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Growth Assessment

James Stull

Azusa Pacific University

EDUC 549

History of Coursework

Table 1

History of Coursework

Course Term Professor Reflection

 This was my first class within the
educational technology masters program.
Its focus was on building an online
EDUC540 portfolio, which consisted of all the
Essentials in Spring 2 projects and information that we covered
Ms. Suffern
Learning & 2018 throughout the class. We also learned
Tech about the do's and don't of the uses of
technology in the classroom that stems
from the ISTE's.

 EDUC 547 was one of my favorite classes.

It started with Gardner's theory of
multiple intelligence, which really opened
EDUC547 up my eyes to how students learn. Then
Fall 1
Educational Dr. Courduff we did research on technology that would
Technology help enhance our lessons to help the
different learning intelligence's. We ended
up with an entire unit plan that focuses on
all the intelligence's.
 A website was the focus in this class. I
really enjoyed the creative side of this
class. We designed our website and put all
Digital Fall 2 Ms.
the information that we gained in the
Communi- 2018 Hernandez
cation course, like on screencasting, tweeting,
blogging, and everything that google has
to offer.
 548 was another great class. We used a
bunch of videoing and recording within the
EDUC548 lessons. We also learned about project
Emerging Spring 1 based learning and the dark sides of the
Mr. Holder
Trends in 2019 internet. Our final project was to research
Technology a new technology and report it to the rest
of the class, which was very beneficial.

 This final class looks like it will be a lot of
EDUC549 Spring 2 Dr. Courduff

fun also. We are going to reflect on what

Capstone we have done throughout the masters
Exp in program. Then we will be creating a
Learning and website that focuses on what we have
Tech learned throughout the program.

Personal Growth

Over the past year, I have grown tremendously. When I started the classes for my Master

of Art in Education, Learning and Technology (LRNT), I had just finished my credential and I

knew that teaching was going to be my passion, from all the great experiences I had during my

credential program. I didn’t know, however, just how much that I would change. Each and

every class had something to give, imbedded with the faith integrations that tied the lessons to

our one true teacher, Jesus Christ. Through looking at our faith and furthering my knowledge of

not only how to teach, but to connect to the students and change my lessons to something that

they would love and be interested in, has truly made me a better teacher and mentor to my


In the spring of 2016, God spoke to me and pointed me in the direction of teaching. I

was bored with my position of General Manager and needed to do something that had meaning.

I figured that at one time or another, almost all of my family were teachers, that I would give it a

try. I had no idea what it would take, but I needed to jump! So I jumped. My family supported

me fully and with the help of them and God, I pushed on through my classes. Working full time,

going to school, and trying to be the best father and husband I could be was truly a challenge, but

remembered a verse from the book of James within the, New International Version of the Bible,

that said, “blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that

person will receive the crown of life that the Lord had promised to those who love him” (James

1:12, NIV). I knew that if I kept at it, God would not let me fail and I would have the life that I

wanted and that he wanted for me.

During my student teaching, I had a student that showed me just how much of a

difference I could make. She was not the best student and had failed algebra the previous year,

so she was taking it again. You could tell at the beginning of the year that she was trying very

hard, but just didn’t get it. I tried numerous methods to try and get to her, but nothing seemed to

work. One day she came to me after school and asked for help. We sat down together and talked

for a few moments and I learned a little about her, finding out that she was a dancer. So I tried to

explain it to her in steps, like she would learn a new dance. Wow! She started to understand. By

the end of the semester, she was my best student. She was even helping other students with their

understanding. It really touched my heart!

Today, I feel even better with the tools that I have in my tool belt, that APU and God has

given me. Knowing that I have persevered and having the knowledge that I do about technology,

I can’t wait each and every day that I go into class. My principle pulled me aside not to long ago

and told me that he was very impressed with what I was doing and loved all of the new ideas and

projects that I did with the students. He gave me a little advice, to never stop trying new ideas in

the classroom, even if some of them didn’t work! Well, with God by my side, I will never stop


Professional Growth

As I look back on the past year, I see myself going from a full time substitute, with little

to no experience, to a much more confident and knowledgeable educator. I have grown so much,

with not only how I deliver a lesson, but with confidence and knowledge that I can use so many

different types of technology to assist me and reach so many levels of learners. As Walter

McKinzie wrote in his book on Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology, “There is no

longer a one-size-fits-all program for providing instruction to today’s students” (2005, pg 7).

We as teachers need to have a tool belt that is full of different types of instructional tools to

reach all of our students. The students are brought up with technology at their fingertips and

they love to use it, so why not use something they love and have mastered to help educate them?

The LRNT has done that for me and I now feel comfortable using technology in my class and

look forward to exploring new and different types of technology.

The second class that I took in the LRNT Masters program, was based on Gardner’s

Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) and how we could use technology to reach each of the

different types of MI’s. This was my favorite of all the classes, because it not only taught me

about the different types of students and how they learn, but it really showed me how we can use

technology to reach those students. I started to look at my students differently and analyze how

each one learned. My lessons started to evolve and I was no longer just using direct instruction

to teach math. We have made movies on the laws of integers, and set up a restaurant in my

classroom to teach percentages. I utilize my smart TV to reach my visual students and also have

programs like Geogebra on it so they can graph and measure angles to reach my kinesthetic

students. Next year, we are going to use Google Hangouts to talk to our sister school. It was

truly an eye opening class that had a great affect on my career.


From there, the rest of the classes fell into place and connected all the new programs to

what I have learned about my students. I can now do a flipped classroom for my students to

watch in stations, while I work with the other group on a different task. Starting next year, I will

have a website set up for my classes where the students will be able to get assignments when

they miss a day. When asked by other teachers about the program, I always say how much it has

helped me and recommend that they pursue a masters in technology.


Technical Growth

When I started the journey of changing my career and becoming a teacher, I was in an

industry that was what some people would say is old school. The golf business was very slow to

change because most of the people running the business preferred the old way, so they didn’t use

the technology that was readily available and they did not see its potential to streamline the

business environment. When I went back to school, I was a little hesitant to use some of the

technology. I had never even used the Google Suites, because as I mentioned earlier, we were

still using Microsoft, an old school program. I had no idea that I could share a document or

spreadsheet and work on it with another person at the same time, which Michael Crider of

Digital Trends says, the “ability to work together in an almost real time environment gives

Google a real advantage over Microsoft” (2015, para. 7). Google programs would have made

my job so much easier and massively more efficient, especially at budgeting time. I have come

so far and now no longer really fear technology, but look forward to what might come and how I

can use it within my classroom.

My first class at Azusa Pacific University (APU) did greatly require the use of technology

in the class, however, we had to film a video of us doing a commercial about a website. It took

me a long time to film the video, edit it, and then put music in the background. In my last class,

we were required to do two videos and because of the experience I gained in the previous class,

it was not overwhelming at all. In fact, I think that it only took me a few takes on the video,

which was a big improvement from the first class. I was so much more confident. This led

directly to me having my students use and produce videos as a means of learning in my


From that point on, I couldn’t wait to learn more about how I could use technology in the

classroom. One Ted Talk that really inspired me to change and really attempt to use as much

creativity and not be scared to try new things was Sir Ken Robinson’s talk on “Do Schools Kill

Creativity?” (February, 2006). He reiterated that the old way of teaching really takes creativity

out of schools and is basically hurting our students. I took this to heart and instead of teaching

with only direct instruction, which is what most people in my subject area do, I have tried to

work in using video, assign projects that require my students to be creative (i.e. making scale

copies, and learning by experiencing why things happen instead of me telling them that they

happen). This change, I hope has energized my students and I know that with this change they

will keep thinking and being creative. I will no longer fear using technology for the betterment of

my students.

Life Long Learning Plan

 I am going to study calculus to pass the third and final CSet, so I can teach upper


 I need one more year of CTI to clear my California Credential.

 I will need to get 17 credits to move all the way on the pay scale in my district

 When I retire, I would like to work at the church, so I want to take some pastoral classes.

 My wife has always talked about taking couples dance classes, so I think I want to learn

how to salsa dance.


This year has been an amazing journey and I am only looking forward to what is in store

for the rest of my career. APU and all the wonderful people that work for the University have

had a great impact on my life and I can not thank them enough. I have grown not only as a

teacher, but as an individual as well. This journey started with a person who needed a change

and I hope and know, in my heart, that this will end with me changing the lives of the young

people around me. I have learned so much about the craft of being a teacher and now that I look

back on this amazing time, I see how the use of these tools can enhance my lessons and connect

the students with something that they love (technology) and the subject matter. I can now push

them to understand not only the rules of mathematics, but why these rules exist and how they can

use them in their future careers and lives. APU has been instrumental for enabling me to make

the needed change and I will miss all the people that have touched and redirected my life.


Crider, M. (2015, November 10). Microsoft Word versus Google Docs. Digital Trends. Retrieved


McKenzie, W. (2005). Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology (2nd ed). Washington,

DC. International Society for Technology in Education.

Robinson, Sir K. (February, 2006). Do Schools Kill Creativity? [Video File]. Retrieved from:

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