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Eric Segovia

Dr. Anne Canavan

ENGL 2010

15 March 2019

Esports The New Face of Sports Infographic

Esports the new face of sports, is the title I decided to go with for my infographic. I

wanted to showcase to my audience how rapidly Esports popularity was increasing and grabbing

the attention of the younger generation. This topic grabbed my attention because I am a gamer

myself and I’m part of this Esport community and really wanted to incorporate my interests into

a research project that I could apply to this class. I’ve been participating in Esports and electronic

gaming since I was 13 playing League of Legends in my Parents basement and I want to bring

some light to this side of video games and show that eSports are not just video games but they

are electronic sports that require strategy, teamwork, and coordination. And these teams

represent more than themselves or the game but rather their country and community. Playing

esports is not something that anyone can just do like video games, to be an elite player you need

to put hours of work and climbing the ladder, so with this infographic I really want to prove that

eSports is more than just a game its technique, gaming skills, good hand-eye coordination, and

perfect communication skills. So, these are the things that I want to highlight in my infographic

to give my audience an idea of what Esports is about.

My target focus is between ages 14- 40 since these are the ages who have repeatedly

participated in the eSport community. The younger generation has a higher impact on the eSport

community since they have less responsibilities than an average adult. Even though adults still
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participate fully. I also want to address viewership which includes global activity and streaming

networks that work along side gaming teams. In this infographic I’m going to include different

graphs that compare monthly active users on various Esport games also the salary of top players

across the globe. My idea is to include various graphs and images to visually represent the

information from my infographic. I decided to do an infographic since it grabs the audience

attention right of the bat with the correct color and topic, since my topic is really popular to the

gaming community it’ll grab their attention as soon as they get a glimpse.

The color scheme I went for is a pastel yellow with bright orange and black block letters

to grab my readers attention. My title is in the biggest font because to me I feel that, that’s the

attention grabber for my audience, and the topic is very common to the younger generations

since now a days everyone knows or plays video games. Most of my infographic will have charts

specifically of each topic that seemed important to me to tell my audience. I’ll go in depth of

how rapidly Esports took off by different categories, like viewership, salaries, active users on a

daily and the winning prize pool each year for major events.

My first graph chart represents online viewership by gender, statistics show 70% are male

and 30% are female, I chose to include this because Esports tend to be seen as a very bias

community when it isn’t. I want to show my audience that Esports are for everybody that girls

can play video games and become professional players too. My second chart is Viewership’s on

twitch over a 4-year span, as you can see on the charts the numbers rose rapidly starting in 2015

with 1.5 million viewers compared to 2018 with 3.2 million viewers that’s an increase of 1.7

million viewers in just 4 years. My third chart is Salary Comparison to Esports and regular sports

the sports I included are the NFL and basketball. I want to show my audience that Esports
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professional players really do make big bucks compared to regular athletes, with Esports in the


In my fourth chart I want my audience to get a glimpse of how Esports spread through

out the world and how largely it impacted those countries, the major countries for Esports is

USA, China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and Brazil. My fifth Chart is a line graph that

represents how many active users are online on a daily throughout many Esports games, PUB G

being the highest because it can be played through many platforms like PC, Console, and smart

phones/tablets. My audience are going to be stunned to find out that so many people play on a

day-to-day basis. My last chart is the winning prize pools for 2018 and there are numerous

Esports prize pools with the Highest price pool being $41.26 million coming from DOTA 2. The

least prize pool is $4.17 million coming from COD: WW2 (Call of Duty: World War 2).

After peer review of my infographic I decided to make some changes based on the

comments I received. I now incorporated images of what an Esport tournament looks like, I think

that with the images it really enhances my idea that I’m trying to get across because I want to put

a face to the name. When people think of esports and realize they are video games they

automatically don’t take it seriously, but little do they know how competitive and worldwide

Esports really are. The images that I but through out my infographic show different real Esport

events, hundreds of people attend, and they fill huge stadiums. Not only do physical sports get

crowds but Esports do as well, so I wanted to connect with my audience and give a visual of this

full stadium. Esports has always been a big part of my life and its often not taken too seriously,

therefore I wanted to take this opportunity and really get the information out there of how

successful Esport players are and how they compare to regular athletes. My main focus was to

provide information in a way that would capture the attention of my readers but also exhibit
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reliable data. Esport are coming up in the world and as a player myself I want to encourage

others to participate and see the community Esports have created.

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