive +1 RANGE with
5 Power Points to summon THROWN weapons.
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain your Abilities.
1550 +1 ˆ CHANNELER: During a “Choose ˆ CHANNELER: The cost to summon your side for one combat.
Your Path” moment, you may a Restless Spirit or Poltergeist is You must have an open
read the outcome of the first reduced to 3 Power Points. Companion slot to do this.
Story Moments referenced before ˆ TELEKINETIC: As long as you have at
making a choice, once per story. least 1 Power Point, you may choose
ˆ TELEKINETIC: Add +1 space one target to mentally attack for 2
to the Psychokinesis ability. Damage per round, once per combat.
1700 +2 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus.
•••• •
• Psychic Implosion • • Psychokinesis •
TELEPATH TELEPATH 50 ˆ Quartz Geodes (Item): Donate 30 ˆ Velvet Bodice (Item): +4
coin up to 3 Power Points to store in the coin Defense [Chest / Protective].
Crush the brain matter of PUSH 2 a target in Geodes. You may use these points
DIRH,QපLFWG'DPDJH any direction, causing as Ghost Points when you next
and force them to lose a
enter ghost form [Enhancement]. 50 ˆ Jeweled Tiara (Item):|
1d4 Damage. Anyone coin +2 Max Vita. Pass NERVE 5 at
turn on a d6:6+.
impacted by them 80 ˆ Crystalline Lens (Item): Add the end of a combat to remove

Ignores ABSORPTION. loses 1d4 Vita. You may coin +1 Damage and +2 Ammo to your the DERANGED status from
yourself [Head / Enhancement].
In a skirmish, drop a spend 3 Power Points Quartz Lantern [Enhancement].

skirmish counter by 1. to PUSH 4.

1 2
ˆ Spiritual Communion: Once per visit, pass ˆ Knitted Shawl (Item):
AWARENESS 7 to assist the gypsies commune coin +4 Defense [Back or Neck
with the spirit world. If successful, roll a d6: / Enhancement].
ACTIVE AB#FC09 ACTIVE AB#FC10 1: Attracting a foul spirit, you must skirmish with
a Restless Spirit alone with the counter on 2.
STARTING EQUIPMENT 2: The strain is too great. Lose 1 Power Point.
3: You are unable to connect with the spirit plane.
4: Your connection is strong. Gain 1 Power Point.
5: Gain +5 Defense for the current chapter from
the premonition you receive. Does not stack. 35 ˆ Book of Healing (Item):
6: You walk the paths of the otherworld. coin Help one ally recover +1 Vita
when resting [Enhancement].
Become ETHEREAL for the current chapter.

• Quartz Lantern • TINKER

50 ˆ Pendulum (Item): EXHAUST
100 ˆ Bola (Item): 1d6+1 Damage,
Acts as a light source. coin to re-roll a failed search check
[1 Hand / Enhancement]. coin FOCUS 5. May be THROWN for
PSYCHIC keyword required. 1d4+1, PENETRATE 2, RANGE 3
[1 Hand / Melee Weaponry].
50 ˆ Sapphire Amulet (Item):
1 10 coin AURA 1. ETHEREAL foes lose 1
Vita [Neck / Enhancement].

•• •••
Lore AP Choice One Choice Two
100 ˆ +1 to Any Skill ˆ +2 Max Vita The Witch Hunter is a fanatical bounty hunter who
adheres to a strict code of honor and is sworn to
200 +1 ˆ +1 Damage to Occultist’s. ˆ ABSORPTION 1 vs. Occultist’s. purge the world of evil. He is a
member of a sect of inquisitors that
350 +1 ˆ +1 Ammo with ranged weapons. ˆ +1 Damage with THROWN weapons. have hidden behind those in power for
350 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points.
He is an accomplished huntsman
500 +1 ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: Gain ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: Increase your and tracker, using his skills as a
2 bounties at a time. bounty reward to 2d6 Coins. weapons specialist and marksman
ˆ INQUISITOR: Add +1 to ˆ INQUISITOR: Add +2 to a to hunt the creatures of the night.
your Inquisition rolls. Inquisition roll, once per chapter. The Witch Hunter is a decisive
and trained interrogator. With his
650 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ +1 Stride NQRZOHGJHRIWKH0DOOHXV0DOHඳFDUXP
ˆ Place a Tracking token on any one ˆ +5 Defense
foe per combat. All ranged attacks
verse this target receive +5 Might. CHOOSE A CHARACTER FOCUS

800 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. ˆ INQUISITOR ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER
950 +1 ˆ Add +1 to your DMG Bonus. ˆ Gain +2 to ranged damage. You are a master of interrogation At the beginning of each story,
and information gathering. You roll a d6 to determine your target
1100 +2 ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: Also receive the ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: Gain +5 may Interrogate a Mortal creature bounty. Each time you land a
coin award for your bounty if they Defense against your bounty. instead of killing them. If your killing blow against that creature
were killed while adjacent to you. ˆ INQUISITOR: If you roll a d6:6+ attack would kill the target, type, you gain 1d6 extra coins.
ˆ INQUISITOR: Add +1 to during an Inquisition, you gain an Item.
UROODGRQWKHH඲HFWLYHQHVV You may re–roll your bounty
your Inquisition rolls.
or your interrogation: every time you enter a new town.
1250 ˆ +5 Defense ˆ +5 Might
1250 Lore: As a ghost, gain +5 Defense and +1 Max Ghost Points. You may also retrain your Abilities. your target. Lose 1 Lore
for your brutality.
1400 +1 ˆ Gain +1 Item slot of your choice. ˆ +1 to Any Skill 2. Your target refuses to
1550 +1 ˆ +1 Max Power Point ˆ Receive two attacks with one
talk. Nothing happens. 6 1
ranged weapon the first round of 3. Your newfound knowledge allows Roll your
you to regain 1 Power Point.
combat. Cannot use the Tracker Bounty!
ability when doing this. 4. You convince them to reveal a
useful resource. Draw 1 Item card. 5 4 3
1700 +2 ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: +5 Might and ˆ BOUNTY HUNTER: Choose 1 target
+1 Damage with ranged weapons. in combat and gain +1 Attack 5. You learn useful information that
ˆ INQUISITOR: +5 Might and against them, once per story.
skirmish, if you are the Leader.
+1 Damage with Swords. ˆ INQUISITOR: Spend 1 Power Point
to negate Coven effects for non- 6. Gain +5 Might against the next
Affliction Occultist‘s for one round. $බ LFWLRQ1RWVWDFNDEOH

•••• •
• In the Scope • • Tracker •
Hunt * Military Hunt CHAPEL INN
WITCH HUNTER WITCH HUNTER 45 ˆ Stole (Item): +1 FAITH 100 ˆ Writ of Capture (Item):
coin [Neck / Enhancement]. coin Your information gathering has
You have superior earned you valuable clues. Gain a
Gain +5 Might with skill at routing your 25 ˆ Blessed Bolts (Item): permanent +1 Damage against
ranged weapons enemies. Re-roll a coin Adds 3 Ammo with +5 Might Mortals. May only be purchased
to ranged weapons that uses once. Counts as an [Enhancement].
GXULQJWKHඳUVWURXQG missed ranged attack Ammo [Consumable].
of combat. Usable or recover one MARKET
during a skirmish. ammo. Usable 50 ˆ Weathered Cloak (Item):
during a skirmish. CHURCH OF THE coin +1 ECOLOGY and +2 Defense
[Back or neck / Protective].
1 1 free ˆ Faithful (Item): Once per story,
gain one Holy Water token for free. TINKER
60 ˆ Chain Link Helm (Item):
coin +4 Defense and +2 Vita
[Head / Protective].
GYPSY ENCAMPMENT 70 ˆ Chain Vest (Item): +5 Defense
ˆ Suspicion: Your extreme distrust coin and ABSORPTION 1 against
of gypsies is easily detected when you ranged attacks [Chest / Protective].
visit their camp. Each visit, roll a d6:
120 ˆ Great Sword (Item):
1: You cannot contain yourself and end up
coin 1d6+1, FLANK 1, FOCUS 10.
insulting the gypsy elder. Become WANTED. EXHAUST to make a second attack
2: The children, sensing your discomfort, attempt [2 Hands / Melee Weaponry].
to lure you into a rage. They steal 10 Coins.
3–4: Nothing Happens. 100 ˆ Silver Crossbow (Item):
5: Nervously checking your surroundings, you coin 1d6+1, TRUE, SILVER,
• Crossbow • accidentally stumble and injure yourself for 1 Vita.
FOCUS 10 and 4 Ammo. [2
Hands / Ranged Weaponry]
You are given a Bandage token in sympathy.
45 ˆ High Boots (Item):
FOCUS 1. 6: Taking pity on you for your discomfort, a
coin Ignore movement penalties
young fortune teller. Gain +2 Power Points. [Feet / Enhancement].
60 ˆ Steel Shield (Item): +5
2 10 coin Defense. EXHAUST to ignore all
+1 HANDS COINS damage and effects from one
WEAPON IT#FC78 attack [1 Hand / Protective].
•• •••

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