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CH 7 - Q1. In general, what can Jennifer do to improve her employee interviewing practices?

she develop interview forms that list questions for management and non-management jobs? If so,
how should these look and what questions should be included? Should she initiate a computer-based
interview approach? If so, why and how?

It might be beneficial to start by conducting practice interviews, have the management practice
interviewing each other as well as Jennifer practicing hiring management. Interview forms would be very
helpful and management interviews should include questions that aren’t relevant or necessary during a
non-management interview.

Management questions could include questions/requests such as:

“Give a time when you lead a team to an accomplishment and how did you do it?”
“What is your greatest accomplishment?”
“How would your co-workers describe you?”
“What is your supervising style?”
“What is your definition of success/failure?”

Non-management questions might include:

“Do you work better with a team or alone?”

“Why are you looking to leave your current job?”
“How would your previous/current manager describe you?”
“What are your strengths/weaknesses?”

I do not think at this point it would be beneficial to initiate a computer-based interviews.

CH 7 – Q2. Should she implement an interview training program for her managers, and if so,
specifically what should be the content of such a training program? In other words, if she did decide to
start training her management people to be better interviewers, what should she tell them and how
should she tell it to them?

An interview training program for her managers would be quite beneficial. She should have the
managers interview each other to build their interviewing confidence. She should tell her managers that
each interview is important because someone you interview will be on your team. Doing your best to
ensure you are hiring the right person for, not only the job but also your team will only benefit the work
flow of the company in the long run.

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